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Ⅰ 跪求宮崎駿和《天空之城》的英文介紹,大概要讀3鍾左右的。謝謝!!!!

中文:《天空之城》是一部由Jonathan Swift寫的小說《Gulliver's Travels》改編的電影,某些人認為其故事情節較為傳統,但這不等於它沒有新意,相反,《天空之城》一劇充滿了很多新元素。電影中近乎完美地刻畫出故事所發生時代的世界的景觀,有點科幻色彩,也有點神話色彩,還有點歐洲工業革命時期的味道,諸如高架鐵軌上的舊式火車,黑漆漆的礦洞,飛空艇,象泥塑的機器人等等……
故事由希塔所坐的飛艇遭到空中海盜的襲擊而開始。爭斗中希塔從萬米高空的飛艇上跌落下來…… 故事另外一個主人公少年PASU是礦工機師的徒弟,這一天收工時,發現天上有個亮晶晶的東西正在慢慢地下落。是什麼?UFO?他飛也似的跑過去,發現是一個好可愛的女孩子,在一團藍光的包圍下從天上飄下來了……

英文:"Sky City" is a novel written by a Jonathan Swift "Gulliver's Travels" film adaptation, some people think that its more traditional story, but this does not mean that it is nothing new, on the contrary, "Sky City," a drama full of a lot of new elements. Near-perfect film depicts the story of the world occurred in the era of the landscape, a little sci-fi color, but also a little mythical, a little taste of Europe's instrial revolution, such as the elevated train tracks on the old, dark mined, flying empty boat, as the clay of the robot, and so on ... ...
Intense throughout the entire movie plot, but the deep blue sky and white clouds but will dilute the more thought-provoking sharp conflict; character expression lines but often does not depend on the specific action by the people, make the character more personality profound.
Girl Xita is the legendary "Castle in the Sky Laputa" descendants, it was beyond the earth's air of civilization for thousands of years of civilization do not know, but I do not know why, Xita ancestors left the "Sky City", abandon the advanced technology in the from the ground over the life of seclusion. But one day, a few unidentified man appeared at the door ... ...
The story Xita sat air pirates attack the airship was began. Battles Xita m altitude airship from falling down on the story of another hero ... ... young PASU a miner apprentice pilots, this day call it a day, and found that the sky has a shiny thing is slowly falling. What? UFO? He ran like a fly also found a cute girl in blue, surrounded by a mass of floating down from the sky ... ...
The next day Xita in PASU room woke up and found the room with a "Laputa Laputa" photos. This is PASU father risked their lives passing through numerous photographed only real city in the sky, but in addition to Swift, there is no one believes him. So unhappy in his father died. PASU swear, it has to others, confirmed that the world is really a city in the sky there!
However Sensitive pirates soon came to the door. Then there is some eye-opening of the chase and escape the lens, the last two fall into the bottomless deep under the watchful eyes of mine, Xita stone once again wearing the sky light, falling to his two security. Mines, stone and sky resonate ore mine, where the original stone was mined raw materials, where the sky, but the sky of stone extraction technology, legend holds only Laputa talent.
Two newly hatched mine, who was the army seized. Xita were taken to the fortress, where a person called Mu Sika to Xita to see a giant robot, the city is falling from the sky, and with the technology can not make it then restart. That night, they begin grandparents Xita help spread the spell, the sky stone emitting light, so that the robot once again live together, the fortress into a sea of ​​fire.
PASU disarray and pirates to forge an alliance to fly into the fortress rescued Xita. Haste Xita lost the sky stone, and Mu Sika been gems, precious stones according to the military life on the Light of the guidelines into the sky of the city. The other pirates in the mother's account from Xita calculated the orientation of the sky of the city, with Xita of two full speed by airship pirates!
About to arrive when, suddenly appeared in front of tornadoes, and Mu Sika ships and territories, the fighting PASU and Xita glider caught in a tornado.
This field is abandoned by God, nature of terror and anger of the gods gathered here over the thick darkness, the lightning in the vertical and horizontal flight in the tsunami, lightning through the corridors, breaking the boundaries of life and death, the fate of the door again open in front of young ... ... the center of a tornado, is the legendary bird "Laputa Laputa"! Here is a quiet haven, only robots on ty air city, home to plants and ancient organisms.
Hayao Miyazaki's works, science and technology is not the best place to live, in Conan's "Future World" and "Laputa Laputa" is true. On the contrary, "Nausicaa" in the struggle for survival of the people, although only the old technology, but it is the owner of the machine, "Sky City" flying pirates as well.
Mu Sika captured pirates, also came to Laputa, he forced Xita and he went into the central control room, start the text on the black stone, is about to begin his ambition to dominate the world. Xita snatch away the sky of stone, in order to prevent the Musi Ka, along with her and they begin to destroy everything PASU mantra: Punish. Laputa disintegration, evil and do evil with the weapons system into the atmosphere of the fireball fell into the sea, and to clarify the "sky stone" Laputa carrying the tree of life, rising to the sky at the end ... ...

