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Ⅰ 高分!推薦幾個好的國外電影站,要全英文


非電驢莫屬啊 沒有看不到得 只有你不知道的

PS:6.3-6.7 網站維護 郁悶了

Ⅱ 急求幾篇英文電影的英文評論200詞左右(包括:人物介紹,故事梗概,演員導演和故事背景等)

《碟中碟3》 帶中文翻譯的。差不多兩張吧。

Mission Impossible III

Today is Tuesday at special price on the world saw big run Chin film "discs, disc 3>, Yes, I will go after large cinemas view, not really wasted music division. As the scene Huopu, circumstances are very tortuous, to the last minute to know the truth behind the scenes. I think the original, the dialogue soon, no friends or choose Chinese version is good, many people fail to understand response after reading the contents of subtitles change too fast, coupled with the circumstances of imminent, so dizzying. But the $ 200 million investment that film quality is not high, do not know what the reasons are poor copies, or the Office of screening equipment is 9. There are trial and Shanghai lens, but it seems less that the Indian characteristics flu, feeling like Hong Kong films civilian areas, the construction of our country or the lack of features, unlike other films on to a local time, the region can enjoy life. Also as a large, and is action films, the camera is also a lack of broad scenes regret. I feel able to take the box office champion this summer, not necessarily as a preference to look at the market or not. One local not know how to achieve that attacks Bridge that, certainly not the latter is true, then unrealistic and the results so very true. The film was also no lack of ridiculous places, recommended watched index 4 Star








Maggie Q Philippe-Hoffman Type : action / adventure / horror Exhibition Date : July 20, 2006 (the Mainland) An export : Paramount Issue : China film distributor Finally decided to write the movie or the movie, although we had already seen for some time, as the introction of the Mainland summer stall last proced a big hot film 'discs, disc 3 "or indeed attracted the eyes of many people, although the deletion and also lagged behind because of the exhibition, and other factors, it is markedly lower than the biggest" da password "and" superman return " But the mood was very high audience, the time can be found in the presence of this. Well below or return. There is no doubt that recent discs, disc 3 is the best action films, both of the rhythm, the establishment or functioning of the above circumstances are upper-level. Done a real exciting, which is now the most valuable action films. Apprehensively in the film, or rather, the establishment of a skill, the rescue operation began first bomb raises nasal cavity for the last part of the film made her, how catches, carried out in some of the crime bosses very ingenious design, it is entirely possible to describe a dangerous phenomenon occur one after another. Special software has not been put in place is sound and crime bosses statements accident into a section of the intensity. In viewing time really let me breathing accelerated. and the circumstances are unconsciously to the audience to the director of carefully designed trap to the end of time will suddenly realize a truth in every section of the interface very tight, of the audience left without any breathing time in less than two hours to maintain the rapid progress in high among never cold market. As action films in particular dish, dish series, how to use high-tech tools and weapons is a great easy task, in this context includes the design is also very successful, with the exception of each episode will arise facial skin, also joined the nasal cavity bombs manual machine guns and other new varieties, and the task of documenting the items are unique and innovative. the ingenious use of these things can also hit high score. The film moves completely embodies the scene. Expensive. Went characteristics rescue operations, and final Jieqiu Shanghai Sunrise is fully embodies this, and this is the film most people praise. As more content to attract viewers laugh uproariously enough, but in a country with a fine tradition of the film series is too frivolous, Falling wires crashes to the series have been playing a game of 3 times, from the high-rise is not set, it is difficult to give a feeling of tension, Zeiwo husband found the movie true identity code, what is not new, After watching the film, you will find that this volume will be necessary to create some content and linked to chemical weapons + ----- civil strife. Fortunately film rhythm tight, some things because of the lack of time thinking and apprehensively played effect, and illustrated in the film for processing in the absence of good feelings seem disputable up frequently on the leading edge of the tears no convincing, no accumulation of feelings that the film did not move the local people, which is precisely the characteristic of the former two, Tom cruise entirely on their own tears for the figures pale, All of this has completely exposed the director substantial shareholders naked money purposes, after watching the film you will not be moved to any place, as a high-tech money and build the scenery, the lack of which had some resonance Lake moving and, for the people can not afford the emotional ups and downs, and this came two have done, and the introction of summer "da password" and "superman return" has done so not in a film really makes no precise words to describe it. From the performance of several actors or good, for films released between humorous play a catalytic role. Chinese actress Maggie Q and the "match point" Jonathan performance are very place, a new villain Section actor Philippe-Hoffman performance also demonstrated a certain skill, As for her Michelle-Campus Han and Georgia only completed vases. Finally talk about Shanghai scene, the domestic film version is the deletion of the (first cut of not leave traces progress), it is not possible to comment deletions are good or bad, just on the part of the film is to retain the integrity shown by the two levels of Shanghai, the bustling international metropolis and a long history style, As some people said to Shanghai in addition to several signs depicting no other buildings, even Shanghai locals are recognizable, is absolutely biased words, we do not know is a city landmark from the beginning? construction, but that recognizable only by their own lack of understanding of the city, the film in this regard is good. Kanye West to proce the final say in the song very well "impossible" with the cooperation with Mariah Carey had Twista, subtitles in the film rolling at the end of the broadcast to listen to the MP3 and better results than before. In the final analysis, disc, disc 3 is a brilliant film but without feeling, after what I have read and left no aftertaste, the film is not bad evidenced by the box office, as long as you follow the development of circumstances and not think about it too much away, you still will not speculate too much fun feel. As a film, was affixed with a sincere Jiaqian, leaving only the commercial value as a commodity, we can claim it bring us?
Maggie Q 菲利普-霍夫曼



