導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 電影策劃的英文


發布時間:2024-06-29 05:48:57

1. 關於英文電影的製作詞彙

如下:as follows
製作: procer
友情客串:guest actor

主演 lead
出演 supporting cast
友情客串 guest actor
藝術顧問 artistic consultant
文學策劃 associate screenwriter
編劇/導演 screenplay/director
副導演 assistant director
場記 scriptgirl
出品人 executive
監制 procer
策劃 associate procer
執行製片 proction director
製片主任 proction manager
外聯製片 location manager
製片助理 proction assistant
攝影指導 director of photography
攝影 cameraman
攝影助理 camera assistant
燈光 gaffer
燈光助理 lighting assistant
美術指導 art director
幅美術 assistant art director
道具 property master
化妝 make-up
音樂 music composer
錄音 sound design
現場錄音 location sound
錄音助理 sound assistant
剪輯 editor
剪輯助理 assistant editor
會計 accountant
媒體聯絡 public relations
平面設計 graphie design
英文翻譯 english translation
英文字幕編輯 english subtitles editor
技術顧問 technical consultant
視頻技術 video technical support
後期技術 digital postproction
電腦特效 digital effect
視覺特技總監 visual effect supervisor
數碼特技主任 digital effect supervisor
數碼調光 color grading
燈光器材 lighting equipment
鳴謝 acknowledgement
協助拍攝 line proction

2. 「影視策劃人」,用英文怎麼說


3. 關於電影的英文單詞

1. ... Presents 出品
2. ... Proction, A Proction of... 攝制
3. A... Film 製片人
4. Director, Directed by, A Film by 導演
5. Screenplay by 編劇
6. Based on a Story by 原著
7. Proced by 製片
8. Executive Procer 執行製片
9. Proction Manager 製片主任
10. Director of Photography 攝影
11. Music by 音樂
12. Sound Effect 音響效果
13. Sound Mixer 聲音合成
14. 1st Assistant Director 首席助理導演
15. Casting by 選派演員
16. Cast of Characters 演員表
17. Starring 主演
18. Costumer Designer 服裝設計
19. Art Director 美術
20. Editor 剪輯
21. Set Designer 布景設計
22. Property Master 道具
23. Gaffer 燈光
24. Key Grip 首席場務
25. Dolly Grip 輪架場務
26. Best Boy 場務助理
27. Make Up 化妝
28. Hairdresser 發型
29. Stunt Coordinator 特技協調
30. Visual Effects 視覺效果
31. Title 字幕
32. Set Decorator 布景
33. Script Supervisor 劇本指導
1. Costume Design 服裝設計
2. Actor in a Supporting Role 男配角
3. Make up 化妝
4. Art Direction 藝術指導
5. Live Action Short Film 紀實短片
Animated Short Film 動畫短片
6. Sound Effects Editing 音響效果剪輯
7. Sound 音響
8. Actress in a Supporting Role 女配角
9. Cinematography 攝影
10. Film Editing 剪輯
11. Visual Effects 視覺效果
12. Documentary Short Subject 記錄短片
Documentary Feature 記錄長片
13. Foreign Language Film 外語片
14. Lifetime Achievement 終身成就
15. Original Musical or Comedy Score 音樂(喜劇)
Original Dramatic Score 音樂(戲劇)
16. Original Screenplay 原著劇本
Screenplay Adaptation 劇本改編
17. Original Song 歌曲
18. Director 導演
19. Actress in a leading Role 最佳女主角
20. Actor in a leading Role 最佳男主角
21. Picture 影片

4. 電影的英文單詞是什麼

漢語解釋:電影,是由活動照相術和幻燈放映術結合發展起來的一種連續的視頻畫面,是一門視覺和聽覺的現代藝術,也是一門可以容納悲喜劇與文學戲劇、攝影、繪畫、音樂、舞蹈、文字、雕塑、建築等多種藝術的現代科技與藝術的綜合體。那麼,你知道電影的 英語單詞 是什麼嗎?