有些翻譯的不是很准確 。希望樓主採納。

Ⅱ 用英語介紹一部動畫電影

There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives a happy life .
Unluckily.his father was killed one day .He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot.
He lost the touch with his family since then.His two pals helped him to lead a new life .
His mother and other family members thought he had died .One day ,his girlfriend met him by accident .She persuadee him to come back to get his kingdom .He first did not take her advisebut then he agreeed with the help of a magical monkey
He returned and he got to know it's his uncle who ended his father'life .He fought against him and he won at last .
He saved his mother and other lions and became king of his tribe .He is lion of great determination and iron will. He is a really Hero!

Ⅲ 千與千尋英文簡介

《千與千尋》是宮崎駿在《幽靈公主》宣布息影之後的出山力作。被譽為宮崎駿的《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》。故事講述一個小女孩在神靈異世界裡發生的故事。《千與千尋》為吉卜力首部日韓工作室聯合製作的電影,此劇亦為宮崎本人帶來另一個事業輝煌的成就,宮崎駿憑這部電影獲得2002年第52屆柏林影展金熊獎等十多個日本國內外獎項;除了打破日本票房和入座率(2350萬人次)的電影外,還是首部風行全世界的吉卜力動畫電影,先後在二十個國家或地區公映並出版16個語系配音的影音產品。故事簡介 注意:下文中包含記述作品情節的段落,或許會降低欣賞原作的興致。年僅10歲的荻野千尋是一個看起來非常普通的四年級小學生,她隨父母搬家來到一個陌生的城鎮准備開始一個全新的生活。然而,因為途中迷路,她和父母誤闖入了一個人類不應該進入的靈異小鎮。小鎮的主管是當地一家叫「油屋」的澡堂的巫婆:湯婆婆;而「油屋」則是為服侍日本八百萬天神洗澡的地方。鎮上有一條規定,在鎮上凡是沒有工作的人,都要被變成豬被吃掉。千尋的父母由於貪吃,未經過店員容許就隨便觸碰食物,而遭到懲罰變成了豬。千尋為了拯救父母,在湯婆婆的助手「珀」(ハク,香港和台灣上映時譯為「白龍」)的幫助下,進入澡堂,並成功的獲得了一份工作。作為代價,她的名字被湯婆婆拿掉了筆劃太多的名字,成了「千」(香港和台灣片中稱為「小千」)。在澡堂工作的過程中,小千從一個嬌生慣養,什麼活都不會做的小女孩,逐漸成長,變得越來越堅強能幹;同時,她善良的品格也開始得到了澡堂中其他人的尊重,而她和白龍之間也萌生出一段純真的感情。而為了拯救父母和對自己重要的人,面對各種困難和危險,千尋也一次次做出了自己的選擇。而影片也隨著她的心理變化歷程而展開。Spirited Away (千と千尋の神隠し, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi?, lit. Sen and Chihiro's Spiriting Away) is a 2001 Japanese animated film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and proced by Studio Ghibli. The film views a sullen ten-year-old girl in the middle of her family's move to a new town (presumably the countryside) and her adventures in a world of spirits and monsters.The film received many awards, including the second Oscar ever awarded for Best Animated Feature, the first anime film to win an Academy Award, and the first (and so far only) non-English speaking animation to win. The film also won the Golden Bear at the 2002 Berlin International Film Festival (tied with Bloody Sunday) and is among the top ten in the BFI list of the 50 films you should see by the age of 14.Spirited Away overtook Titanic in the Japanese box office to become the highest-grossing film in Japanese history.Ten-year-old Chihiro and her parents are moving to a new town, much to Chihiro's displeasure. While driving, they get lost and her father decides to take a 'shortcut' down a mysterious forested pathway. After a short but bumpy drive, the family comes to a stop at what seems to be an abandoned theme park. Curious, the father leads his family through a tunnel and explores the park, finding a deserted town and a stall full of freshly-cooked food. The parents greedily help themselves while Chihiro refuses to eat. As Chihiro's parents are eating, she wanders off and meets a boy named Haku. Haku seems to be familiar with Chihiro and warns her to escape with her parents; she returns to find they have turned into pigs, and that the way back has become a deep river. Spirits appear and go about the park. Haku secretly takes Chihiro to a large bathhouse to avoid alerting the spirits to her presence. Haku then tells her that she must get a job from the witch Yubaba, the owner of the park's