導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 誰演了這部電影英語怎麼說


發布時間:2024-10-10 07:48:34

『壹』 你知道他在這部電影中扮演的角色嗎(用英語怎麼說)

Do you know 【the role 】that he【plays in】the movie (plays應該也可以是played)

【Do you know his role in this film?】
【Do you know which role he played in this film?】

『貳』 瑪麗在這部電影中扮演了一個非常重要的角色英語

Marie played a very important role in the film.

Marie played a very important role in the film.

『叄』 用英語詢問電影院里演的什麼怎麼說

What does the film mainly say?
或者What is the main story of the film?
或者Can you introce the film to me?

『肆』 「這部電影的男演員是」用英語怎麼說

The movie actor is

『伍』 演電影用英語怎麼說

1.play a role
2.act in a film

『陸』 她是演XX(電影名)的那個人吧。用英語怎麼說

Is she the actress who played a role in XXX?

『柒』 這個電影是被誰導演的用英語怎麼說

which direcotr has directed the movie?
Which director has directed the film?
Who is the director of the film?
Who has directed the movie?

『捌』 他出演了XXXX電影.英語怎麼說

He played a role in ...
He acted in ...

『玖』 某某某在某某電影里飾演某某某,用英語怎麼說

sb. is acted to be sb. in some film!



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