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發布時間:2024-06-14 19:44:25

⑴ 長發公主英文台詞

Flynn Ryder:Is this…hair

Rapunzel:struggling…struggling is pointless

I know why you』re here.And I』m not afraid of you.

Flynn Ryder:what?

Rapunzel: who are you,and how did you find me?

Flynn Ryder:ahu..

Rapunzel: who are you,and how did you find me?

Flynn Ryder:I know what who you are.Nor how I came to find you.But ,may I just say.

Hi !how are you doing? the names Flynn Ryder.

How』s your day going? huh?

Rapunzel: Who else knows my location, Flynn Ryder?

Flynn Ryder: All right. blendle,

Rapunzel: Rapunzel

Flynn Ryder: Gesundheit. Heres the deal.I was in a situation. Gallivanting through the forest.I came across your tower and…Ho,oh no,where ie my satchel?

Rapunzel: I』ve hidden it, somewhere you』ll never find it.

Flynn Ryder: It』s in that pot, isn』t it?

Flynn Ryder:ahh,ahh, will you stop that.

Rapunzel: Now it』s hidden where you』ll never find it.so what do you want. With my hair? To cut it?

Flynn Ryder: What?

Rapunzel: sell it?

Flynn Ryder: No! Listen, the only thing I want to do with your hair is to get out of it. Literally.

Rapunzel: wait, you don't want my hair?

Flynn Ryder: why on earth would I want your hair? Look, I was being chased, I saw a tower, I climbed it, end of story.

Rapunzel: You』re telling the truth?

Flynn Ryder: Yes

Rapunzel: I know, I need someone to take me. I think he』s telling the truth, too. Doesn't have fangs, but what choice do I have? Uh, Okay Flynn Ryder, I』m prepared to offer you a deal.

Flynn Ryder: Deal?

Rapunzel;look this way. Do you know what these are?

Flynn Ryder: You mean the lantern thing they do for the princess?

Rapunzel: lanterns… I knew they weren』t stars. Well, tomorrow evening they will light the night sky with these lanterns. You will act as my guide. Take me to these lanterns, and return me home safely. Then, and only then, will I return your satchel to you. That is my deal.

Flynn Ryder: Yeah, no can do.

Unfortunately, the kingdom and I aren』t exactly, simpatico. At the moment. So I won』t be taking you anywhere.

⑵ 看完《長發公主》,用英語寫讀後感100字左右

After reading the book called Cinderella, I was deeply impressed by its wonderful plot and characters.Cinderella lived a hard life before he met the Prince.She was abused by her stepmother,which is typically opposite to her sis...

⑶ 求 長發公主《魔發奇緣》英文版或字幕


⑷ 英語 長發公主概括

The protagonist of the story is a girl with long hair, Leppe, whose hair is controlled by magic.


As a result, she grew up living in an isolated tower.


Until one day, Flynn Ryder, a handsome man and robber, came under the tower because of his strong hands.


It was found that the tower was the best hiding place, and he climbed it with his bare hands.


Little did you know that there was a beautiful girl on the tower, and they lived happily together after suffering.










⑸ 求魔發奇緣/長發公主經典台詞

Best day, ever!



we've found it.

the magic of the goiden flouen ,healed the queen.

A healthy baby girl,a princess was born.

with beautiful golden hair.

I『ll give you a hint.

That's Raounzel.

To celebrate her birth , the king ang queen launched a fiying lantern in to the sky.

And for that one moment , everything was perfect.

And then that moment ended.

Flower gleam and glow,

let your power shine

Make the clock re ....

cothel broke inke into the castie.

stole the child, and just like that...gone.

Thekingdom searched and searched , but thy could not find the princess.

For deep within the forest.

In a hidden tower.

Gothel raised the shild a sherown.

Raounzel:bring back what once was mine.

Raounzel:What once was mine.

Gothet had found her new magic fower.

But this time she was determined to keep it hidden.

Raounzel:why can't l go outsiside!
Raounzel:為什麼我不能出去呢?Gothel:the outsde worid is a dangerous place.
Gothel:外面的世界太危險了。Gothel:filled with horrible, selfish penple.

Gothel:you must stay here , where you're safe do you unde rstand, flower?


But the walls of that tower, could not hide everything.

each year on her birthay , the king ang queen launched a fiying lantern in to the sky.

In hope that one day , theit lost princess, would return.

⑹ 求"長發公主」英文簡介

In a dark castle, there lived a girl very long hair, called Li Po Sa, she had to do housework for the witch Gedi Er, a little done, would have been scolding and Ge Dier Punishment. Lai Po Sha has two good friends, dragons and rabbits exposed than Penney, every day they accompany and help Li Po Sa. Lai Po Sha loves to draw, but Ge Dier did not allow, but unfortunately, only Lai Po Sa secretly painting. Chance, Lai Po Sha found in the basement of the castle, inside the castle there is an outside pass to the channel, Lai Po Sha for the first time out of the castle. In a piece of grass outside the castle, Lai Po Sa saved three lovely girls, they are the prince's three sisters Sida Fen: Bello, Lu Yun Na and Jiacui Na. Lai Po Sa and Si Dafen at first sight, the prince asked the name of Lai Po Sha, Sha Li Po did not say that. Li Po Lufthansa's actions were weasels Otto told Gedi Er, Ge Dier put off in the Lai Po Sa Tower, pressed the prince's name, but, Lai Po Sha really do not know. One day, Li Po and Sha Lu Penney and the ratio of the help, found a magic pen, use it to draw Lai Po Sha the outside world, and by painting can go outside. Lai Po Sha finally did find the prince, the prince invited her to attend his birthday party. However, this has been Gedi Er know, she cut the hair Sha Li Po, Li Po Sha ruined the brush and put a curse on the tower facilities, posing as Li Po Sa to arrive in Sri Lanka to kill DaVinci prince. At the crucial moment, Lai Po Sha appeared, exposed Ge Dier plot, and met his father, King Khan --- Will neighbors. Originally, Ge Dier had unrequited love Will King Khan, the latter e to love to hate, captured the King Khan, the daughter of Will Shakespeare Li Po. Lai Po Sha managed to Gedi Er into the tower, Ge Dier in his own "Do not ever lie to the release of the prisoners, "the curse is forever trapped in the tower on the. Later, Lai Po Sa and Si Dafen married, living a happy life. Also, rabbits and Charizard Penney ratio and dew also admitted to their palace.


⑺ 求《魔法奇緣之長發公主》高清完整版(中文字幕)(英文版)下載




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