bathhouse, until he can help her recover her parents and escape.With the help of the six-armed boiler room master Kamajii and a bathhouse servant girl named Lin, Chihiro is able to convince Yubaba to give her a job; in exchange, Chihiro is forced to give up her name so that Yubaba may keep her in service for eternity. Yubaba gives her new servant the name "Sen(千)," which is derived from "Chihiro(千尋)" by removing the second character and using the alternate reading of the first. Chihiro eventually learns that Haku is similarly indebted to Yubaba. Chihiro is put to work alongside Lin, helping to bathe and serve the most difficult spirits in the bathhouse. Chihiro is able to successfully bathe a "stink spirit" (later revealed to be a river spirit who had been heavily polluted), who rewards Chihiro for her service with a magic medicine made from special herbs.Chihiro discovers Haku's true form, a dragon, and he is later attacked in this form by paper birds controlled by Zeniba, Yubaba's twin sister. Haku had stolen Zeniba's sigil under orders from Yubaba. Chihiro tries to help Haku recover from his injuries using the medicine given to her by the river spirit, which acts as an emetic to the dragon, thus recovering Zeniba's sigil and squashing a peculiar black slug that had been attached to it. Haku remains comatose, so Chihiro decides to travel to Zeniba's home to return the sigil, hoping to break her curse over Haku. Chihiro sets out on a train ride across the spirit world, along with a wraith-like spirit called No Face, who terrorized the bathhouse and tried to earn the affection of Chihiro, and Boh, Yubaba's gigantic infant son whom Zeniba had transformed into a mouse.The group arrives at Zeniba's house to find that Zeniba is friendlier than expected, and that the curse on Haku was placed on him by Yubaba, but Chihiro's love and caring has broken the spell. Zeniba makes Chihiro a special hairband to show her that her friends are with her, as well as for protection, and No Face is offered to stay at Zeniba's home as her assistant. Haku, now recovered, shows up to return Chihiro to the bathhouse, explaining that Yubaba will return Chihiro's parents to normal and allow all three of them to leave in exchange for returning Boh. As they travel on Haku's dragon form, Chihiro realizes that Haku is the same river spirit that saved her as a small child when she fell into the Kohaku River, and the realization helps to break Yubaba's control on Haku completely. At the bathhouse, Yubaba reveals that Chihiro must pass one more task as part of Haku's deal: identify which pigs in the huge herd are her parents. Chihiro passes the test, as she states that none of them are her parents, and Yubaba is forced to let her and her family go. Haku escorts her to the entrance of the spirit world, telling her that her parents are waiting on the other side, but not to look back or else the deal will be broken. Chihiro rejoins her parents, not once looking back. The family returns to their car (now sty and covered with fallen leaves and branches, looking as though a long time has passed) and continues to their new home. Zeniba's hair band is still in Chihiro's hair, proving her adventure to be true. In the English adapation, the movie ends as Chihiro's parents tell her that they understand her worry, to which she replies that she thinks she'll do fine. This is a significant change from the Japanese original, which leaves Chihiro in silent thought as the car drives away.

