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發布時間:2024-10-24 00:26:08

A. 一個英語作品的讀後感和英文電影的影評,要英語的,初二別太難,80詞左右,急!

The Ugly Duckling withi ts poetic beauty and comedy humor toshow the unique artistic style.The Ugly Duckling is Anderson'snovels,fantasy elements ralative weakening,angmented reality component.The pusuit of better life,but also reveals the lack of confidence in the depression.The Ugly Duckling is famous around the world.Up to now many people still think The Ugly Duckling is perfect and unbelievable.
"This is a full of feeling,grand,beautiful movie.A real dream,a beautiful new world!"——global screen
Let's come into the Avatar."You're never seen CGI in a movie like this!""Just look like real!"The andience so evaluation.
IF the use of literature to compare,the Avatar is in fact the folk literature,is a fairy tale,but not too much——contemporary fiction movie audiences accustomed to fictional narrative.

B. 電影,安妮日記,觀後感,英文版,80詞

Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature, can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death, Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary as her friends, her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life. 安妮日記英文讀後感
After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank", my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne's children. War is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.
Do not like history repeating itself, pray for world peace forever. 安妮·弗蘭克(Anne Frank)是德籍猶太人。她留上去的日誌使她名噪一時。一六歲死於貝爾根─貝爾森會合營,她的日誌成為二次大戰期間納粹清除猶太人的最佳見證,日誌中顯現了驚人的勇氣與毅力。 安妮出生於德國的法蘭克福,是奧托·弗蘭克(Otto Frank)一家的小女兒,家中另有母親艾迪斯·弗蘭克(Eddis Frank)姐姐瑪格特(Margot Frank)。由於其時納粹德國排擠猶太人風氣日盛。父親 奧托便保持於德國的事業而將家庭移至荷蘭阿姆斯特丹。一家過著較為平順的生存;但是一九四零年五月後,荷蘭為德國攻佔之後,荷蘭的新統治者英誇特也將排猶法律於荷蘭執行,一九四一年夏天安妮姐妹也因此轉入猶太人學校就讀。這段期間安妮開端寫日誌。 安妮日記英文讀後感

C. 愛麗絲夢遊仙境英語80字讀後感!!!我很急!!拜託了

I found the new Alice to be a refreshing view of the original story, which we all know and are over-bored with. It was funny to see how they imagined Wonderland to evolve in time, yet keeping the same fictional characters. The visual effects give depth to the 'wonderland' feeling, and are remarkably well done.
This movie is a classical story of a girl adventuring in a fantasy world and discovering the courage inside her, which will help her deal with the issues in her real life. Even if the story is predictable, the movie is never boring. I really enjoyed watching it!



D. 求一篇外國電影讀後感英語80詞左右,初中水平

The movie was totally funny and the graphics was superb. Especially, Sid the Sloth was the funniest of all and his voice was also funny. My favorite characters were Diego and Soto because of their Saber tooth and they were so superb in the movie. Manny and Scrat were also funny. All the Scrat scenes were so funny. The last scene was also cool. The baby was very cute and that is also favorite character. When Sid says to Manny that I can take care of the baby, that scene was also funny. Even, the Rhinos were superb. The Voice of Soto and Diego, was superb and it was a harsh voice given by the people. The melon scene and the sliding scene were funny. I should Really appreciate the creators of "Ice Age".
翻譯: 這部電影完全是有趣和圖形是一流的。 特別是,所有的樹懶希德是最搞笑,他的聲音也有趣。我最喜歡的角色是迭戈和Soto因為他們知道牙齒和電影中他們是如此傑出。曼尼和奎特也有趣。 所有的松鼠戲很有趣。最後一幕也很酷。 寶寶很可愛,也是最喜歡的角色。當希德說曼尼,我可以照顧孩子,還好笑的那一幕。甚至,犀牛了
翻譯: 這部電影完全是有趣和圖形是一流的。 特別是,所有的樹懶希德是最搞笑,他的聲音也有趣。我最喜歡的角色是迭戈和Soto因為他們知道牙齒和電影中他們是如此傑出。曼尼和奎特也有趣。 所有的松鼠戲很有趣。最後一幕也很酷。 寶寶很可愛,也是最喜歡的角色。當希德說曼尼,我可以照顧孩子,還好笑的那一幕。甚至,犀牛了

