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Ⅰ 英語作文我看過的一部電影300字

I saw a movie called "Nemo", I see the beautiful underwater world inside, blue sea life with hundreds of marine organisms, a lovely and beautiful girl Octopus jellyfish, and good big turtle. There are many beautiful sea algae, sea anemones, corals and be riotous with colour.
In the sea there is a red orange clown fish Nemo, he called. Once when he and students go to the cliff play caught a dentist, Nemo's father to save him, fling caution to the winds of the chase, along the way, he fell to the three terrible sharks in his hand, but he used his wisdom and courage to let mine explosion, blow them to fly, he also with sharp blame giant shark, fight, and through the poisonous jellyfish swarm, after go through untold hardships, he in many animal friends help, he finally found his son -- nemo.
Look at them hugs in together, I also cried. I think my mom and dad must also like Nemo's father loved me.

Ⅱ 誰能給我寫一篇冰雪公主的電影英文影評 字數300字即可,普通作文,感激不盡~!!!

Casey Carlyle (Michelle Trachtenberg) anchors the proction about a young, gifted woman of seventeen who is both athletic and intellectual. She has a conflict. Her mother, Mrs. Caryle (Joan Cusack), teaches in a local Connecticut college and is quite aware that her daughter is a physics geek with straight A's in a subject in which everyone I know was lucky to get C's. She has a chance to use her brain to get a full scholarship to Harvard, but her mother's dream is not Casey's. The personable, otherwise malleable Casey, is as excellent a figure skater as she is a budding physicist and wants to postpone her physics ambitions to train for the Olympics to be held in 2006. This conflict provides most of the tension in this G-rated movie, which has a targeted audience of girls between the ages of, say, ten to eighteen.

Despite the presumed audience for "Ice Princess," Fywell's feature, however formulaic, can find a paying crowd of people of any age and both genders, largely because the acting is so good and even more, because the characters are painted in shades of gray rather than black or white. No one in the story is all bad, and though there are no villains, each character is flawed.

Casey's problem is that she expends too much effort dealing with her conflict. Though she's about to graate from high school, she's still a mama's girl, always on the verge of giving up her dream simply because her mother insists that there's but an eight-year shelf life for figure skaters. Mrs. Carlyle's weakness is that while she recognizes and applauds her daughter's accomplishments in science, she is so deaf to Casey's own wishes that she does not attend the young woman's training sessions and seems intent on ignoring Casey's performance in an all-important competition. Tina Harwood (Kim Cattrall), who is Casey's coach and a good one at that who insists that her students fall in line at the rink at 5:30 each morning, is at an opposite pole from Mrs. Carlyle. She pushes her own daughter, Gen (Hayden Panettiere), to practice compulsively on the rink, deaf to hints that the girl wants to be just a regular teen eager to chuck skating altogether. For her part Gen is at first hostile to Casey as both are training for the same sport but over the course of the story learns to appreciate her rival's talents and to become her best friend.

Most of us in the audience are presumably out of touch with the competitive world of ice skating, thinking that the ice is meant only for the use of sportsmen especially from Canada who enjoy pushing a puck along the field and getting into fights with their rivals. We not only become attuned to this world but see quite a few examples of the sport in action, as competitive skaters like Korean-American Tiffany (Jocelyn Lai), whose father (Paul Sun- Hyung Lee) works two jobs to further his girl's ambitions, do triples, deep bends, whirls and whatever else impresses the bench full of judges who score every second of each skater as though the sport were a matter of life and death.

Ⅲ 作文 我最熟悉的一部電影 300字


Ⅳ 關於superman的英文文章


Superman has been around for a long time. He's been here through a World War. He's lasted seven decades and counting. So it's safe to say he's been through his share of monumental stories. But the most defining and central Superman comic had to be The Death of Superman in Superman #75 in 1992.

Never had comic books captured the media like they did sixteen years ago in 1992. One of the greatest fictional icons in modern day America died, and the nation took notice. It became a media circus and QVC was doing specials hosted by Dan Jurgens selling copies left and right. This was at the height of the speculator market, and quite possibly the final nail in the coffin that would see the comic instry spiral downwards for a number of years afterward.

But all things aside, The Death of Superman was something to behold. In the story, the villain Doomsday and Superman fight to the bitter end. Neither one of them will give an inch, and Doomsday doesn't seem like he can be beaten. At the close of their battle, both are left dead and laying in the middle of the street in downtown Metropolis.