Ⅳ 宮崎駿及其作品英文介紹

Gongqijun brief 1941-1969, Hayao Miyazaki was born on January 5, 1941, four brothers, ranked second.Their homes and lived in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, but because of wartime evacuation of the Second World War, and their families moved to Utsunomiya City Kanuma city.Kanuma uncle lived in the city operates a plane factory, Hayao Miyazaki's father is headed in that factory.Hayao Miyazaki's mother was very strict, very smart minds.Hayao Miyazaki Mody's brother recalled later that he saw the "Sky" the mother-in-law could not help but think about his mother pirates.Although not fully grown, but the personality down lifelike.Hayao Miyazaki primary grades one to three in Utsunomiya City primary school, but they returned to Tokyo.Tokyo will be transferred to the school.In 1947 when Hayao Miyazaki's mother is suffering from tuberculosis, lying in bed with a full nine years.From this film, "My Neighbor Totoro" can be seen ring the dark days of the shadow of a Hayao Miyazaki.1958, the first long history of the Japanese video color animation film "The White Snake" (East video animation) exhibition,Hayao Miyazaki is the third year students hooked on the film, liked the original cartoon animation, he began to have interest.Hayao Miyazaki like Tu Tu paint used on some ships and things like aircraft, but will not be painted.He also resolved to be the master of a cartoonist---------------------------------宮崎峻簡介 (上面的英語意思)1941-1969年 宮崎駿生於1941年1 月5 日,四兄弟中排行第二。他們家原本住在東京都文京區,後來二次大戰因戰時疏散,舉家遷往宇都宮市和鹿沼市。住鹿沼市的伯父經營了一家飛機工廠,宮崎駿的父親在那間工廠擔任主管。宮崎駿的母親 是個很嚴格的人,頭腦很聰明。宮崎駿的么弟後來回憶說,他看到《天空之城》中的海盜婆婆不禁想起了自己的母親,雖然長得完全不像,但是個性倒神似。宮崎駿小學一到三年級都在宇都宮市的小學就讀,後來他們搬回東京,便轉到東京的學校讀書。1947年的時候,宮崎駿的母親患了結核病,在床上整整躺了九年。從《龍貓》這部電影中就可以看到宮崎駿一家的這段灰暗日子的影子。1958年,日本影史上第一部長篇彩色電影動畫《白蛇傳》(東映動畫製作)上映了,還是高三學生的宮崎駿迷上了這部片子,原本就喜愛漫畫的他開始對動畫產生興趣。宮崎駿從前就喜歡塗塗畫畫一些軍艦、飛機之類的東西,不過不太會畫人,他也曾立志要當一名漫畫家。---------------------------------畢竟回答里不能回答超過2000字所以直接用網址的【天空之城】介紹 http://..com/question/18179168.html這是每集【天】的英語劇情 http://tieba..com/f?kz=348203481---------------------------------《千尋》偶一個朋友就把這個寫到英語作文交給老師了-.-給你參考看看 http://www.totoroclub.net/forum/viewthread.php?tid=10013---------------------------------【風之谷】1984 *《風之谷》 Kaze no tani no Naushika In the far future, man has destroyed the Earth in the "Seven Days of Fire". Now, there are small pockets of humanity that survive. One pocket is the Valley of Wind where a princess named Nausicaa tries to understand, rather than destroy the Toxic Jungle. Note that the old US release titled Warriors of the Wind is an entirely kiddified version which edits the original movie heavily, thus creating an entirely different story n the far future, a thousand years after a nuclear war left the Earth as a nuclear holocaust. The Valley of the Wind, a small kingdom ruled by King Jil struggles for survival as the community tries to defend the Valley from gigantic Ohm creatures and toxic plants that live beyond the Valley in the Sea of Decay, whilst Jil's daughter and heiress to the throne, Princess Nausicaa tries to understand and feels it is wrong to destroy the toxic jungle. The Valley is attacked by the Tolmekian people who plan to destroy the Sea of Decay by using the greatest warriors that started the holocaust. After Nausicaa is taken prisoner, Nausicca escapes and goes beneath the Sea of Decay where she discovers the toxic plants are not poisoning the air and are purifying the world by draining the air of radiation and toxins. With everything at stake, Nausicaa unites with the Ohms and set out to the Valley and foil the Tolmekians plan of unleashing the Great Warrior which will start another holocaust.-----------PS很少有人會自己打英語的啦,畢竟網上有謝人們發感慨啊,用英語寫的。都可以借來用....如果樓主是為了交作業的話,就用第二個好了(偶是經過「豬豬」同意才拿來借你參考額)

Ⅳ 龍貓的英文簡介,急需!!!

