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① 用英語簡介美人魚的內容

The Little Mermaid lives at the sea bottom with her father the Sea King, her grandmother, and her five older sisters, born one year apart. When a mermaid turns 15, she may swim to the surface to watch the world above, and as the sisters become old enough one of them visits the surface every year. As each of them returns the Little Mermaid listens longingly to their descriptions of the surface and human beings.
When the Little Mermaid turns 15 she ventures to the surface. She sees a ship with a handsome prince, and falls in love with him. There comes a great storm, and the prince almost drowns, but the Little Mermaid saves him and she
delivers him unconscious to the shore near a temple. Here she waits until he is found by a young girl from the temple. But the prince never sees the Little Mermaid.
The Little Mermaid asks her grandmother whether humans can live forever if they do not drown. She is told that no, humans have an even shorter lifespan than mermaids. Mermaids live for 300 years, but when they die they turn to sea foam and cease to exist. Humans, on the other hand, have a short lifespan on earth, but they have an eternal soul that lives on in heaven even after they die. The Little Mermaid spends her days longing for the prince and for an eternal soul. At last she goes to the Sea Witch, who sells her a potion that gives her legs, in exchange for her tongue, because the Little Mermaid has the prettiest voice in the world. But drinking the potion will feel like a sword being passed through her, and walking on her feet will feel like walking on knives. And she will only get a soul if the prince loves her and marries her, for then a part of his soul will flow into her. Otherwise, at dawn on the first day after he marries another woman, the Little Mermaid will die broken-hearted and turn to sea foam.

② 電影美人魚簡介

Girl Claire (Emma Roberts Emma Roberts ornaments) and Hayley (喬安娜利維 Intrinsic Joanna 'JoJo' Levesque decoration) is a pair of beautiful and lively friends. Hayley's mother is a marine biologist, after school she would leave the United States with his family to Australia. Good about the two sisters apart, they took advantage of the beach this summer to enjoy fun, mind you can look forward to the day with longer, then longer. Here, they encountered a strange thing: a legendary mermaid aqua M (Salapake Preston Sara Paxton decorated) broke into their lives.
Original, Aquarius ocean currents along the Ma-here is to find the world true love in three days. Otherwise, she would be forced to marry a person who does not love. The diving lifeguard Raymond (Jake McDorman Jake Road Man ornaments), is her idol. Aquarius Mary Clare and Hayley to ask, how to win the prince's heart. However, First love of two sisters, also Raymond hearts delight in this handsome, with coquettish rival Saixiliya (Alierkai decorated Bell Arielle Kebbel) interference, would good play the beach this summer repeatedly.

③ 一篇關於電影美人魚主題思想的英語作文

The Mermaid (Chinese: 美人魚) is a 2016 Chinese-Hong Kong science fiction fantasy romantic comedy film directed, co-written, and co-proced by Stephen Chow.

The film stars Deng Chao as a playboy businessman who falls in love with a mermaid (Lin Yun) who was sent to assassinate him.

It was released in China on February 8, 2016.
Upon release, it broke numerous box office records such as the biggest
opening day and the biggest single day gross through its seventh day of
release and having the biggest opening week of all time in China. On
February 19, it became the highest-grossing Chinese film of all time.


《美人魚》 Aquamarine (2006)
劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
少女克萊爾(艾瑪·羅伯茨 Emma Roberts飾)和海莉(喬安娜·利維斯克Joanna 'JoJo' Levesque飾)是一對靚麗活潑的好友。海莉的母親是海洋生物學家,她開學之後就要隨同家人離開美國前往澳洲。兩個好姊妹的即將天各一方,她們趁著這個暑假來到海灘上盡情遊玩,心裡盼望著一起的日子可以長些,再長些。在這里,她們碰到了一件怪事:一條傳說中的美人魚阿誇瑪(薩拉·帕克斯頓 Sara Paxton 飾)闖進了她們的生活。
原來,阿誇瑪順著洋流來到這里,是為了在三天內找到人間真愛。否則,她將被迫嫁給一個不愛的人。而潛水救生員雷蒙德(傑克·麥克道曼 Jake McDorman 飾),正是她心中的白馬王子。阿誇瑪請教克萊爾和海莉,如何才能贏得王子的心。然而,情竇初開的兩個姊妹,心中也對雷蒙德這個帥哥心曠神怡,加上風騷的情敵賽西莉亞(阿莉爾·凱貝爾 Arielle Kebbel 飾)的干擾,這個夏天的海灘就要好戲連連了。

