導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 亞瑟聖誕電影英文百度網盤


發布時間:2024-07-10 17:45:27

A. 用英語來描述亞瑟聖誕這部電影的內容

Need a little after watching the carnage to relax, and turn into the room next door, door is jia classmates of song and dance show, ahem, declined to comment.Pretty coke of animation, as a heap of sky elves agents presents scenarios, touch is done in the same period in impossible mission4 light. Story line is the Santa Claus has two sons, like the American captain, nabla, drag force, small is a bit like James McAvoy, weak blows out, in general, in order to complete the brother is the kindness of his little son missing the final task, the long Christmas gifts to the children, the much-anticipated mission complete, depend, before you know it and take advantage of the Tom! The end of the story, the younger son of the weak kind became the next vase Santa Claus and his elder brother to choose abandon name, saint a harmony of the Arctic Circle, and is the perfect Christmas.Insertion point as an aside, the global animation film is divided into three large, nissan, pixar, in addition to nissan pixar, dreamworks in third class belongs to the good, but the kung fu panda 2 of this type, just two words to describe, to offer the world, just to earn enough money to get a Chinese hot hot dog tail, Hollywood this help a grandson's shameless!Dreamworks animation is very recent globalization, not Chinese panda, is Spanish flower cat, aesthetic fatigue, slightly compared with the Arthur christma, Englishmen British English section, create a harmonious, regression.

B. 奼傜數褰變簹鐟燂紙Arthur錛夌櫨搴︿簯璧勬簮錛屽笇鏈涙竻鏅板害楂樹竴鐐

鐧懼害bttit btkitty 鐐瑰紑絎涓涓
鐐瑰紑 澶嶅埗magnet寮澶寸殑涓涓查摼鎺ュ埌鐧懼害浜戠偣鍑葷葷嚎涓嬭澆 鎶婇摼鎺ョ矘璐磋繘鍘葷掍笅




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