導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 這部電影講的什麼英文


發布時間:2024-09-09 10:22:25

A. 這部電影講述了兩只熊與一個人的故事英文

全部釋義和例句>>The film tells the story of two bears and a man.

全部釋義和例句>>The film tells the story of two bears and a man.

B. 《捉迷藏》這部電影講的是什麼

片名:《捉迷藏》 英文名:《Hide and Seek》導演:約翰·波森 John Polson編劇:阿里·斯克斯伯格 Ari Schlossberg主演:羅伯特·德尼羅 Robert De Niro達柯塔·芳寧 Dakota Fanning法米克·詹森 Famke Janssen伊麗莎白·蘇 Elisabeth Shue迪蘭·巴克 Dylan Baker羅伯特·約翰 Robert John 類型:劇情/恐怖/驚悚級別:R(驚嚇場面和暴力)片長:101分鍾院線:2800家出品:20世紀福克斯 20th Century Fox上映日期:2005年1月28日 官方網站:www.hideandseekthemovie.com/劇情簡介:大衛(羅伯特·德尼羅飾)在遭受了妻子(艾米·歐文飾)自殺的沉痛打擊後,帶著他的女兒艾米莉(達科塔·范寧飾)搬到了紐約北部的一個被森林環繞、人煙稀少的小鎮里,試圖以此來忘記傷痛。艾米莉自從發現她母親血淋淋的屍體橫卧在浴盆里之後,就變得非常的孤僻與沉默,大衛也希望換個環境能對女兒起到一定的幫助。當他們搬到這個名叫伍德蘭的小鎮(人口僅有2206)時,首先結識了當地的警官,一個神經兮兮的房地產經紀人,住在隔壁的一對夫婦,他們的女兒與艾米莉同歲,剛剛失蹤。不久,大衛遇見了活潑的伊麗莎白(伊麗莎白·蘇飾),她也在照顧著她的侄女--同樣與艾米莉同歲的艾米。伊麗莎白與大衛很談得來,很快就成為了朋友。同時,大衛找到了兒童心理學家凱瑟琳(法米克·詹森飾),請她幫助艾米莉順利渡過這段悲痛的過程。這時,艾米莉將一個新的朋友帶入了她的世界裡--查理--一個她幻想出來的與她成天玩游戲的角色。從此,艾米莉竟變得神情游離,魂不守舍,成天和查理玩捉迷藏的游戲。一開始,大衛對此並不在意,他始終無法相信女兒光怪陸離的想法,但隨著時間流逝,這個查理似乎慢慢地介入了他們的生活,開始變得真實起來。周圍也隨之發生了一系列離奇事件,變丑的玩偶、塗鴉的恐嚇、以及猝死的貓。這使得大衛不得不放下他的研究,成天聽著耳機里的音樂並時時記錄下艾米莉的一言一行。艾米莉房中奇怪的塗畫暗示了查理在逐漸使自己成為艾米莉唯一的朋友,一連串的奇異死亡事件也接二連三的發生,而且時間都是凌晨兩點六分。種種事件令大衛與艾米莉必須開始行動起來,保護自己!不能再說了,再說就會使查理非常、非常的生氣……

C. 關於流浪地球的英文作文90字左右



Today, my father took me to see a movie called wandering earth. This movie is about the sun's rapid aging and expansion in the near future, and the earth is facing the disaster of being engulfed.


In order to save the earth, human beings have built tens of thousands of planetary engines on the surface of the earth to escape from the solar system and find a new home. The earth and human beings have embarked on a journey of the universe which is expected to last for 2500 years.


In the process of accomplishing this grand plan, countless people came forward and staged a legendary story.


After watching this movie, I fell into a deep meditation: in our age, all people care about money and material, no one cares about the environment and the future.


If human beings are like this, for their own greed, endlessly ask for mother earth, then the plot in the movie may soon happen to us.


With climate change, animals disappearing, rivers drying up and land barren, human beings will face the challenge of survival.


We should start from ourselves, take good care of the plants and trees around us, protect the natural environment, and let mother earth better protect our human survival!


D. 這部電影是關於什麼的英文

這部電銀掘影是關於什麼的英文:What is this movie about



Scary Movie驚聲尖笑 ;恐怖電影

movie camera[電影]電影攝影機 ; 攝影機 ; 電影

movie theater電影院 ; 影劇院 ; 電影劇場 ; 影院

Superhero Movie超低能英雄 ; 超級英雄 ; 超低能特爛啟攻隊 ; 超級英雄電影

Unload Movie卸載影片 ; 卸載影片兒 ; 命令隨時調用

movie queen影後

Star Movie衛視國際電影台 ; 衛視西片 ; 衛視電影 ; 衛視電影台

movie bug電影迷 ; 片子迷

interactive movie互動式電影 ; 互動式電影 ; 互式影戲


Why do you like the movie?


I do like this movie.


Do you like the movie( or not)?


E. 用英文介紹一部英文電影,急!!!!!!!!

比如說用功夫熊貓這部電影。hello,everyone.i will introce a film「Kung Fu Panda」(功夫熊貓)The panda is very cute, funny and humorous. And he dreams to be a Master and he realizes it finally.But the process is very hard. There are other animals in the cartoon played some small roles such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on. They are also strong and fight for justice. i like this movie wery much.It encouages me to study hard like the panda then my dream will come true finally.i also hope that everyone could study hard like me.so all of us can be better.

F. 這部電影講述了狗黨和貓黨之間的故事的英文

The film tells the story of a dog party and a cat party.
The film tells the story of a dog party and a cat party.



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