高空繩索墜落到這一集已經玩了第3遍了,從高樓劃下也不是首創,難以讓人有緊張的感覺,賊窩里發現丈夫真實身份的戲碼,早就不是什麼新鮮事了,而看完電影你會發現本集是將第一集和第二集的內容連在了一起-----化學武器+內訌.好在影片的節奏緊湊,有一些老套的懸念由於沒有時間思考而起到了效果,而片中對情感的處理由於沒有好好的渲染顯得令人難以信服而主角動不動就閃爍的淚光毫無說服力,沒有了感情的積累使得影片沒有打動人的地方,這恰恰是前兩部的特色,TOM CRUISE完全就自己的眼淚換取了人物的蒼白,這一切完全暴露了導演大量圈錢的赤裸裸的金錢目的,看完影片後你不會為任何一點感動的地方,就象一個用金錢和高科技打造的布景一樣,缺乏原本竟該有的湖動和共鳴,呼喚不起人們情感上的起伏,這一點上前兩部都作到了,而暑假引進的"達芬奇密碼"和"超人歸來"也作到了,這樣一部讓人無法投入的電影還真沒有什麼確切的詞語形容它.
本片中的幾位配角的表現還是不錯的,不經意之間幽默的為影片起到了催化作用.華裔女星MAGGIE Q和來自"賽點"的JONATHAN的表現都十分到位,扮演反派的新科影帝菲利普-霍夫曼的表演也展示了一定的功力,至於女主角米歇爾-摩納漢只能以及格分完成花瓶任務.
最後說說KANYE WEST製作的頗受好評的主題歌"IMPOSSIBLE"與同MARIAH CAREY有過合作的TWISTA合作,在影片結束後的字幕滾動時播出達到了比之前聽MP3更好的效果.

Ⅲ 求三部英文電影賞析 影評 純英文的 謝謝 盡快!!!高分懸賞!!!

1. 亂世佳人:

Set in the Civil War, "Gone with the wind" tells the story of beautiful Scarlett O'Hara.
With each viewing, I grow to love this movie more. The most unforgettable scene is where Scarlett is walking through town where the wounded/dead soldiers are laying and the camera pans out further and further until you see the rebel flag waving and to me it is the defining scene of this film. The cinematography is beautiful and the special effects can rival the effects we have today. If you are a fan of classic film, do not miss this one.

2. 阿甘正傳

Forrest Gump is so unique because of the character Forrest Gump himself, who has a low IQ of only 75. I love that Forrest doesn't lose his innocence and purity throughout the movie, or maybe he just can't but either way, this shows you don't need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful. It is just a movie, so maybe it doesn't work like that in reality. What that simply means is that the acting and story of this film was incredibly touching on a real level. And in my definition that's what a good movie should be able to do.

3. 納尼亞傳奇3黎明踏浪號:

It is time for Lucy and Edmund to have their adventure. Who better to have it with than Prince Caspian. Voyage of The Dawn Treader opens in war time Britain, allowing a slight glimpse into the spirit of the country's youth. The adventure begins in the home setting of the Pevensie's cousin, who is well portrayed as a constantly complaining brat of a kid and adds comedic spice to the tale. With just enough surprises and well done special effects, I found this episode to be a delightful Christmas Day movie.

Ⅳ 高分求電影名字!高手進!

