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① 超能陸戰隊(bay max)100字英語簡介

White is a robot, the whole body made from white composite material, has the very good elasticity, to protect themselves and others. It is intelligent robot, accompany can form a complete set of change the different types of computer chips, then can complete different tasks, it also can communicate with humans, take the human mind and emotion, finally in order to protect the human good friend self-sacrifice.

② 超能陸戰隊簡短中英簡介


在一個融合東西方文化(舊金山+東京)的虛構大都市舊京山(San Fransokyo)中,一位精通機器人技術的小神童阿宏發現,這座充斥高新技術的城市正遭遇著一場犯罪危機。


In San Fransokyo, a fictional metropolis that integrates East and West cultures (San Francisco + Tokyo), Ahong, a prodigy expert in robotics, finds that this high-tech city is facing a crime crisis.

In order to break down the plot to save its home, he will bring his partner robots to the fore and join the gang. The hard rookie rookie team formed a union of "super Marine Corps" to fight against evil.

《超能陸戰隊》(Big Hero 6)是迪士尼與漫威聯合出品的第一部動畫電影,取材於由Steven T. Seagle和Duncan Rouleau在1998年開始連載的以日本為背景的動作科幻類漫畫。




③ 超能陸戰隊簡介英語版帶中文解釋

未來世界的超級都市舊京山(San Fransokyo),熱愛發明創造的天才少年小宏,在哥哥泰迪的鼓勵下參加了羅伯特·卡拉漢教授主持的理工學院機器人專業的入學大賽。他憑借神奇的微型磁力機器人贏得觀眾、參賽者以及考官的一致好評,誰知突如其來的災難卻將小宏的夢想和人生毀於一旦。大火燒毀了展示會場,而哥哥為了救出受困的卡拉漢教授命喪火場。身心飽受創傷的小宏閉門不出,哥哥生前留下的治療型機器人大白則成為安慰他的唯一夥伴。原以為微型機器人也毀於火災,誰知小宏和大白竟意外發現有人在某座廢棄工廠內大批量地生產他的發明。
The future of the world super city of old Jingshan (San Fransokyo), love of invention talent in small macro, Tactic brother encouragement attended professor Robert Callaghan presided over the College of science and Engineering Professional School of robot contest. By virtue of his mini magnetic magic robot won the audience, contestants and examiner alike, who knows the disaster will come unexpectedly small macro dream and life be destroyed on one day. The fire destroyed the exhibition hall, and the elder brother in order to save the trapped professor Callaghan hit the scene. And the traumatised small macro white treatment robot keep close at home, brother had left to become his only comfort partner. Thought the micro robot also destroyed in the fire, who knows a little macro and large white unexpectedly found someone in an abandoned factory in the proction of large quantities of his invention.
Later my brother's friends Fred and others joined in, Super Soldier Combat equipment they put on a small macro invention, and a mysterious rival sinister plot of the battle......

④ 《超能陸戰隊》英語影評(請大致說明電影內容


⑤ 電影超能陸戰隊 用英文介紹每個主要人物

The special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes A story about the bond that develops between Baymax, a plus-sized inflatable robot, and prodigy Hiro Hamada. When a devastating event befalls the city of San Fransokyo and catapults Hiro into the midst of danger, he turns to Baymax and his close friends adrenaline junkie Go Go Tomago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred. Determined to uncover the mystery, Hiro transforms his friends into a band of high-tech heroes called "Big Hero 6."

⑥ 超能陸戰隊主要內容(最好加上英文翻譯)

未來世界的超級都市舊京山(San Fransokyo),熱愛發明創造的天才少年小宏,在哥哥泰迪的鼓勵下參加了羅伯特·卡拉漢教授主持的理工學院機器人專業的入學大賽。他憑借神奇的微型磁力機器人贏得觀眾、參賽者以及考官的一致好評,誰知突如其來的災難卻將小宏的夢想和人生毀於一旦。
據美術設計Scott Watanabe介紹,影片發生在一個平行宇宙,在這個宇宙中,1906年舊金山大地震後,一群日本移民利用特殊的移動建築技術重建了它。這座城市被重新命名為「舊京山 San Fransokyo」。
「白胖子」的面部設計讓人想起一種日本傳統風鈴,導演Don Hall在拜訪日本的寺廟時汲取了靈感。白胖子的肢體動作設計則模仿了企鵝寶寶。
「超能陸戰隊」的兩個成員Silver Samurai與Sunfire未能在影片中出現,由於他們用時是屬於「X戰警」中的角色,因而電影版權歸屬二十世紀福斯所有。
將舊金山和東京結合在一起生成一個新的奇妙的城市, 這個想法來自於迪士尼動畫的掌門人約翰·拉塞特。

⑦ 用一篇英文短文介紹一下超能陸戰隊,簡單點。

「Big Hero 6"is the Disney and the combined proction of the first animation film, on November 7, 2014, in the form of 3 d release in North America.Domestic final on February 28, 2015 in the mainland.
」Big Hero 6"focuses on inflatable robot to light and prodigy hom novice friend together to form a superhero team, common crime story plot.
On February 23, 2015, the film won the 87th Oscar award for "best animated feature".
《超能陸戰隊》是迪士尼與漫威聯合出品的第一部動畫電影,於2014年11月7日以3D形式在北美上映。 國內公映版於2015年2月28日在內地上映。

⑧ 超能陸戰隊(bay max)100字英語簡介

White is a robot, the whole body made from white composite material, has the very good elasticity, to protect themselves and others. It is intelligent robot, accompany can form a complete set of change the different types of computer chips, then can complete different tasks, it also can communicate with humans, take the human mind and emotion, finally in order to protect the human good friend self-sacrifice.

⑨ 電影 超能陸戰隊的英文簡介

Big hero 6 is Disney's first animated feature with marvel.


Based on the Japanese action science fiction comics serialized by Steven t. Seagle and Duncan Rouleau in 1998.

(取材於由Steven T. Seagle和Duncan Rouleau在1998年開始連載的以日本為背景的動作科幻類漫畫。)

Directed by don hall and Chris Williams, the film features the voices of Ryan porter, Scott edgett and t. j. miller.


Released in 3D in North America on November 7, 2014.


The domestic version was released on the mainland on February 28, 2015.


Big hero 6 tells the story of the inflatable robot baymax and the genius boy hiro to form a super team with a junior partner.


The story of conspiracy against crime.








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