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發布時間:2024-06-29 06:39:54

㈠ "全球史上100部最佳電影"的英文怎麼說

全球史上100部最佳電影 :
The world's 100 best movies.


希望及時採納—— ♥ 多謝 ⌒_⌒

㈡ 請大家幫忙把下面這段話翻譯成英文,明天急用:「最近,我看了一部很棒的電影,想給大家推薦一下

Every year, there are many domestic and foreign films, but, as we know, can be said on the classic movie is just a very small, there are many movies are not even worth a visit, but I am talking about the film is really great, this movie Youth is the name of song and dance. The film is based on the form of song and dance to tell us about a group of teenagers full of youthful vitality to the friendship and love, there is despair and confusion. Very worth a visit

㈢ 這部電影真的很精彩。翻譯成英文

This film is really wonderful!

㈣ 電影的英文翻譯


1. Movie

2. Film

3. motion picture
分類語匯之電影 ...
motion picture:電影
a movie:電影
newsreel:新聞片 ...

4. cinema
評論:美國舊金山州立大學 - 去留學... ...
Engineering 工程 (四個主攻項目)
Cinema 電影
Instrial Art 工業藝術 ...

1. 如果有機會,我將去看那部電影。
I will go to see the film if I get the opportunity.

2. 最著名的電影獎是奧斯卡金像獎。
The best-known movie awards are the Academy Awards.

3. 這些電影只適宜成人觀看。
These films are suitable for alts only.

On Monday nights, the pupils go to the cinema.

5. 我們是去看電影還是去夜總會呢?
Shall we go to a movie or a night club tonight?

㈤ 「這部電影很棒」和「我認為他是很帥的」 ,用英文翻譯怎麼說

「這部電影很棒」This is a(n) excellent/awesome/amazing/gorgeous movie!
「我認為他是很帥的」I think he is really cute/fit/good looking.

中國人大多喜歡溫文爾雅的儒生形象。這也是中美文化差異之一嘍!在美國,經常會聽到美國女生說「He『s so cute!(他好帥哦!)"這里用的是cute, 而不是handsome.不過兩者的意思是一樣的,都是好看的意思,只是後者更強調健美。美國人習慣用cute這個詞。當然了,可不是指男生很可愛哦。
(a) masculine (adj.)很有男人味的,有肌肉的
(b) macho (adj.) 比masculine還更有男人的,有肌肉的
e.g I love seeing guys work out at the gym because they look so macho and masculine.
Fit 長相帥/漂亮
英語發展日新月異,新詞不斷涌現。所以,與時俱進,掌握最新流行詞彙至關重要。Fit也可以用來形容男生長得帥,另外可以直接說I think that he is very good looking.這些都是可以的。

㈥ 電影用英文翻譯


㈦ 急:總有一些電影在你腦海中,一些被稱為經典和完美的電影。 請把這句話翻譯成英文。謝謝。

There is always some movie in your mind, some are called classic and perfect movies.
There are always movie in your mind, some known as the classic and the perfect film.
Always has some movies in your mind, some are called classical and the perfect movie.

㈧ 貓和老鼠是一部非常好看的電影英文怎麼翻譯

Tom and Jerry is an awesome series.

㈨ 英文翻譯:我看了一部非常好的電影

I saw a very good movie

㈩ 英文翻譯:我看了一部非常好的電影

I saw a very good movie



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