中文 電影[diàn yǐng]

電影的英文 :film; movie; cinema; motion picture; cine;




Will you be showing a movie in flight this evening? 女生版聲音 男生版聲音


They also set up exhibitions or showed films. 女生版聲音 男生版聲音


The early film showing venues 女生版聲音 男生版聲音

1. The criticisms will not stop people flocking to see the film. 批評的聲音不會阻止人們涌到影院觀看這部 電影 。

2. Originally released in 1957, the film was remade as "The Magnificent Seven". 這部 電影 最早在1957年上映,後被翻拍為《七俠盪寇志》。

3. She acted in her firstfilm when she was 13 years old. 13歲時她出演了她的 電影 處女作。

4. The movie sees Burton psychoanalysing Firth to cure him of his depression. 在 電影 中伯頓對弗思進行了精神分析,想要治癒他的抑鬱症。

5. The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy. 電影 以寫實開頭,然後卻發展成為荒誕的幻想。

6. Working with Ford closely, I fell in love with the cinema. 與福特的密切合作開始令我愛上了 電影 。

7. Contemporary African cinema has much to offer in its vitality and freshness. 當代非洲 電影 在活力和新穎性上頗足稱道。

8. The film takes no position on the politics of Northern Ireland. 這部 電影 未在北愛爾蘭政治問題上選擇站邊。

9. The scriptwriter helped him to adapt his novel for the screen. 編劇幫助他將其所著小說改編成 電影 。

10. You will wake to find film crews camped in your backyard. 一覺醒來,你會發現 電影 攝制組進駐了你家後院。

11. It's ideal for people who like a sloppy movie. 對於喜歡傷感 電影 的人來說,這部影片再合適不過了。

12. Was he going to show the film? Was it in colour? 他會放那部 電影 嗎?是彩色的嗎?

13. I didn't see that my career as a film-maker was going anywhere. 我發現我作為 電影 製片人的職業沒有什麼發展前途。

14. During the filming, Curtis fell in love with his co-star, Christine Kaufmann. 在 電影 攝制過程中,柯蒂斯愛上了同他聯袂主演的明星克里斯汀·考夫曼。

15. Many cinema-goers were stunned by the film's violent and tragic end. 許多來看 電影 的人都被這部影片暴力而悲慘的結局所震驚。

16. There is no magic formula for procing winning procts. 獲獎 電影 的製作沒有捷徑可取。

17. The film was shown to gasps of rapture at the Democratic Convention. 在民主黨大會上放映的 電影 使人們十分欣喜。

18. Sadly, the film is let down by an excessively simple plot. 遺憾的是,過於簡單的情節使得這部 電影 差強人意。

19. So far the films have grossed more than £590 million. 到目前為止,這些 電影 的票房總收入已超過了5.9億英鎊。

20. The woman was the wife of a film director. 這個女人是一個 電影 導演的妻子。

5. 英文影視中的職員表怎樣翻譯

出品人 Executive Procer

總策劃 Associate procer

總監制 Proction Supervisor

監制 Co- Proction Supervisor

策劃 Co-Associate procer

技術監制 Technical supervisor


Line procer


Executive Procer (Aust.)

主演 Starring


編審 Script editor Coordinator

攝影 Photographer Proction designer

錄音Sound Composer

執行導演 First assistant director Co-Script editor

製片人Co-Executive Procer

導演 Director

6. 求從事電影的各種職業的英文表達

導演 director
攝影師、camera man
美術指導、arts conctor
武術指導、martial arts conctor
特技演員 stunt man
編劇 scripter

An armourer specializes in firearms. If a film requires firearms as props, an armourer is needed.

Best Boy
There are two types of best boys: electrical and grip. Best boy electric is the gaffer's assistant. (See gaffer definition.) There is also a best boy grip. A best boy grip assists the key grip. (See grip definition).

Boom operator
A boom operator assists the proction sound mixer. They are in charge of ensuring clear dialogue and sound for a movie. The boom operator uses a long pole called a boom pole in order for microphones to be held out of the view of the cameras and still ensure that the actors are heard clearly.

Dolly grip
A dolly grip operates the movie camera dolly.

Foley artist
A foley artist is responsible for creating the sound effects in a movie.

A gaffer, or lighting technician, is the chief electrician. A gaffer manages the entire electrical department. The electrical staff's main responsibility is lighting.

The greensman is a specialist who decides how and where to place plants and greenery in the film scenes.

A grip's concern is lighting. Grips make sure the lighting is just right for a movie scene. They will set up filters or blocks in front of lights or the sun to make sure the lighting is optimal. Grips also set up ladders and other large objects when needed, move scenery, and sometimes operate camera dollies.

Key Grip
The key grip is over the entire set operations department. They assist the gaffer.

7. 策劃的英文是什麼

策劃 planing organizing
製作 proction
拍攝 filming shooting

=煜's Guarantee Tag=



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