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發布時間:2024-09-11 18:39:50

1. 英國一部電影《窈窕淑女》的主要故事是什麼故事結局怎樣了不要太長,不要網址,謝謝拉!


2. 跪求窈窕淑女電影的英文劇情介紹(600詞以上)

The film is based on the story Pygmalion (1912) by George Bernard Shaw (the name refers to the King of Cyprus who fell in love with a statue of his own making). Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison) is an English Linguistics Professor who takes on Eliza Doolittle (a beautiful Audrey Hepburn) under his tutelage to change her from an unrefined flower girl with a Cockney accent to a genteel who brings forth the majesty and grandeur of the English language (which hasn't been used in America for years) with every utterance. Higgins is a misogynistic bachelor who pushes Eliza day and night, while wondering why a woman can't be more like a man, so she can learn to speak properly. Riding on Eliza's success is a bet Higgins makes with his friend, Colonel Hugh Pickering (Wilfred Hyde-White), wherein Higgins claims he will be able to pass Eliza off as a Duchess in six months. As Eliza and Higgins train together, they become accustomed to each other even though it is an abusive relationship on Higgins' part. Finally the inevitable confrontation occurs: Eliza has surpassed the teacher's expectations, but the teacher still considers her a common flower girl. How does one move forward in such a situation?
The script, by Alan Jay Lerner, retains Shaw's acerbic wit and delicious irony and succeeds for that reason. Both the dialogue and the song lyrics are crafted extremely well. The music itself has a few high points but there are plenty of low ones as well. The acting is impeccable: Rex Harrison's role as a happy-but-cynical misanthrope (his excuse for treating Eliza badly is that he doesn't treat anyone any better) is played out extremely well. Audrey Hepburn's transformation from a common girl to a cultured lady is extremely convincing, particularly in terms of her accent (although her songs were bbed by Marni Nixon). The supporting cast is excellent: Eliza's father Alfred P. Doolittle is played in英文影評 a irreverent and charismatic manner by Stanley Holloway who gets some of the coolest lines in the film and was my favourite character; Jeremy Brett shows a bit of the talent that would later come in handy when he played Sherlock Holmes; and Gladys Cooper as Henry Higgins' mother also gets to deliver a few barbed lines of her own ("Henry, what a disagreeable surprise").
Even though the film's tongue is firmly in its cheek, the degree of social commentary that occurs amidst the happy songs and the straight-forward story is amazing. The film comments about the British class system, class systems in general, and the notion of language being the reason for there being a class division (an almost Universal concept prevalent in any culture). Further the movie addresses the virtues of being "civilised" (when Eliza becomes a lady, all she can do is sell herself), the virtues of morality when one has nothing to left to lose (as Eliza's father says, he can't afford it), and the repressed nature of British society in general.
The direction by George Cukor is amazing: the use of pausing characters, the fantasy of Eliza thinking about Higgins' death, the detached race track scene (with the classic "move your bloomin' arse" line), and the use of novel devices to measure Eliza's speech, which is a tangent on its own and done as a throwaway, are brilliant. The remastered audio and video brings the film to a vibrant life, with the latter presenting an extremely colourful and bright Technicolour look that is not seen in movies today.
I still think Higgins gets away too easily considering the poor way he treats Eliza, reflecting the mentality of the era the movie was made. At about three hours, the movie is a little too long, but is great to watch with a date or as a group event. I highly recommend it.

3. 急求!!!電影《窈窕淑女》英文觀後感50字左右





My fair lady is about the love story between a flower girl Eliza and a gentleman Higgins.


Eliza is a beautiful but poor girl with an obvious rural accent.


Higgins is a professor of linguists.


He bet with his friend Pickering that he could teach Eliza for six months and turn her into a lady.


In the end, they succeeded. Higgins realized that he couldn't do without Eliza, and they came together.


Although Eliza is a poor girl who lives by selling flowers, she has the determination and courage few girls have.


That's what we should learn from this movie.


4. 英文電影《窈窕淑女》內容簡介英文版(120-150詞左右)

Film adaptation
Main article: My Fair Lady (film)

An Oscar-winning film version was made in 1964 directed by George Cukor and with Harrison again in the part of Higgins. Controversy surrounded the casting of Audrey Hepburn instead of Julie Andrews for the part of Eliza — partly because theatregoers regarded Andrews as perfect for the part and partly because Hepburn's singing voice had to be bbed. (Marni Nixon sang all songs except "Just you wait", where Hepburn's voice was left unbbed ring the harsh-toned chorus of the song but Nixon sang the melodic bridge section.) Meanwhile, Andrews won 1964's Oscar for Best Actress in Mary Poppins.

Lerner in particular disliked the film version of the musical, thinking it did not live up to the standards of Moss Hart's original direction. He was also unhappy that the film was shot on the Warner Brothers backlot rather than, as he would have preferred, in London.[13]

A new film adaptation has been announced by Columbia Pictures.[14] John Madden has been named director, with the role of Eliza to be played by British actress Carey Mulligan.[15]

5. my fair lady的簡介,最好是英文

my pretty girl!



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