⑤ 美人魚的系列介紹

片名: Little Mermaid
譯名: 小美人魚
La sirenita.....Argentina / Peru / Spain
A Pequena Sereia.....Brazil / Portugal
A kis hableány.....Hungary
Arielle, die Meerjungfrau.....West Germany
But Ha-Yum Ha-Ktana.....Israel (Hebrew title)
De kleine zeemeermin.....Netherlands (informal literal title)
Den lilla sjöjungfrun.....Sweden
Den lille havfrue.....Denmark
Den lille havfruen.....Norway
I mikri gorgona.....Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Küçük denizkizi.....Turkey (Turkish title)
La petite sirène.....France
La sirenetta.....Italy
Mala syrenka.....Poland
Pieni merenneito.....Finland
Ritoru maameido.....Japan
導演: 約翰·馬斯克 John Musker
羅恩·克萊門茨 Ron Clements
出品: 迪士尼
【作品類別】愛情 / 動畫 / 奇幻 / 家庭 / 歌舞 / 喜劇
【片長時間】83 分鍾
【地區】 美國
【對白】 英語 / 法語
【分級】Argentina:Atp / Australia:G / Canada:G / Sweden:Btl / UK:U / Chile:TE / Peru:PT / France:U / Ireland:G / Singapore:G / Spain:T / USA:G / Brazil:Livre / Netherlands:AL / Belgium:KT / West Germany:0 / Finland:K-6/3
【版權所有】(&; 1989 The Walt Disney Company/(on print)) 【作品名稱】 The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea
中文翻譯】 小美人魚2:重返大海
【在美推出】 2000年9月19日
【片長時間】 約75分鍾
【作品類別】 迪士尼影音產品首映,長篇劇情動畫片
【原著取材】 由迪士尼第28部經典動畫【小美人魚】衍生劇情
【地區】 美國 加拿大 澳大利亞
【對白】 英語
【聲音】Dolby Digital
【時長】75 分鍾
【分級】英國:U 美國:G
本片的劇情故事接續【小美人魚】電影,主要是由多倫多和雪梨兩地的迪士尼TV動畫部門所共同製作,故事敘述人魚公主Ariel 和 Eric 在陸地成親後,後來有了一個女兒,名字叫做 Melody ,這個小女孩並不知道自己有一半的美人魚血統,她一心嚮往海底世界,希望能夠變成美人魚徜徉在大海之中,跟她的媽媽當年正好相反!另一方面,海巫婆 Ursula 的妹妹 Morgana 一心要為她的姊姊復仇,於是就利用 Melody ,說可以幫忙把她變成一隻美人魚,其實是要利用這件事同時顛覆海底以及陸上的王國!Melody 離家讓 Ariel 和 Eric 擔心不已,於是 Ariel 決定重返海底的老家,要去尋回 Melody 。本片的英文原版當中,是由 Tara Charendoff 幫 Melody 配音,然而其他各語言的版本,迪士尼在世界各地許多地區採用公開徵選的方式,來幫 Melody 征徵求配音員。本片迪士尼除了直接發行錄影帶和DVD之外,也在迪士尼洛杉磯的戲院 El Capitan Theater 特別放映。
1989 - 小美人魚(The Little Mermaid) 《經典動畫》
2008 - 小美人魚3(The Little Mermaid 3) 《影音產品首映》
本片是由 Leslie Hough 、David Lovegren 製片,由 Jim Kammerud 、Brian Smith 共同執導,由 Elizabeth Anderson 、Temple Mathews
原來的角色仍由第一集電影原班人馬擔任配音,新加入的小女主角 Melody 則是由 Tara Charendoff 所擔任,當年幫海巫婆 Ursula 配音的 Pat Carroll 這次再幫 Ursula 的妹妹 Morgana 配音。
本片的配樂由 Danny Troob 擔任,同時也有用到部分當年電影中 Alan Menken 的音樂,至於本片的歌曲,則由 Michael Silversher 以及 Patty Silversher 共同作詞、作曲。本片片尾曲「Part of Your World」是當年電影原有的歌曲,由 Howard Ashman 作詞、Alan Menken 作曲,此一新版「Part of Your World」的主唱則是 Chely Wright 。
1. Down To The Sea
2. For A Moment
3. Tip & Dash
4. Here On The Land And The Sea (Finale)
5. Part of Your World
本片的原聲帶CD在美國於2000年8月底發行,原聲帶中除了收錄本片中的歌曲之外,還多收錄了一些精選自賽巴斯丁之前所出個人專輯中的歌曲,然而原聲帶中卻沒有收錄配樂,甚至沒有收錄新版的片尾曲「Part of Your World」,此一片尾流行曲在美國只做成一張單曲CD,隨著在迪士尼商店購買本片錄影帶時才附贈。 ◎譯名小美人魚3:愛麗兒的起源
◎片名The Little Mermaid:Ariel's Beginning
◎IMDB評分 8.1/10 (81 votes)
◎視頻尺寸640 x 352
◎片長77 Mins
◎導演Peggy Holmes
◎主演裘蒂.班森 Jodi Benson ....Ariel (voice)
Lorelei Hill Butters ... Queen Athena (voice)
吉姆.庫寧斯 Jim Cummings ....King Triton (voice)
莎莉.菲爾德 Sally Field ....Marina
Parker Goris ... Flounder (voice)
Kari Wahlgren ... Alana (voice)
Samuel E. Wright ... Sebastian (voice)
講述Ariel在重拾音樂的道路上與她的好友比目魚、螃蟹的相識,最終讓父親從失去妻子的悲痛中解脫出來。當然,還需要和邪惡,千方百計想要奪權的保姆惡斗,總之,是部不錯的動畫片~ 故事回到愛麗兒公主還在大海中生活的情景,所以愛麗兒依然是人魚姿態於故事中出現。

⑥ 介紹美人魚電影英語作文70字

The Mermaid (Chinese: 美人魚) is a 2016 Chinese-Hong Kong science fiction fantasy romantic comedy film directed, co-written, and co-proced by Stephen Chow.

The film stars Deng Chao as a playboy businessman who falls in love with a mermaid (Lin Yun) who was sent to assassinate him.

It was released in China on February 8, 2016.
Upon release, it broke numerous box office records such as the biggest
opening day and the biggest single day gross through its seventh day of
release and having the biggest opening week of all time in China. On
February 19, it became the highest-grossing Chinese film of all time.



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