E. 求英語觀後感,80詞左右,初二水平。。。

Reading "Robinson Crusoe" after flu
28 years, 28 years of, a good number of astounding ah to me like an astronomical figure, I leave the house for no more than one month, let alone a few years. Robinson has to be an isolated island in the 28 years of life, also collected his servant, established their own kingdom ... we can see how Robinson's courage ah. I like Robinson did have the determination and perseverance, labor, own hands to create wealth, the final victory.

F. 英語格列佛游記電影觀後感80詞左右(英文)

When I first saw this book, I thought it was like "Robinson Crusoe" as the novel. When I opened the book, read the foreword of the book know, this was a fairy tale full of satirical novels of color. But the fairy tale story is just the surface color of the local characteristics of acute deep irony is its soul.
He sarcastically told Britain at the time of the characteristics: "Greed, for the party, hypocrisy, no letter, brutal, angry, mad, resentment, envy, Yin Yu, and the sinister ambitions." Dig at his description of the animal were to reverse the bizarre phenomenon: Ma The carrier has become a rational, and people are into dirty foul, flying urine, greed, and other animals to make things difficult for the next Yehuda (yahoo). He talked about human nature, is willing to be enslaved by money, not extravagance and waste that is insatiable. Ironically, the author not only a variety of British society at that time, I think it is more important is that negative whole of human society. Yehuda on behalf of humanity, and the main character is so obnoxious Yehuda. The book reveals the author's all between the lines of social discontent.

On the other hand, the main character in the country as a result of Hui Hui and as a result of the life he was most memorable. Their country will not be that evil word, such as: deceit, suspicion, and so cunning like the word. So they will not have a social deception, doubt, cunning, the frame-up, conspiracy, bribery ... .... That is a real world full of happiness and joy. Even when the main character to leave there when the sadness of tears shed.

After reading "Gulliver's Travels", we can not look at ourselves, we who have chronic illness, such Liegen shadow.

Although our society does not decline as the United Kingdom at that time, but where to go or not. Petty theft, throw litter, destruction of public property. Are all around us everywhere. Arson murder, drug smuggling, the brutal crazy. We are also frequently seen on television, have been surprising.
The turbidity of such a society, it is up to us to clarify. Now we can not make any grand things to come, but we can do we can do. Even if the head is picked up a piece of garbage, environmental protection, to write an article, call relatives and friends ... ... This is easily we can do.

I hope that our society from generation to generation in our efforts, as has become the country as a result of Hui society. I would like to pay, what I have to start from now in order to allow the community a little more sunshine and less pollution.

G. 10篇英語電影讀後感80字左右

1. "Peter Pan Peter Pan" Du Hougan

Reading the "Peter Pan Peter Pan" This famous work, I benefited from, I know that every child will grow up in this truth. Many children do not want to grow up and do not want to go to school, just want to play every day. Peter Pan is the hero of the book, he is a always the boys do not want to grow up. He never lived in this rural paradise like the same place, where there is such as the bell sounds as beautiful fairy, a mermaid hair, Zhang Buda children, mystery, like the Indians, ferocious pirates and will issue a "ticking "Voice of the crocodile. However, the rich and colorful life, but not a substitute for the mother's desire to Peter. Thus, an equally do not want to grow up, the girls never went to the rural based, on the children when the "mother." They never started in the various rural singular adventure. However, the final text still choose Beattie grew up. She took the children from Nashan mother has for her to fly back to open the windows in the home. And that is always reluctant to grow up the boys, Peter, even though the world can have a happy, but can not enjoy from the warmth of a family. He can only be separated by windows, secretly Zhang Wang window within the stove, a smiling face and kinship. And then quietly walked away, and fairies to disappear in the night sky.
Yes ah! Although the township never happy, it does not have the warmth of family, wonderful life. Everyone will grow up and grow into a tree shoring days, as long as our dreams have never townships, and also when they grow up will be very happy and live a more exciting.

