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⑴ 糖果屋歷險記英漢雙譯版

Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel are young children whose father is a woodcutter. When a great famine settles over the land, the woodcutter's abusive second wife decides to take the children into the woods and abandon them there so that she and her husband will not starve to death, because the children eat too much. The woodcutter opposes the plan but finally and reluctantly submits to his wife's scheme. They are unaware that in the children's bedroom, Hansel and Gretel have overheard them. After the parents have gone to bed, Hansel sneaks out of the house and gathers as many white pebbles as he can, then returns to his room, reassuring Gretel that God will not forsake them.

The next day, the family walks deep into the woods and Hansel lays a trail of white pebbles. After their parents leave them, the children wait for the moon to rise before following the pebbles back home. They return home safely, much to their stepmother's horror. Once again provisions become scarce and the stepmother angrily orders her husband to take the children farther into the woods and leave them there to die. Hansel and Gretel attempt to leave the house to gather more pebbles, but find the doors locked and escape impossible.

The following morning, the family treks into the woods. Hansel takes a slice of bread and leaves a trail of bread crumbs to follow home. However, after they are once again abandoned, the children find that birds have eaten the crumbs and they are lost in the woods. After days of wandering, they follow a beautiful white bird to a clearing in the woods, where they discover a large cottage built of gingerbread and cakes with window panes of clear sugar. Hungry and tired, the children begin to eat the rooftop of the candy house, when the door opens. An old woman emerges and lures them inside with the promise of soft beds and delicious food. Unaware that their hostess is a wicked witch who waylays children to cook and eat them, the children enter the house.

The following morning the witch locks Hansel in an iron cage in the garden, and forces Gretel into becoming a slave. The witch feeds Hansel regularly to fatten him up, but he cleverly offers a bone he found in the cage (presumably a bone from the witch's previous captive) and the witch feels it, thinking it is his finger. Due to her blindness, she is fooled into thinking Hansel is still too thin to eat. After weeks of this, the witch grows impatient and decides to eat Hansel even if he is not fat.

The witch prepares the oven for Hansel, but decides she is hungry enough to eat Gretel too. She coaxes Gretel to open the oven and prods her to lean over in front of it to see if the fire is hot enough. Sensing the witch's intent, Gretel pretends that she does not understand what she is being told to do. Infuriated, the witch demonstrates and Gretel instantly shoves her into the oven and slams and bolts the door shut, leaving "The ungodly witch to be burned to ashes", with the witch screaming in pain until she dies. Gretel frees Hansel from the cage and the pair discover a vase full of treasure and precious stones. Putting the jewels into their clothing, the children set off for home. A swan ferries them across an expanse of water and at home they find only their father; his wife died from unknown causes. Their father had spent all his days lamenting the loss of his children and is delighted to see them safe and sound. With the witch's wealth that they found, they all live happily ever after.






"Leave the children in the forest! Otherwise, we will all starve to death!" The new mother said.

"No, that's cruel."

"Well, then you go and find food."

Because he was so poor that he had to agree.

The two brothers and sisters, Bangil and Coranti, were very sad to hear.

The smart Bangil sneaked into the yard after his parents had gone to bed and picked up a lot of pebbles and put them in his pocket.

The next day, the couple took them to the forest, and Bangil dropped many small stones along the way as a sign to recognize the way home.

"You're waiting here. Let's go chopping wood."

Brothers and sisters sat on the grass playing, and unconsciously fell asleep. By the time I woke up, it was already dark.

Candy House,

Candy House,

Collanti cried with fear. Bangil led her weeping sister and followed the sign of the pebble to go home.

When they finally came home, Dad was very happy, but Mom was calm.

Only a few days later, Bangil heard his mother say to his father, "This time, they must not come back."

In the evening, Bangil wanted to pick up the pebbles, but the door was locked.

The next day, in the same way, Bangil had to use bread instead of pebbles and scatter it down the road.

Unexpectedly, the bread was eaten by the birds.

The brothers and sisters didn't wake up until midnight.

Bangil comforted her sister and said, "That's all right. Bread crumbs will tell us the way home.

"But you can't find breadcrumbs anywhere.

"Ah! What should I do?"

"What a hungry stomach!"

They wandered in the forest hungry, and Coranti could not help crying again.

"Sister, don't cry. My brother will take you home when daybreak comes."

Later in the night, the brothers and sisters were tired and fell asleep again unconsciously.

Soon it was dawn.

As soon as they woke up, they struggled to find a way out.

They walked and walked. Suddenly, Bangil's eyes lit up and cried, "Look!

There's a house over there!"

They approached happily and looked, "Wow! This house is all made of candy and biscuits! "

Brothers and sisters were really hungry. They couldn't help rushing over and tore down the house and ate it reluctantly.

"Ah! How delicious!

At this time, a kind voice came from behind and said, "Who is eating my house?" A lady came out of the room.

"Sorry, we're lost in the forest."

Your lady said gently, "Oh! Poor child, come in and eat! There are many delicious things in the house.

After they had eaten enough, the lady let them both sleep in beautiful and comfortable beds.

Brothers and sisters were so happy that they soon fell asleep.

"Hey, hey, hey... Success!"

Actually, your lady is a devil who eats people. "Well! The man is fatter. Eat him first.

The next day, Bangil was locked up in a big box.

"Give this to your brother and I'll eat him better. Come on!"

Corandi sobbed in horror, but it was no use crying.

The magic girl ordered her to do all kinds of work,and scolded her as soon as she had a rest.

Every day, the witch girl would come to see Bengil and touch his fingers to see if she was fatter, but Bengil was very clever.

and every time she reached out the chicken bones she had eaten to touch him.

