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發布時間:2024-05-03 07:31:09

⑴ 姜子牙英文怎麼翻譯

姜子牙英文:Jiang Ziya

用英語說中國歷史名人:Jiang Ziya姜子牙

He hung a straight hook, with on t, three feet above the water.
He over and over said to himself, "Fish, if you are desperate to live, come and gulp down the hook by yourself."
In a little while his outlandish way of fishing was reported to King Wen, who sent a soldier to bring him back.
Jiang noticed the soldier coming, but did not care about him. Jiang just continued with his fishing, and was soliloquising, " Fishing, fishing. No fish has been hooked-but shrimp is up to tomfoolery."
The soldier reported this back to King Wen, who became more interested in Jiang.
King Wen sent a bureaucrat to invite Jiang this time. But Jiang again paid no attention to the invitation. He simply carried on fishing, saying, "Fishing, fishing. The big fish has not been hooked-but a small one is up to myself."
Then King Wen realized Jiang might be a great genius, so he went to invite Jiang personally, and brought many magnificent gifts with him.
Jiang saw the king's earnest desire, so Jiang decided to work for him.
Jiang helped King Wen and his son turn over the Shang Dynasty and establish the Zhou Dynasty.
Jiang was given the title of Taigong so people called him Jiang Taigong.
His treatise on military strategy, Six Secret Teachings, is considered one of the Seven Military Classics of Ancient China.
Jiang Ziya is a prominent character in the popular Chinese classical novel Creation of the Gods.

⑵ 這句話怎麼翻譯10月1日我們吃燒烤去看姜子牙大電影10月四日爸爸帶姐姐和我去理發後來我一直呆在家

On October 1, we had a barbecue to see Jiang Ziya's big movie. On October 4, my father took my sister and I to have a haircut. Later, I stayed at home all the time?

⑶ 舅舅帶我們去看姜子牙這篇電影用英語 怎麼說

英語:My uncle took us to see the film Jiang Ziya

⑷ 姜子牙這部電影講了什麼故事



⑸ 姜子牙電影故事梗概




垂釣於渭水之濱,遇見西伯侯姬昌,拜為"太師"(武官名),尊稱太公望,成為首席智囊,輔佐姬昌建立霸業。周武王即位後,尊為"師尚父" ,成為周國軍事統帥,人稱姜尚。輔佐武王消滅商紂,建立周朝, 封為齊侯,定都於營丘,成為呂氏齊國的締造者、齊文化的創始人。輔佐執政周公旦,平定內亂,開疆擴土,建立成康之治。周康王六年,卒於鎬京,長子呂伋(齊丁公)嗣位。

後世推崇備至,歷代皇帝和文史典籍尊為兵家鼻祖、武聖、百家宗師。 唐肅宗時期,追封為武成王,設立武廟祭祀。宋真宗時期,追謚昭烈

⑹ 姜子牙英文作文生平介紹


Jiang Taigong, surnamed Jiang, who is still, the word ziya. The birth and death is unknown. Jiang Taigong ancestors had closed at Lu, the Lu's, also known as the "Lv Shang". In addition, in the pre Qin literature also referred to him as "Tai Gong Wang", "Lu Wang", "Lu Ya", "Gong", "teacher is the father", later known as the "Jiang Ziya". He is our country in Shang and Zhou dynasties outstanding statesman, military strategist, is the Western Zhou Wen, Wu, Wang, the three generation of the main political, military and auxiliary, known as its "with the emperor as holy hill, Zhibang country as holy," for the establishment and consolidation of the Western Zhou Dynasty and made outstanding contributions to the founding of one of; he is also the spring and autumn and the Warring States era's most powerful vassal states of qi. Political and military strategy Jiang Taigong, the formation and development of Chinese ancient political culture and military culture had a great influence.


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