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發布時間:2024-07-31 15:12:20

❶ 美麗人生十句英語中文翻譯經典台詞


❷ 電影美麗人生中為什麼有個人過來說7分鍾。

美麗人生這電影我看的是義大利原聲,英語、中文雙字幕版本。如果你說的是電影18分到21分左右男主給醫生出的那個謎題的話,我看的這版從英語翻譯來看,謎題是「白雪公主請七個小矮人吃飯,第一道菜過後,她為小矮人們上下一道菜時間要多久?」這時,所謂的下一道菜就是第二道菜,在英文中「第二」為second,而second又有「秒」的意思。所以謎底就是,白雪公主為七個小矮人上第二道菜,就要上七個第二道菜,就是「7(七個) seconds(第二道菜)」,而「7 seconds」單獨去看,就是7秒鍾。
如果你說的是電影34分鍾的時候有個男人走過來和男主女主說「是七分鍾」,那個男人就是之前在餐廳時男主給他出題的那個醫生,所謂的「七分鍾」,對應之前英文版的謎底「7 seconds」,他正好看到男主了,就走過來告訴他謎底,表示自己猜出來了。

❸ 緹庝附浜虹敓鐢靛獎閲戝彞鑻辨枃


1. "This is my story. This is the sacrifice my father made. This was his gift to me." 鈥斺 "榪欐槸鎴戠殑鏁呬簨錛岃繖鏄鎴戠埗浜叉墍浠樺嚭鐨勭壓鐗, 榪欐槸浠栭佺粰鎴戠殑紺肩墿銆"

2. "Life is Beautiful." 鈥斺 "鐢熷懡鏄緹庡ソ鐨."

6. "Giosu貓 Tigrero, give me your report card!" 鈥斺 "Giosu貓 Tigrero, 緇欐垜浣犵殑鎴愮嘩鍗!"

7. "Don't you know? They're looking for a doctor, they're looking for a singer, and here I am, dying of boredom." 鈥斺 "浣犱笉鏄庣櫧鍚楋紵浠栦滑姝e湪瀵繪壘鍖葷敓銆佷粬浠姝e湪瀵繪壘姝屾墜錛岃屾垜鍗村湪榪欓噷鏃犺亰鍦扮瓑姝匯"






❹ 下面是電影《美麗人生》的一點影評,誰來幫我翻譯成英語~千恩萬謝

This is one about the life movie, front the death, anybody all is authorized to choose your point of view, "Beautiful Life" touches me is the base to the life heartfelt intolerance, this is his makings, perhaps is Italian's makings, in the movie base as well as his periphery all only is a miniature, the base humorous base optimistic all enough proved he completely has already conquered the life, already deserved into the life control, this was Judea's nationality's arrogant,The base life is a game, the same time base is playing the life, in the concentration camp death valley, he does not have an expression annotation death breath, a spoken language has not disclosed to death dreading, but is merely regards as the life a game, can have the harvest game, this is the average man hopes to attain or equal incompetently, I thought, the base thought should be same with Trotsky, Trotsky executes when the waiting writes down section of writing: The life is beautiful.I received very many inspirations suddenly, the life have been perhaps incomplete, the life haze was perhaps murky, but we might choose the tolerant point of view to contain all regrets, we should understand oneself was the life this game control, we should do are forever smileThis also is one about the dear ones movie, the base is a successful man, the success lies in his human nature to be beautiful, he formulates the game is actually a love game, in order to protect beloved son small approximately book Asia, the base braves the life danger to work as the translation, has compiled the Nazi cruel system beautification to suit the son small approximately book Asia's game rule, even if the game rule is not real, but the base father loves incomparably really.Moved me also to have that section of broadcasts, base several regards for pulls has sent to the world most touching love, pulled has cried, I cried.In the movie ending, the base exhorts small book Asia not to be able over and over to leave the small iron tank approximately, in is grasped by the Nazi soldier still makes the son who the funny movement attempts to let in the small iron tank to believe on the way game authenticity, in life final, the base as well as most the shed mood did not express with the funny movement thick has licked sentiment of approximately the calf to son small book Asia.

❺ 求《美麗人生》英文觀後感的中文翻譯

範文:"Beautiful life" is not a tragedy. From Guido's funny appearance at the beginning, it can be seen that the director Roberto benini wants to create a comedy atmosphere, but he definitely does not deliberately weaken the ideology of the film for the sake of kitsch.

In fact, on the contrary, benini's treatment is to avoid vulgarity, to express deeper thoughts, and to prevent the audience from inlging in shallow feelings.

Benini just wants to tell all people who really love life through this film that nightmares are temporary and believe that a beautiful life is forever.


❻ 求《美麗人生》英文觀後感的中文翻譯

Life is beautiful impressions
The life is beautiful,as in the title,the warm sunshine,full of wisdom,humor,love that deep love and licked the calf ......These factors can be a great life is take place under war clouds.
Cruel war in the background makes it all so precious.
War is a dark,hero of the Sun,life is good,the attitude is positive,is optimistic,the screen is bright,the plot is comedy.
Accidentally encounters his Princess;
Fake inspection officer of racial ridicule;
Both in his uncle's restaurant;
And "Princess" walking in the rain,and riding a painted "Jewish race" white Princess engaged to flee the scene with the word;
Son,his son said,"Jews and dogs not allowed" and "no entry for cockroaches and savage" is actually like;
Was Nazi captured has,wife resolutely of said himself is Jews,followed they to has camp,and he more is on son schema has one wonderful stimulus of points game,he from Germany officers there "translation" has game rules,he secretly with son through broadcast greeting he of Princess,he to son find has group Germany small partners,he with restaurant of phonograph for as far away as female camp of wife play they had heard had of Opera;
To withdraw from a concentration camp by the Nazis,and his son said it was the last pass of the game,then went into hiding,he risked looking for his wife,and also cared about the people they do not know of the female prisoners were ordered;
He was seized by Nazi officials,in his son's sight as well as performing with exaggerated movements in order to make the lie under complete,son to survive ......A few gunshots,we know that the base was killed,no blood,no despair,even quiet,like a film that has been run through it.
Remember that there is such a word in a novel:"love is our only thing death can take away,it makes death

❼ 電影,<<美麗人生>>中的主角叫什麼名字


美麗人生(Life Is Beautiful)

最佳男主角: 羅伯托·貝尼尼《美麗人生》















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