Alas! After eating so many things, why haven't you gained more weight?

The witch girl can't wait any longer. She cries, "Corandi, I won't wait any longer. Now you go to make a fire. I'm going to cook your brother today.

Quick! Quick!

The witch ordered Corandi loudly, and she was busy moving a big pot herself.

"Ah! Will my brother be eaten like this? Corantie looked at a large pot of water and thought sadly.

"It would be better to die in the forest together if I had known that."

Collanti was very anxious, but did not know what to do.

"What are you doing there? Go and make a fire!" The demon girl shouted fiercely.

Corandi was crying and lighting a fire.

After a while, the magic girl called her again, "See if the water is boiling?"

At this time, Collanti suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good way to save her brother and her.

So she asked the devil girl, "How do you think the water is boiling or not?" I can't! Look at it for yourself."

"What! A girl can't even see the water boiling. Have you never boiled anything at home?


"All right! I'll see for myself.

The magic girl then approached the pot and looked carefully at the water.

At this moment, Corandi hit him from behind with all his strength.

The devil was not prepared at all, so she fell into the hot pot.

"Ouch! I'm burned to death."

After a few gasps, the devil Gou died.

Corandi ran happily to open the box and rescued Bangil.

"Brother, brother! The demon girl died!"

"Ah! Really?"

"Well! Really." Collanti told his brother what had happened.

Brothers and sisters embraced happily. "Sister, how brave you are!" said Bangil.

"No," Collanti said, "Brother, you're smart!"

They were happy to run around. In the basement, they found a big box and opened it.

"Wow! How beautiful!

It turned out that the box was full of jewels and gold coins.

"Let's take some home as gifts," Bangil said.

They stuffed jewelry and gold coins into their pockets. "Okay, go home quickly.

Find a way out before it gets dark! " Bangil took her sister's hand tightly and walked out of the house.














































































⑶ 糖果屋的故事英語版

"Take the children into the forest! Otherwise, we will starve to death!" Mother said.
"No, that's too cruel."
"Well, then you have to look for food."
Because it was too poor, no, father had promised.
Badger and Koranti are brother and sister listened very sad. Bangui smart, while after theparents were asleep, secretly went to the yard, pick up a lot of stones in my pocket.
The second day, the couple was to take them to the forest, Badger along the way and leavemany stones, to sign as home to know the way.
"You wait here, we go to the wood."
The brother and sister sat on the grass to play, imperceptibly asleep. Wake up, it was already dark.
Koranti frightened and cried. Badger took the crying sister, follow the stones mark, walked home.
Two people finally came home, my father is very happy, but mother was calm face.
Only a few days, Badger heard the mother said to the father: "this time, to make sure they don't come back."
At night, Badger want to pick up the stones, but the door is locked.
The second day, the same is the case, Badger had to use bread instead of stones, and down along the road. Unexpectedly, the bread was the bird to eat a light.
The brother and sister always woke up in the middle of the night, Badger comfort her said:"never mind, bread crumbs will tell us the way home."
But, can not find how to find bread crumbs.
"Ah! How to do?"
Two people hungry belly wandering in the forest, Corran couldn't help crying.
"Sister, don't cry, dawn, brother to take you home."
Deeper night, brother and sister both tired imperceptibly asleep again.
Soon, the dawn.
Both brother and sister to wake up, just to find a way out, walked and walked, suddenly,Badger's eyes a bright, cried:
"See! The house!"
They're happy approached a look, "wow! This house is all with candy, cookies made!"
Brother and sister both is really hungry, could not help but flew past, remove the house is indifferent to eat up.
"Ah! This is delicious.
Then, from behind the gentle voice said: "who is nibbling at my house?" A lady came out from the house.
"Sorry, we are lost in the forest children."
Your wife is very modest and said: "oh! Poor child, come and get it! There are many good things in the house."
After eating, your wife let both of them sleep in beautiful and comfortable bed. Brother and sister both good happy Oh, soon fell asleep.
"Hey hey hey...... Success!"
In fact, your wife is a man eating witch change. "Well! The man is fat, eat him."
Second days, Badger was close to a big box.
Corran was happy to run to open the case, Badger will be saved.
"Brother, brother! The witch is dead!"
"Ah! Really?"
"Well! Really." Corran will be after the case told brother.
Brother and sister both happy to embrace. Badger moved to say: "sister, you brave oh!"
"No," Koranti said: "brother you're smart!"
Two people happy to get away. In the basement, they found a big box, open and see.
"Wow! That's lovely!
Originally, in the box full of jewels and gold.
Badger said: "we take some home as a gift."
Two the jewelry and coins into his pocket, "well, hurry home. While it's not black before, to find a way out!" Badger tightly holding her hand, out of the witch's house.
Wow! Finally, finally they got out of the forest, however, a deep and wide river is in the front,and more trouble is, neither the bridge on the river, the shore and no ship.
That's too bad. How to cross the river?"
"Wow! See! A Ono Kamo."
The other side of the river, there is a Ono Kamozhengyu swim.
Corran shouted: "yes, you can ask Mr. wild ck!"
Then, two people together and shouted: "Mr. wild ck, please take us to the other side,okay?"
Wild ck seemed to understand what they like words, and swam over, and carried them across the river.
So far, they will see his home.
"Wow! Back home."
The brother and sister quickly ran.
Father saw them back, happy with open arms, hug them.
The brother and sister will be on the gold and silver jewelry, take out, said: "Dad, you see, we are back to the gift!" Then the story told dad.
"Oh! My poor child. Never let you leave."
During this period, dad every day have a sad, but mother also died.
Since then, a family of three and happy life together.



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