確實是部歐美電影 是男女主開車不小心掉進河裡淹死了 但是他們卻不知道自己死了 後來他們知道自己死後 還來了一些人要把他們的房子買了 難後發生了一系列有趣的事

英文名: Beetle Juice

中文名: 甲殼蟲汁




Ⅳ 有哪些治癒系溫暖的英文電影值得推薦












Ⅵ 推薦6部高分英文原版動畫片,最值得父母和孩子假期一起看










故事發生在「舊京山」(San Fransokyo),這是一個將舊金山和東京結合在一起的奇妙城市。





















Ⅶ 請各位英語高手用英文幫我寫四篇電影影評

1. 虎膽龍威(DIE HARD):

What makes Die Hard the all-time classic it has rightfully become was the lack of extravagance and fantasy: there were no decades-old war grudges, no jungle action, no superhuman powers and only the occasional physics-defying stunts we are usually overloaded with. The characters in this film were regular people, with regular jobs and regular attitudes, confronted with an extraordinary situation, responding as most regular people would, by doing things which go beyond what they would "regularly" consider. Each character's backstory is one that could easily be ours if we were born in their shoes, and we all know at least one or two people like someone from the film. These are the people we live with, work with, and interact with, and the film captured them perfectly. This realism makes it very easy for the audience to believe that it too could have been caught at that party and had to face the situation.

Die Hard took the action genre in a new direction, adding a human touch and bit of reluctance to their invulnerability, while also showing them (as Spider Man would do so as well later on) as people who are much better at making others' personal lives work out than they are with their own.

Even if you haven't seen Die Hard, you've seen its legacy in many other films since. The formula was a brilliant one, and this was its birth.

2. 鐵血戰士(PREDATOR):

Huge guns, Huge tough guys, macho dialogue, funny banter, One liners and an Alien. John McTiernan's 1987 classic 'Predator' is a action fans dream and a true guys film. What's not to like? Quick setup. Dutch (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and his team of bad-asses are sent to the South American jungles to rescue a group of POW's from an enemy hideout. Simple enough, but that's before they start getting picked off by a hunter from another planet. The rest of the movie relies on suspense, an over the top macho atmosphere and a entertaining team.

John McTiernan's style of creating a believable atmosphere shines out through the characters and dialogue. Every member of the rescue team is memorable and likable e to their humorous dialogue and over the top macho-ism. Dutch chomping on cigars, Blain wielding a mini gun, Mac shaving with his own sweat and Billy's huge knife are all examples of the manliness portrayed in the film.

The Predator is great in its first portrayal, brought to life thanks to Stan Winston's incredibly lifelike effect. His gadgets and weaponry stay cool and interesting right until the end. One of the things that make the film interesting is watching the team come up with new ways to kill this creature that's picking them off like flies.

The film is filled with memorable quotes and scenes that will linger in your mind any time you think of masculinity. Any fan of action or Schwarzenegger will know this is a must see and one of the quintessential 80's flicks.

3. 青春年少(RUSHMORE):

Rushmore is an extremely well written movie about obsessive love.

The acting is a quality of Rushmore that contributes greatly to its appeal. I've seen a lot of Bill Murray movies, an I've always had a high opinion of him. Saying that Bill Murray is good in a movie usually means that he was really funny (which, with a few exceptions, goes without saying). In this film, though, there is something more to his performance. With his facial expressions alone capturing the tortured soul of Mr. Blume accompanied by his impeccable comic timing, Murray is plainly terrific. Jason Schwartzman is also outstanding as Max, although his appearance shows more years than the mere 15 he is supposed to be. Olivia Williams is subtle and extremely effective as the British object of affection. Finally, in a key role as Max's chapel partner, Dirk Calloway, Mason Gamble (from Dennis the Menace), convey's his bitterness and anger with such acuity and humor that one can't imagine that there he is actually acting in front of a camera.

The humor of Rushmore is so delightfully offbeat, hilarity sometimes being found in such places as silent pauses with the camera directed right at the actor's face, that it might not be for every taste (but be sure to give it a try first). In fact, everything about this movie is different. I've seen this film twice and from the surreal use of really vivid colors to the quick-paced direction by the obviously very talented Wes Anderson, it seems destined to have cult status in the future. Finally, I would like to mention the soundtrack, a compilation of primarily British "invasion" rock (along with a brilliant original score), for it almost perfectly captures the spirit and life of this amazing achievement.

4. 死亡證據(DEATH PROOF):

Like classic directors invented the western imagery, Tarantino recreates a world of vinyl jukebox, groovy cars and adventurer-girls that only exists as an illusion. The girls, low-middle class , behaves with an independence that many housewives would envy and they are clearly inspired in the Russ Meyer pictures. But they are real, even one of the girls is credited as 'herself'.

The famous Tarantino's dialogs are a hit-and miss in this one. Sometimes they seem forced, others they flow naturally, the sheer pleasure of conversation, and they help to make the movie a lightweight experience, that could keep on running. I said that the world exists only as an illusion, but that doesn't apply to the objects (the cars, the jukebox). Tarantino is like an antiquarian that doesn't want to see his beloved treasures getting st.