2. "Wizard of Oz" Du Hougan

Reading the "Wizard of Oz" This novel, I understand the friendliness and mutual assistance among people should unite as one, is not afraid of all the difficulties and move forward the truth.
In the main text of more than Lucy gave a young girl aunt and uncle living in the Prairies, one day, the wind suddenly Vol dragon boat suddenly struck, she and her hut, a puppy with Gua Meng Jin Renqing surprising places. Accidental death of the hut where the evil witch in the East, more than Lucy as a noble woman was magic, and access to the evil Witch of the East Bank of shoes. She very much like to go home, north of good witches guide her to go to the distant country Feicui Cheng Aoci find a magician Aoci help. Lucy has rescued more than the way the brain to find the scarecrow, tin and find the heart to find the courage of a lion…… several in the way they help each other, overcome all difficulties, and the final realization of their own wish.
This fairy tale story of breathtaking twists and turns, praised the kindness, courage and the quality of fraternity and mutual help, ideal for the spirit of persistent struggle, is always worthy of our study.

3. "Robinson Crusoe" Du Hougan

Reading the "Robinson Crusoe" I know when we are under any circumstances, should believe and respect for their wisdom and courage and the tenacity to overcome self-to overcome the difficulties.
This book's main character from childhood who was born in a wealthy family, for their interest in sailing at all to leave their parents, uprooted from their homes, began Chuyang adventure experience. This person's life experience is strange unheard of, and changes in Wanan his life is unique. But the final text of the hero by virtue of its clever exceptional courage and wisdom to overcome all the world seems difficult to overcome the difficulties. He's such wisdom and courage of our life in all of the things Buwan.
4Rain Man Many people hold the opinion that American people care only money and themselves, they dispose no attention to others, even their relatives. The film Rain Man (雨人) described about how a self-centered businessman retrieved his family affection. Charlie Babbitt is frantically trying to straighten out his failing Los Angles business which involves expensive import cars. One day he receives word that his father, with whom he has had no contact for years, had died. At the reading of his bill, he learns that he has received a pittance, and that his father』s 3 million-dollar fortune has gone into a trust. Whom is the trust for? Charlie discovers with a shock that it goes to support an older brother he never knew he had. His brother Raymond is a 「high-level」 autistic, who has been institutionalized for years. Angry that he has been cut out of his share of the inheritance, Charlie takes Raymond out of the mental home and vows to bring him to live in Califomia, then they head out on a cross-country odyssey of discovery. Charlie at first does not quite seem to accept the dimensions of Raymond』s world and grows frustrated at what looks like almost willful stubbornness. Eventually, Charlie has learned how to pay attention, how to listen, and how to be at least a little patient some of the time. He gets in touch with things that are more important than selling cars. In the film, family affection beats money. The story was simple, but the meaning was much deeper. It reflected vividly the conflict between money and the affection, inspired people to consider money』s value again. 5 the feeling about a film< a pursuit of happiness>it calls 當幸福來敲門

I know this movie is from my friend chirs song. I had looked it very very carefully .beacuse I must to give my opinion. after the movie end .just now, I have just sit through with my friend wanghua. This time is a half past ten, at night.well, please allow me introce the hero Chirs Gardner and his family.Mr Gardner is a very smart man , he was married ,he have a beautiful wife linda and a cute son Christopher. It seems a happily family .that was not true. He found other people were all happiness it seems only he not .why? he hadn』t good job,they have no money. they were bearing a heavy burden . he could not afford to the rent .You know that 『s situation was so awful and his wife couldn』t bear in the end, she leaved him to other city for job .chris felt so sorrowful in those days.He love her very much. Although ,chirs never didn』t give up to pursuit their happiness. Cause his son.he is a absolutely men .he was going to change the worst life. He was starting to study how to become a great brokerstock. then he through his efforts, he finally get it ,he is successed .in my opinion, not everyone can really catch happiness,and to succeed . Chirs is really smart and struggling.nowadays,there are lot of people, they are also struggling and smart ,but they will not always succeed.so I think Chirs is so lucky. I know the movie was depicted a true story ,so I just felt he was really lucy.only spend six months ,he catched the happiness. at that time,that is egregious. success needs wise brain and a great of courage and efforts.he is both general and special person.Maybe Chirs just like most of people, so we can felt the same feeling . As above is my own depiction and personal perspective , I want to you can get your precious advices after reading .
thank you so much! 06 阿甘正傳觀後感
Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS. He said: 「Man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. I thank that's the meaning of my running.」 Say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. A Gan does and becomes 「GOD」. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War. He said that his fate is death in war. However, Mr. A Gan saved him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, complaining that A

