導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 郵局和電影院挨著的英文


發布時間:2024-10-26 10:03:15

A. 電影院在左邊,挨著郵局。 The movie theater is ___,next to the post office.

at left hand

B. 郵局在電影院的東邊的英文趕快搜索

The post office is located at the east of the movie theatre.

C. 打擾一下,書店在醫院前面,電影院在郵局後面,用英語怎麼表示

excuse,me bookstore is in front of the hospital. cinema is behind the post office

D. 想告訴別人電影院在郵局附近可以說什麼(英語)

There is a cinema near a post office



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