Did I mention the virtuosity? The cinematography is ostentatious and generous, showing colorful scenarios. They don't try to be pervasive, on the contrary it is a "Hey, look what I'm doing" way all the time, and it works.

My only complaint is that I'm sure I'm gonna see a few semi-obscure movies from the 70s and think: "I've seen this before somewhere..." It is time for QT to do something that could be described as 'original'. Only Pulp Fiction fits in that category.

Ⅷ 急!求《yes man》電影英文介紹(原創)!高分!!!

Los Angeles bank employee Carl Allen (Jim Carrey) has become withdrawn and depressed since his divorce from ex-wife Stephanie (Molly Sims). Routinely ignoring his friends, he has grown used to spending his spare time watching DVDs alone in his apartment, and has developed a negative outlook on life. But when a friend persuades him to attend the "Yes!" motivational seminar, inspirational guru Terrence Bundley (Terence Stamp) publicly browbeats him into making a covenant with himself. Carl reluctantly promises to stop being a "No Man" and vows to answer "Yes!" to every opportunity, request or invitation that presents itself thereafter.

After the seminar, saying "yes" to a homeless man's requests only leaves Carl stranded in Elysian Park with his phone battery dead and his gas tank empty. Disillusioned, he hikes to a gas station, cursing himself for being so crelous and gullible. But at the gas station he meets Allison (Zooey Deschanel), an eccentric young woman who is refueling her scooter. She gives him a hair-raising ride back to his car, and spontaneously kisses him before she rides off.

After this positive experience, Carl adopts a positive mentality and seizes every opportunity that comes his way. He takes flying lessons, attends Korean language classes, learns to play the guitar, and even joins a Persian dating website. Saying "yes" constantly works to Carl's advantage. He earns a promotion at work after his many approved loans open new territory for the bank in the area of microcredit. Making use of his guitar lessons, he wins public acclaim by playing Third Eye Blind's song "Jumper" to persuade a man (Luis Guzman) not to commit suicide by jumping off a ledge. After accepting concert tickets from a promoter whom he has previously ignored, he sees an idiosyncratic band whose lead singer turns out to be Allison. He is charmed by her quirkiness; she is charmed by his spontaneity; and the two begin dating.

As their relationship blossoms, Carl and Allison meet at the airport for a spontaneous weekend excursion. Having decided to take the first plane out of town, no matter where its destination, they end up in Lincoln, Nebraska, where they explore the Frank H. Woods Telephone Museum, attend a college football game, and go skeet shooting. As they shelter from the rain in an isolated barn, Allison asks Carl to move in with her. He hesitantly agrees. But while checking in for the return flight, Carl is detained by FBI agents, who have profiled him as potential terrorist because he has taken flying lessons, studied Korean, approved a loan to a fertilizer company, met an Iranian mail-order bride, and bought plane tickets at the last minute.

Carl's lawyer and best friend Pete travels to Nebraska to explain Carl's odd habits, lessons, and decisions. As she finds out about Carl's motivational covenant, Allison begins to doubt whether his commitment to her was ever sincere. Deciding that she can no longer trust a man who is obliged always to respond in the affirmative, regardless of his true feelings, Allison leaves Carl at the airport and refuses to return his phone calls.

Soon afterward, Carl receives a tearful phone call from his ex-wife Stephanie, whose new partner has walked out on her. When Carl goes to Stephanie's apartment to comfort her, she kisses him passionately and asks whether they can get back together. After Carl emphatically says "no," his luck takes a turn for the worse. The elevator in which he tries to leave Stephanie's building almost snaps free of its cable, a black cat crosses his path, and his car gets clamped and towed.

Carl goes to the convention center where the "Yes!" seminar is held, and hides in the backseat of Bundley's convertible so that he can beg to be released from the covenant. Carl emerges as Bundley drives off, and the startled Bundley collides with an oncoming vehicle. The two are taken to hospital. After Carl recovers consciousness, an irate Bundley tells Carl that there was no "covenant." The point was merely to open Carl's mind to other possibilities, not to take away his ability to say "no" if he needed to.

Freed from this restraint, Carl finds Alison and admits that he does not want to move in with her just yet, but tells her that he genuinely loves and wants her—and has not been with her just because he has been compelled to say "yes". The couple kiss passionately.

At the end of the movie, Carl and Allison are seen donating a truckload of clothes to a local homeless shelter. Cutting to the scene of the "Yes!" seminar, Bundley is seen walking onstage to several hundred naked audience members. It is implied that the participants have said "Yes!" to donating their clothes to charity.



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