The powerful imagery of Superman laying battered, bloody and defeated in the arms of Lois Lane, who his holding his head up is phenomenal. Then, as the page is unfolded, Superman's head drops and the tears begin to flow. It had a very spiritual connotation relating it somewhat to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross in the way the death was depicted.

Many praised the story, while many saw it as a cheap promotional ploy. It was actually both, and for a while it succeeded as both. And, as everyone knows, Superman sales hadn't been great and people were bored with the character. So mixing it up like this did something special for the Man of Steel - it got people interested.

Following the death of Superman comic was a story line called Reign of the Supermen in which four new Supermen came on the scene, each claiming to be the real Superman. One was Superboy, who we would later discover was a clone of both Superman and Lex Luthor. Another was John Henry Irons, who later became known as Steel. One was thought to be the true Superman, but turned out to be a Cyborg. And the last was The Eradicator, who ended up being a part of the original Superman's soul, but without the balance humanity had given him.

Later, as planned and expected, the true Superman rose from the grave sporting a new hairdo and donning a new black costume for a while.

Whether the story is viewed as a cheap ploy or a history changing mega story, the fact is that The Death of Superman comic was one hot comic.

We all know the story. A traveler from another planet crash lands on earth, is raised by a farmer and his wife, then grows up to be the greatest hero that ever lived. He possesses powers the likes the world has never seen, and because of his modest, honest upbringing, he possesses the traits we all strive for. He's nearly perfect in every way.

The most proliferate of all DC Comic Heros, Superman stands for all the good things in life: truth, justice, freedom, kindness, wisdom, strength, etc. And yet, it's because of these very traits that his popularity has waned from time to time, and the readership of his books, for a long time, steadily declined. People couldn't relate to him in the least, and could certainly never live up to him. And that turned people off.

Sure, Clark Kent, the alter ego of the Man of Steel, is supposed to be the one people can relate to. He is the mild-mannered, polite, bumbling everyman that provides the perfect disguise for the Kryptonian superhero. Except that Clark Kent is a boy scout, whose values and morals are every bit as stout as Superman's himself. And thus, it makes it hard to relate to and live up to even being Clark Kent!

The core of every Superman story used to be Superman swooping in to save the day from immoral villains and ruffians. Even Lex Luthor was the epitome of evil incarnate throughout the Superman mythos. But now, and for a while, Luthor has become more than just evil. He has become a villain with a purpose, and a purpose that makes sense! His twisted views and outlook on things gained him the presidency of the United States in the DC Universe for a time, which caused a great deal of conflict for Superman, who knew how evil Lex truly was.

In recent years, Superman has evolved somewhat, and has shown his weaknesses, and I'm not talking about vulnerability. In an attempt to make Superman more vulnerable and relatable, DC took a chance by challenging his thinking when one of his best friends kills someone, then he loses his powers, and the entire world goes without Superman for over a year. When he does come back, though, he's the boy scout again, and is involved in the typical Superman stories of old.

No matter what they do, DC can't seem to make Superman a relatable character anymore without changing the core of who the character is. Until that balance is reached, Superman's popularity will continue, but his readership will suffer.

You can be a suburban Superman who does it all!

Be a husband and a father and always accomplish your goals, by focusing on what's important and what's in front of you at the time. It's the opposite of multi-tasking. It's compartmentalization.

Compartmentalization is best symbolized within the bow of the martial artist as he enters the dojo. The bow emphasizes the ideal, that outside distractions are left at the door. It says, unequivocally, I am here to learn and give one hundred percent of myself in the process.

Don't do more things at once. Do one thing at a time and do it well.

Be a family man. Spend evenings at home with your family. Eat dinner together, talk about your day, play games, finish homework and prepare for bedtime. The bedtime rituals can be rewarding and perplexing at the same time, so here's where routine has it's rewards.

Be a son, be a brother or sister, be a survivor, be a writer, be a businessman, be a life-long learner and a teacher. You can be all of these things, all at once and one at a time. Concentrate on each one separately, as you are involved with related activities, and give 100 % of yourself in the process. You will be amazed at the overall results that will appear in every area of your life.

When you affect one area of your life in a positive manner, you will find every area of your life is positively affected.

Anyone can be Superman! Compartmentalize your life. Make time for what is important now, and be totally within that moment. Opportunities present themselves and then disappear like a vapor.

Avoid time-wasters like the television and newspaper. Sit in the floor and play with your child, get on your treadmill, throw yourself into your work while you are there, and when you leave, bow low, just as the martial artist, and leave it at the door. Enter the next door you come to and bow again.

