㈠ 請用英語翻譯一下這幾個句子, 1,餐館在醫院對面 2,郵局在旅館和醫院中間 3,昨天我去電影院了
1, the restaurant opposite the hospital
2, the post office in the middle of the hotel and hospital
3, I went to the cinema yesterday
4, would you like a bowl of tomato noodles?
5, TOM'd like to fly a kite
6, my mother told me not to stay up too late,
7, we make a fire!
㈡ 郵局在哪裡,在醫院的旁邊,英語翻譯
1.郵局:Post office,讀音[p?ust ??fis]國家專門從事郵政業務的部門,主要業務是傳遞信件和包裹、辦理匯兌、發行報刊等詳細解釋郵電業務的一大部門。2.書店:bookshop,讀音 ['b?k??p]古代的書店引叫書肆。書肆一詞,最早始於漢代。此外各朝代還有書林、書鋪、書棚、書堂、書屋、書籍鋪、書經籍鋪等名稱,它既刻書又賣書,這些名號,除統稱書肆外,宋代以後統稱為書坊。3.電影院:Cinema,讀[?s?n?m?]是為觀眾放映電影的場所。電影在產生初期,是在咖啡廳、茶館等場所放映的。隨著電影的進步與發展,出現了專門為放映電影而建造的電影院。4.醫院:hospital,讀[?h?sp?tl]醫院按照法律法規和行業規范,為病員開展必要的醫學檢查、治療措施、護理技術、接診服務、康復設備、救治運輸等服務,以救死扶傷為主要目的醫療機構。
㈢ mike和amy不知道電影院怎麼去,policeman告訴他們電影院在郵局旁邊。英語翻譯這句話
Mile and Amy didn't know how to go to the cinema. The policeman told them that the cinema is next to the post office .
㈣ 他們現在在電影院前面,直走,到書店右轉。他們到達了郵局的前面,然後他們左轉就到達餐館了的英語翻譯
順著路直走路過書店右轉,會看見一個郵局然後再左轉就會到達餐館,我大概是這樣理解你說的話 Go down the street pass by Bookstore right, you will see a post office and then turn left will arrive at the restaurant
㈤ 在電影院左轉,然後再直走,他看見一座科學博物館,科學博物館旁邊就是郵局。英文翻譯
Turn left at the cinema.and go straight. He can see the science museum.the post office is near the museum.
㈥ 電影院在左邊,挨著郵局。 The movie theater is ___,next to the post office.
at left hand
㈦ 郵局在電影院的東邊的英文趕快搜索
The post office is located at the east of the movie theatre.