導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 勵志電影片段英文版


發布時間:2024-09-20 05:16:12

Ⅰ 求一些勵志的英文電影的經典句子或英文歌曲的勵句子 要帶翻譯

i will go down with this ship,i won't put my hands up and surrender,there will be no white flag above my door,i am in love,alawas will be.我將堅持下去,永不降的意思.
hold on ,don't be scar,your destiny will keep you on不要害怕,堅持下去,生命永不息.
i believe i can fly ,i believe i can touch the sky我相信我可以的.
all i need is time,a moment that is mine,while i'm in between
make the best of what has been given you,everything will come in time,why deny yourself,don't just let life pass you by ,like winter in july.
when i find myself in times of trouble ,she is standing in front of me ,speaking words of wisdom,"let it be"
i will go down with this ship,i won't put my hands up and surrender,there will be no white flag above my door

Ⅱ 求一個勵志的英語電影片段(7 ,8分鍾左右)


Ⅲ 經典英文勵志電影對白(2-3人男同學話劇表演) (不要肖申克的救贖,有同學已經演過了)謝謝!

接近結尾處時四個來自不同國家的、被前蘇聯大清洗迫害的人要繼續走下去 尋找自由 徒步翻越喜馬拉雅山到印度 然後去美國之前 在羊圈裡的情景對話

Ⅳ 選一篇勵志的英文電影寫觀後感,300字,英文版,謝謝~

Forrest GumpAfter I had seen the film Forrest Gump,I was moved a lot.The unique boy with low IQ really shocked me.And his amazing life made me never forget.I admire him for his faith,honest and persistence.He never cares people who discriminate him,just does things that he likes.Every time,he just runs ahead and believes in love.He experiences many things and then be rich and famous.The film told me that :Life is like a box of chocolate,and you don't know what the next one will be like.Just run,run ahead to make the life brilliant. 阿甘正傳的

Ⅳ 美國勵志電影,帶英文字幕的

(弱點) (十月的天空) (阿甘正傳) (肖申克的救贖) 這幾部都是自己看過的覺得不錯!

Ⅵ 急求一段英文電影橋段!適合初中生演的,大概四男四女或人更多也行,時間少於8分鍾!最好經典的,勵志的!


Ⅶ 求五分鍾左右的感人或勵志英文短片或電影片段


Ⅷ 急求:英文電影中勵志或感人的片段




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