Superman is a super hero from the planet Krypton. His parents found that their planet was going to be destroyed. Superman or Kel-el, as he is also known, was only a baby and did not know what was going on. Jor-el, Superman's father decided that it would be best for them to put their child on a spaceship, and get him off the planet. They chose to send him to the planet Earth, because the atmosphere there would give him super powers. They also loaded on the ship a crystal that would show who he is, where he is from, and other useful information about him.

Superman travels through space and lands on Earth, on a farm in Smallville owned by Johnathon and Martha Kent. They see the space ship crash and they go to find out what it is. They raise the spaceship door and find a baby. They decide to keep the child and name him Clark Kent.

While growing up, Clark discover that he has strange powers and abilities, but his parents decide that he shouldn』t tell anyone. Clark finishes school and then finds the crystal that was stored in his spaceship and discovers who he is, how his powers work, his real name and more. He then realizes that his powers can be used to help people.

Clark moves to the city and gets a new look to hide his identity, including wearing glasses. He gets a job at the Daily Planet where he makes some friends. One of these is Lois Lane, a reporter, whom he often saves from danger, and the other is Jimmy Olson, the paper』s photographer.

Clark spends most his day working, but when there is danger around, he finds a nearby phone booth, and turns into Superman. When he is Superman he flies high above the city in a red and blue outfit with a cape. He has steel-like bones and if someone tries to punch him or hit him with an object, it doesn』t have any effect.

Superman』s heat vision, makes a red beam of heat come from his eyes which can melt certain objects. He also has X-ray vision which allows him to see through all objects except lead.

Superman has Super Strength which lets him easily pick up objects which weigh tons. Super Speed allows him to move from one place to another lighting fast when he is on ground.

Despite all these super powers, Superman does have a weakness. When he goes near kryptonite it makes him weak so that the villains can easily punch him and knock him out. His only defence against kryptonite is a lead spacesuit.

Superman is a great comic to start reading if you』re looking for a hero comic. Each comic has action and adventure.

The Superman character was probably one of the most famous creations in history. Superman first appeared in comic books. But it wasn't until Superman cartoons were made that people really got the chance to see the man of steel in action. We're going to briefly review the history and characters of the Superman cartoon.

It wasn't until 1941 that the first Superman cartoon came to be. Paramount pictures, that year, released a series of animated cartoons that were based on the Superman comic book that was already so popular. The first nine of these cartoons were proced by Fleischer Studios. But they didn't last long. In 1942 Fleischer Studios bit the st and became Famous Studios which went on to proce eight more of these cartoons. At the time, these were the biggest budgeted cartoons around. This was ring what was called the Golden Age of American Animation.

The Fleischer brothers originally tried to discourage Paramount from doing the cartoons by telling them that it would cost over $100,000 per episode. At the time, that was an amazing amount of money that was about four times the cost of a typical cartoon for the times. But Paramount wasn't about to be scared off. They saw something big here and agree to the budget. The Fleischer brothers were now committed to the project.

The first cartoon in the series, which was simply called Superman, was first shown on September 26, 1941. That year it was nominated for an Oscar for best animated short subject. It did not win, however, losing to Lend A Paw, which was a Walt Disney cartoon. But it didn't matter. Superman had left his mark on the cartoon world.

Unfortunately for Max and Dave Fleischer, after the first nine cartoons, Paramount took over proction and tossed the brothers out into the street. These were very brutal times. The look of the cartoon itself didn't change but the stories did. The first nine cartoons had a more science fiction feel to them as Superman was seen battling robots, creatures from outer space and a number of other things you don't normally find walking around our planet. After the change, however, Superman started to focus on what was called World War II Propaganda.

The first nine cartoons also used the classic opening lines from the Superman radio series that we all came to know and love. The last eight changed these lines drastically until they were no longer recognizable. But the cartoons themselves were still very entertaining.

The early voice of Superman was supplied by Bud Collyer. He also was the voice of Superman ring the radio series. The voice of Lois Lane was supplied by Joan Alexander who also played the same role in the radio series along side of Collyer.

After the 17 shorts, the series was cancelled, but that wasn't the end of Superman. Other cartoons featuring the man of steel were to come, which included the 1990s animated Superman series and the feature length cartoon, Sky Captain and the World Of Tomorrow.


Ⅳ 電影猩球崛起的簡介和觀後感300字英語作文怎麼寫




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