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發布時間:2024-09-21 01:22:34

⑴ SEATS是什麼意思

SEATS是一個英文詞彙,主要與座位相關。當飛機准備起飛時,乘務員會提醒你"Please fasten your seat belt",即系好安全帶,確保舒適和安全。在劇院或電影院,"The usher handed the patron to a reserved seat"表示引座員會引領你到預先訂好的座位上,而個人偏好可能包括"Window seat is my preference",即偏愛靠窗的位置。

SEATS也用於描述問題的根源,如"The causes of the trouble are seated deep"意味著問題的深層次原因。在社交場合,"She rose from her seat to protest"表明某人起身表達反對或意見。如果你想安排旅行,"I'd like to reserve a seat on the 9:30 train to Warsaw"是預定火車座位的常用表達。最後,"John was seated on her left"描述的是某人坐在另一個人的左側。


⑵ 這家電影院有最差的服務,但是他們有最舒服的座位,用英語怎麼說

This film is the worst service ,but they have best seat

⑶ 那個電影院有最舒坦的座位。英語翻譯要最高級

There are the most comfortable seats in that cinema.

⑷ 哪個電影院有最舒適的座位的英語

movie theater

⑸ 我想問幾句關於電影院的英文

what time is the latest ticket for XXX.

Do you have any ticket forXXX.

is there any ticket left for XXX.

⑹ 這家電影院里的座位是所有當中最舒適的用英語怎莫說

The seats in this cinema are most comfortable of all.
Of all movie theatres , the seats in this one are coziest.

⑺ 這家電影院里的座位是所有當中最舒服的用英語怎麼寫

The house in the cinema is the most comfortable search.

⑻ 電影院英文。 近的英文 座位英文


⑼ 這里最好的電影院是哪個 呃……電影世界。那裡的座位是使人舒服的。翻譯成英語,謝謝。

What 's the best cinema here?
Um,the Movie World.The seats there are comfortable.



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