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A. 英語電影觀後感

[英語電影觀後感]第一部 西雅圖不眠夜 Sleepless in Seltal適中的語速,好看的故事情節,關於一個失去妻子帶著孩子寂寞度日的男人和另一個有愛但卻相信愛情魔力的女子相逢最後走到一起的故事,英語電影觀後感。類似於中國人講的緣分天註定,MAGIC,相信一些常人不相信的東西,但是最終變成事實,一個很美好的關於真愛與生活的集子。推薦指數**** 2009.5.6第二部幸福終點站講述一個小國男子為了完成對父親的承諾,遠赴紐約尋找簽名,而因為戰爭無法辦理簽證滯留機場的故事。在滯留期間為了生存他通過各種辦法打工,後來因為自己的建築手藝而在機場謀的得生計,還因為有著一顆善良悲憫的心贏得了機場所有人都愛戴,與大家打成一片,並在機場與一位同樣在等待的女子邂逅,最後戰爭結束,機場生活也結束,男主角成功得到最後一個簽名為父親完成心願。講述的主題是關於愛承諾國家歸屬和平故事。很值得一看,推薦指數:**** 2009.5.15第三部 律政俏佳人 Legally Blonde看完這部電影,我很激動,尤其是主人公用美容知識最後精彩盤問出真正的犯罪分子,真的很帥還有最後的結尾很意味深長。看完這部電影收獲很大,尤其是女同胞們,相信一定會很震撼。強力推薦所有失戀的女同胞去看一下這部電影說不定你會開始一個全新的人生。我看完這部電影後,徹底從失戀的陰影里走出來,故事主要講述女主角被男友拋棄,為了挽回感情她費盡一切力氣考進哈弗法學院,之後開始了法學院的人生,最後他擺脫掉了失戀的陰影找回了屬於自己的精彩人生,活出了自己的本色和精彩。真的很值得一看,推薦指數××××× 以下經典台詞哈佛大學法學院Professor Stromwell在給新生首次上課時意味深長地說: A legal ecation means you will learn to speak in a new language. You will be taught to achieve insight into the world around you, and you sharply question what you know. The law is reason free from passion. It leaves much room for interpretation, but leaves very little for self-doubt.在哈佛大學法學院的畢業典禮上Professor Stromwell自豪地說:I am, personally, very honored to introce this year\'s classelected speaker. After getting off a quite insteresting start here at Harvard, she graates today with an invitation to join one of Boston\'s most prestigious law firms. I am sure we are going to see great things from her. Ladies and Gentlemen: Elle Woods.緊接著,女主人公Elle Woods代表畢業生發言:Elle Woods: On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quoted Aristotle, "The law is reason free from passion!" Well, no offence to Aristotle, but in my three years at Harvard, I\'ve come to find that passion is the key ingredient to the study and practise of law and of life. It\'s with passion, courage of conviction, strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world! Remembering the first impressions are not always correct. You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must have faith in yourself! Congratulations class of 2004---we did it!翻譯:在我來哈佛的第一課,有位明智的教授告訴我:法律是沒有激情的理性,觀後感《英語電影觀後感》。但是恕我得罪了亞里士多德,在哈佛的多年裡是激情伴隨我走過這里的學習和生活。(是修讀和實踐法律的關鍵因素也是生命的要素)要有敢於按自己的信念以及堅強的自我意識才能令我們踏足世界。記著第一印象不一定是對的,你要對人有信心,而最重要的是要對自己有信心...

B. 關於電影《律政俏佳人》的英文影評

Legally Blonde
You have to appreciate a movie whose title essentially sums up the whole thing. In Legally Blonde, Reese Witherspoon plays a blonde who ends up at Harvard law school. If you think you』ve got the whole movie figured out from this scenario, you may be surprised to find out your preconceptions are only half-right. This isn』t a mb comedy; it has a certain amount of intelligence to it. It』s at least smart enough not to make Elle Woods, the Witherspoon character, stupid—just ditzy. It also has the advantage of having Witherspoon in the lead role. No matter what her character says or does, she is always charming.

Elle is a student and sorority sister at CULA. She has been dating Warren Huntignton III (Matthew Davis), and the beginning of the movie has her preparing for a big night. She』s sure Warren will propose to her tonight. However, at dinner, Warren states his desire to become a Senator and mps Elle ("I need a Jackie, not a Marilyn."). Witherspoon』s reaction is great. She tries to hide her emotions in fear of embarrassing them, but she』ll occasionally let out a loud sob that gains everyone』s attention. Warren is on his way to Harvard for law school, and ring their split, Elle realizes what she needs to do to get him back. She also needs to go to Harvard. After some major studying and preparation, she actually gets accepted. Warren is, of course, shocked to discover her appearance, and after a bad first class, Elle is even more shocked to discover that Warren is engaged to an old girlfriend, Vivian Kensington (Selma Blair).