Gan shouldn't save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan's help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance.
See the over movie 《 gong with the wind 》 , I am very to move for ruide this person image.The ruide is handsome and natural and unrestrained, the magic power is endless, humor and wit, the strength is brave, he is rich, respecting again female, to love faithful.He again is a person who can see what others cann't, again sharp insight with the person of the self-control dint, and have to do the standard ownly.He is limitless ocean in elephant, thick forest in elephant, and can make female dependent on.The sijiali becomes friends with the ruide empress knot over the two marriage,however, ruide has been having no to changes the slightest to her the original intention, liking this in love with attitude the ream is felt by me get a fright.The writer gave the great breadth of view in ruide, he tolerate other people's mistake, respecting other people's right always.In his in the mind, men and women are complete equal.I do not know that still had the more perfect than this image what kind of male.

H. 英語電影讀後感80字

1. "Peter Pan Peter Pan" Du Hougan Reading the "Peter Pan Peter Pan" This famous work, I benefited from, I know that every child will grow up in this truth. Many children do not want to grow up and do not want to go to school, just want to play every day. Peter Pan is the hero of the book, he is a always the boys do not want to grow up. He never lived in this rural paradise like the same place, where there is such as the bell sounds as beautiful fairy, a mermaid hair, Zhang Buda children, mystery, like the Indians, ferocious pirates and will issue a "ticking "Voice of the crocodile. However, the rich and colorful life, but not a substitute for the mother's desire to Peter. Thus, an equally do not want to grow up, the girls never went to the rural based, on the children when the "mother." They never started in the various rural singular adventure. However, the final text still choose Beattie grew up. She took the children from Nashan mother has for her to fly back to open the windows in the home. And that is always reluctant to grow up the boys, Peter, even though the world can have a happy, but can not enjoy from the warmth of a family. He can only be separated by windows, secretly Zhang Wang window within the stove, a *** iling face and kinship. And then quietly walked away, and fairies to disappear in the night sky. Yes ah! Although the township never happy, it does not have the warmth of family, wonderful life. Everyone will grow up and grow into a tree shoring days, as long as our dreams have never townships, and also when they grow up will be very happy and live a more exciting. 2. "Wizard of Oz" Du Hougan Reading the "Wizard of Oz" This novel, I understand the friendliness and mutual assistance among people should unite as one, is not afraid of all the difficulties and move forward the truth. In the main text of more than Lucy gave a young girl aunt and uncle living in the Prairies, one day, the wind suddenly Vol dragon boat suddenly struck, she and her hut, a puppy with Gua Meng Jin Renqing surprising places. Accidental death of the hut where the evil witch in the East, more than Lucy as a noble woman was magic, and access to the evil Witch of the East Bank of shoes. She very much like to go home, north of good witches guide her to go to the distant country Feicui Cheng Aoci find a magician Aoci help. Lucy has rescued more than the way the brain to find the scarecrow, tin and find the heart to find the courage of a lion…… several in the way they help each other, overe all difficulties, and the final realization of their own wish. This fairy tale story of breathtaking ists and turns, praised the kindness, courage and the quality of fraternity and mutual help, ideal for the spirit of persistent struggle, is always worthy of our study. 3. "Robinson Crusoe" Du Hougan Reading the "Robinson Crusoe" I know when we are under any circumstances, should believe and respect for their wisdom and courage and the tenacity to overe self-to overe the difficulties. This book's main character from childhood who was born in a wealthy family, for their interest in sailing at all to leave their parents, uprooted from their homes, began Chuyang adventure experience. This person's life experience is strange unheard of, and changes in Wanan his life is unique. But the final text of the hero by virtue of its clever exceptional courage and wisdom to overe all the world seems difficult to overe the difficulties. He's such wisdom and courage of our life in all of the things Buwan. 