He is a lovely Japanese cat~~

剛才去找了一下,沒找到英文的,以下是中文information ,你了解一下,然後可以自己用語言組織一下寫成英文的.

《龍貓》My Neighbor Totoro

《龍貓》是宮崎駿的在STUDIO GHIBLI的第三部電影,因為這部平靜而溫馨的電影使得龍貓這個可愛的生物在全世界都家喻戶曉。《龍貓》十分適合一家老小齊齊觀看的。









「澄清的小河、森林、田地,住在其中 的人、鳥、獸、昆蟲,夏天的悶熱、大雨、突然掛起的勁風、恐怖的黑夜…… 這些東西全都顯出日本的美態。我覺得保護這些可以讓生物蓬勃地生長的自然環境很重要。



Ⅵ 宮崎駿 龍貓 的英文介紹,不要翻譯器翻譯的。

My Neighbor TOTORO(1998)


Logo: this strange creature, perhaps still living in Japan.



Two young girls, Satsuke and her younger sister Mei, move into a house in the country with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother.

Satsuke and Mei discover that the nearby forest is in habited by magical creatures called Totoros (pronounced toe-toe-ro).


They soon befriend these Totoros, and have several magical adventures.


The film is full of fairy tale colour and the warmth of family, the success of the audience into a fantastic fairy tale world, it is a rare and excellent work.






影片獲得1988年 《電影旬報》 十佳電影的榜首









Ⅶ 用英文介紹宮崎駿,不用太復雜,但要重點(附帶翻譯),,謝啦

Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese film director, procer, screenwriter, animator, author, and manga artist. A co-founder of Studio Ghibli, a film and animation studio, he has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and as a maker of anime feature films, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest animation directors.

宮崎駿是日本電影導演,制世陵片人,編劇,動畫師,作家和漫畫家。 作為電影和動畫工作室吉卜力工作室的聯合創始人,他作為一名精湛的講故事者和動漫電影製片人獲得了國際贊譽,並被廣泛認為是最偉大的動畫導演之一。

Hayao Miyazaki is one of Japan's greatest animation directors. The entertaining plots, compelling characters, and breathtaking animation in his films have earned him international renown from critics as well as public recognition within Japan.

宮崎駿是日本最偉大的動畫導演之一。 他的電影中充滿娛樂性的情節,引人注目的人物和令人驚嘆的動畫,使他在評論界享有國際聲譽,並在日本獲攔洞得公眾認可。










Ⅷ 速求 有關宮崎駿的《再見螢火蟲》英文短文(就介紹這部電影的作者,男女主角是誰,從中可以學到什麼

Grave of the Fireflies (火垂るの墓, Hotaru no Haka?) is a 1988 animated film written and directed by Isao Takahata .
This is the first film proced by Shinchosha, who hired Studio Ghibli to do the animation proction work. It is an adaptation of the semi-autobiographical novel of the same name by Akiyuki Nosaka, intended as a personal apology to the author's own sister.

Roger Ebert considers it to be one of the most powerful anti-war movies ever made. Animation historian Ernest Rister compares the film to Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List and says, "it is the most profoundly human animated film I've ever seen."

Ⅸ 用英語介紹電影千里千尋,200個單詞左右 帶漢語翻譯

Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi)
Directed by Hayao Miyazaki
Spirited Away is the story of a young girl named Chihiro who is leaving everything that she knows to move with her family to a new town. On the way to their new home her Father decides to take a shortcut on a dirt road that ends and there is a tunnel, and her parents decide to go through. Scared, Chihiro follows and they find themselves in a small town with many restaurants. With nobody around, Chihiro's parents begin eating and decide to pay later. Chihiro wanders off and approaches a large building where she is told to run away before night by a mysterious young boy. She goes to find her parents who have turned into pigs. As she runs back toward the tunnel she came through she finds water blocking her path. The young boy from the bridge named Haku finds her and helps her into the large building from before, which is a Bathhouse for the Gods of Japan. Chihiro learns she can only stay to help her parents if she finds work at the bathouse, and she must work and find a way to reverse the effects on her parents. This is a story of growing up, and finding ourselves.



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