Will Elle start to take law school seriously? Will she try to get Warren back? Will the opportunity for her to shine arise? Of course these things will happen, but there are actually a few surprises along the way. Elle and Vivian』s relationship takes an unexpected turn. The girls from home don』t arrive to shake things up (at least for a while). And most importantly, Elle is actually smart. Well, at least when it comes to hair treatment and fashion. But still, Elle is never mbed down, and she never once comes across as fake or annoying.

Some of the material here is throw-away. There』s an entire subplot involving a manicurist and a delivery man that seems thrown in to extend the running time. The scenes involving the subplot range from generic and predictable (a custody battle over a dog and a nose injury from flirting) to confusing and unnecessary (particularly the "bend and snap" dance sequence). The courtroom scenes are funny, and they stay true to Elle』s character. I liked how she outs a witness from his observation about designer shoes (prompting the biggest laugh in the movie). Essentially, this is Witherspoon』s movie. She』s charming and funny and stays consistent with her character while never going over the top with her shortcomings. They could have been played for easy laughs, and I appreciate the movie』s restraint.

I』m surprised how much the movie grew on me. It starts off like a Clueless rehash, but then once Elle gets to Harvard, it actually gets funny in its own way. It』s harmless, amusing, and semi-smart entertainment, and that』s far better than most of the comedies around.

C. 律政俏佳人觀後感80字英文版

The movie "Legally Blonde", inspired by the great. Perhaps it is an inspirational film American. Actress Allie Woods live be light of heart from care life, can say is have everything that one expects to find her. She is a girl from tropical Hawaii, female college student association president, she is a born beauty blonde. At the same time, Allie Woods is with the school's coolest boy Warner love, and undivided attention to do his bride -- Mrs. Warner Huntington III. However, Warner is because there is a well born, also with oneself has Harvard law school qualification Wei An girls decide to abandon Allie Woods. When Allie Woods asked the reason, he said: "you too blonde not what can attract people." I think, love you, you what is beauty, when didn't love you, whatever you are rendant. Looked at in a restaurant in Allie Woods when he heard the news, drooling. Can not help but feel sad. Later Allie Woods also have a loss, also once doubted, also once wanted to give up. However, perhaps this little episode, aroused her fighting spirit. She felt that she should do what, not to enjoy my life now. She applied to Harvard Law school. Determined to win back the heart of warner. When her teacher is not good, she makes the choice, even many people thought she was mad. She met with many difficulties, she suffered a lot of ridicule, sarcasm. Result? Harvard Law School, she opened the door to welcome. She was given a new success. First entered the school of law, where she had the comfort environment it is a world of difference. Allie in all one's born days first must be a battle, for her lover, to her own. Even the Warner's fiancee Wei Weian provocation, even the first, because there is no answer Professor problems, and was out of the classroom, but she did not flinch, she is very brave and wise response, this also led her eventually made than anyone imagined victory. During the internship, maintenance of a lawyer's dignity, but also harsh Shou a lawyer, a necessary part. At last she won, she not only through their own efforts to enter the Harvard University law school, and became the most outstanding graates. However, she was the pursuit of boyfriend Warner is what all have no. She -- Allie Woods with his own true skill and genuine knowledge and self struggle into the society, but also challenges the Warner and the whole society to the blonde discrimination.


D. 有誰看過《律政俏佳人》的啊~~求寫英文的觀後感一兩百字即可~~急求呀~~最好是原創


女主角艾莉·伍茲過著無憂無慮的生活,可以說她是應有盡有。她是一個來自熱帶夏威夷的女孩,女大學生聯誼會會長,她是一個天生麗質的金發碧眼美女。 同時艾莉伍茲正在與學校中最酷的男孩華納戀愛,並一心一意想做他的新娘--華納亨廷頓三世夫人。









在那之後,她作為一名實習生,開始進入律師的實習。接著事務所接手了一樁刑事案件。社交名媛布魯克·泰勒·溫漢姆被指控與男僕有染,並為此謀殺了丈夫,有繼女的不利證詞。艾莉認識布魯克,不相信她會殺人。也不相信她與男僕的事。很快,艾莉就讓那男僕當庭泄露了他是個同性戀者。我想單單憑借當時她個人所擁有的法律知識和辯論技巧,艾莉在這個案子上可能獲勝的幾率是極小的。艾莉的「幸運」不是因為她有多聰明多理智,而是在於她憑借自己的對生活的多感與激情找到了潛在的 「巧合」,但更重要的,是一份屬於她自己的努力和慎重。經過無數的挫敗,這個女孩在我們面前堅強地成長起來,從先前的擁有大小姐脾氣的金發女郎蛻變成具有豐富感性認知和冷靜頭腦的年輕女律師,好萊塢又一次讓我們見證了一個女孩奮斗的歷程,讓人感動。



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