4Rain Man Many people hold the opinion that American people care only money and themselves, they dispose no attention to others, even their relatives. The film Rain Man (雨人) described about how a self-centered busines *** an retrieved his family affection. Charlie Babbitt is frantically trying to straighten out his failing Los Angles business which involves expensive import cars. One day he receives word that his father, with whom he has had no contact for years, had died. At the reading of his bill, he learns that he has received a pittance, and that his father』s 3 million-dollar fortune has gone into a trust. Whom is the trust for? Charlie discovers with a shock that it goes to support an older brother he never knew he had. His brother Raymond is a 「high-level」 autistic, who has been institutionalized for years. Angry that he has been cut out of his share of the inheritance, Charlie takes Raymond out of the mental home and vows to bring him to live in Califomia, then they head out on a cross-country odyssey of discovery. Charlie at first does not quite seem to accept the dimensions of Raymond』s world and grows frustrated at what looks like almost willful stubbornness. Eventually, Charlie has learned how to pay attention, how to listen, and how to be at least a little patient some of the time. He gets in touch with things that are more important than selling cars. In the film, family affection beats money. The story was simple, but the meaning was much deeper. It reflected vividly the conflict beeen money and the affection, inspired people to consider money』s value again. 5 the feeling about a film< a pursuit of happiness>it calls 當幸福來敲門 I know this movie is from my friend chirs song. I had looked it very very carefully .beacuse I must to give my opinion. after the movie end .just now, I have just sit through with my friend wanghua. This time is a half past ten, at night.well, please allow me introce the hero Chirs Gardner and his family.Mr Gardner is a very *** art man , he was married ,he have a beautiful wife linda and a cute son Christopher. It seems a happily family .that was not true. He found other people were all happiness it seems only he not .why? he hadn』t good job,they have no money. they were bearing a heavy burden . he could not afford to the rent .You know that 『s situation was so awful and his wife couldn』t bear in the end, she leaved him to other city for job .chris felt so sorrowful in those days.He love her very much. Although ,chirs never didn』t give up to pursuit their happiness. Cause his son.he is a absolutely men .he was going to change the worst life. He was starting to study how to bee a great brokerstock. then he through his efforts, he finally get it ,he is successed .in my opinion, not everyone can really catch happiness,and to succeed . Chirs is really *** art and struggling.nowadays,there are lot of people, they are also struggling and *** art ,but they will not always succeed.so I think Chirs is so lucky. I know the movie was depicted a true story ,so I just felt he was really lucy.only spend six months ,he catched the happiness. at that time,that is egregious. success needs wise brain and a great of courage and efforts.he is both general and special person.Maybe Chirs just like most of people, so we can felt the same feeling . As above is my own depiction and personal perspective , I want to you can get your precious advices after reading . thank you so much! 06 阿甘正傳觀後感 Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS. He said: 「Man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. I thank that's the meaning of my running.」 Say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. A Gan does and bees 「GOD」. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War. He said that his fate is death in war. However, Mr. A Gan saved him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, plaining that A Gan shouldn't save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan's help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance. 07電影《飄》觀後感 See the over movie 《 gong with the wind 》 , I am very to move for ruide this person image.The ruide is handsome and natural and unrestrained, the magic power is endless, humor and wit, the strength is brave, he is rich, respecting again female, to love faithful.He again is a person who can see what others cann't, again sharp insight with the person of the self-control dint, and have to do the standard ownly.He is limitless ocean in elephant, thick forest in elephant, and can make female dependent on.The sijiali bees friends with the ruide empress knot over the o marriage,however, ruide has been having no to changes the slightest to her the original intention, liking this in love with attitude the ream is felt by me get a fright.The writer gave the great breadth of view in ruide, he tolerate other people's mistake, respecting other people's right always.In his in the mind, men and women are plete equal.I do not know that still had the more perfect than this image what kind of male.

I. 要英語電影讀後感80字3片

Blue Velve



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