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Ⅰ 用英語介紹一部電影的電影情節和電影主人公的演講稿


Ed Malone, goes to his news editor, McArdle, to get a dangerous and
adventurous mission to impress the woman he loves. He is sent to interview
Professor Challenger, who has assaulted four or five other journalists, to
determine if his claims about his trip to South America are true. After
assaulting Malone, Challenger reveals his discovery of dinosaurs in South
America. After having been ridiculed for years, he invites Malone on a trip to
prove his story, along with Professor Summerlee, another scientist qualified to
examine any evidence, and Lord John Roxton, an adventurer who knows the Amazon
and several years previous to the action in the book helped end slavery by
rubber barons in South America. They reach the plateau with the aid of Indian
guides, who are superstitiously scared of the area. One of these Indians, Gomez,
is the brother of a man that Roxton killed the last time he was in South
America. When the expedition manages to get onto the plateau, Gomez destroys
their bridge, trapping them. Their "devoted negro" Zambo remains at the base,
but is unable to prevent the rest of the Indians from leaving.

Deciding to investigate the lost world, they are attacked by pterodactyls at
a swamp, and Roxton finds some blue clay to which he takes a great degree of
interest. After exploring the terrain and having a few misadventures in which
the expedition narrowly misses being killed by dinosaurs, Ce of the plateau who
the ape-men are constantly at war with. Roxton manages to escape and team up
with Malone to mount to a rescue. They arrive just in time to prevent the
executions of the Professors and several other humans, who take them to human
tribe. With their help, they defeat the ape-men, taking control of the whole

After witnessing the power of their guns, the human tribe does not want the
expedition to leave, and tries to keep them there. However, the team finally
discovers a tunnel that leads to the outside, where they meet up with Zambo and
a large rescue party. Upon returning to England, they present their report,
which many dismiss like they did Challenger's original story. Having planned
ahead, Challenger shows them a live Pterodactyl as proof, which then escapes and
flies out into the ocean. . Challenger opens a private museum, Sumerlee retires
to categorize fossils, and Roxton plans to go back to the lost world. Malone
returns to his love, Gladys, only to find out that she married a clerk while he
was away. With nothing keeping him in London, he volunteers to be part of
Roxton's second trip.


Ⅱ 英語電影片段,演講用

Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself, a great man can save another.

Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine.

These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.

I find I'm so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.

I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.

There's not a day goes by I don't fell regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then, a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can』t. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stump your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth,I don't give a shit.

Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright...


《The King's Speech》

In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas, this message, spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself.

For the second time in the lives of most of us, we are at war.

Over and over again, we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies; but it has bee in vain.

We have been forced into a conflict, for which we are called, with our allies to meet the challenge of a principle which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world.

It is a principle which permits a state in the selfish pursuit of power to disregard its treaties and its solemn pledges, which sanctions the use of force or threat of force against the sovereignty and independence of other states.

Such a principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right, and if this principle were established through the world, the freedom of our own country and of the whole British Commonwealth of nations would be in danger.

But far more than this, the peoples of the world would be kept in bondage of fear, and all hopes of settled peace and of security, of justice and liberty, among nations, would be ended.

This is the ultimate issue which confronts us. For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear, and of the world order and peace, it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge.

It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home and my peoples across the seas, who will make our cause their own.

I ask them to stand calm and firm and united in this time of trial.

The task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield, but we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God. If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, ready for whatever service or sacrifice it may demand, then with God's help, we shall prevail.


對你們的心情 我感同身受
甚至希望能挨家挨戶 向你們訴說

Ⅳ 英語演講稿關於電影

Do you know the movie Titanic.That is one of my favorite movies.It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on a ship called Titanic ,and then they fell into love immediately .On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad. My favourite movie is transformer. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and puter special effects. I like it very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us. This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger. It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie. 翻譯 我最喜歡的電影是變形金剛.這個電影是在美國拍攝的,它用了大量的高科技手段和電腦特效.我非常喜歡.這部電影中有一些規模宏大的場景,還有著名的影星.除些之外,它故事情節非常吸引人,這部電影同時也告訴我要尊重保護我們的每一個人.它告訴我們要勇敢地與敵人進行斗爭,同時也要有勇氣在危險中生存.電影還隨帶有很多我喜歡的機器人玩具.這就是我最喜歡的電影. I like go to movie with my friend . I like action movies very much.becaues they are excaing.I also like edies ,they are relaxing. my favourite movie is transformer. this film was made in america. it used a lot of high-techs and puter special effects. i like it very much. this film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us. this film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger. it also have a lot of robot troys i like. this is my favourite movie. 翻譯 我最喜歡的電影是變形金剛.這個電影是在美國拍攝的,它用了大量的高科技手段和電腦特效.我非常喜歡.這部電影中有一些規模宏大的場景,還有著名的影星.除些之外,它故事情節非常吸引人,這部電影同時也告訴我要尊重保護我們的每一個人.它告訴我們要勇敢地與敵人進行斗爭,同時也要有勇氣在危險中生存.電影還隨帶有很多我喜歡的機器人玩具.這就是我最喜歡的電影. 日本校園七大不可思議事件 世界上有鬼的證據 (1)在美國科學家們做過一個實驗。 他們找來一個人,將他催眠,他竟能說出自己的前生的情況和今生死時的模樣 (2)我的一個朋友就這么不幸死去。 她有一次在家無聊地用自己家電話撥通自己家電話,很多次後終於撥通了,她聽到一個空洞洞的聲音,好象一個迴音谷並且還有水滴的聲音。第二天她失蹤了,三天後警察在一個迴音谷的潭水邊找到了我朋友的屍體。 (3)有一次晚上我十二點和朋友吃完飯一起回家,經過一個有墳墓的地方,朋友很害怕。結果第二天早上他精神時常,常常說這么幾句話:墳墓有人爬出來。他們在笑。他們在流血。 (4)我家有一個晚上停電,結果找來找去就只有白色蠟燭了,點在床頭後照照鏡子睡覺,可是那天覺得胸悶,喘不上氣,翻來覆去好象被什麼東西壓著,照找鏡子後發現我正背著我奶奶的包!我明明沒背上去的! 整個湖都變成紅色的了(那是血),從湖裡伸出一隻手,抓住了女孩的腳,硬把她拉進湖中,隨後,人們在離那片森林100公里遠的地方找到了女孩的屍體還有衣服,只是她的頭不見了,人們打開她的背包,嚇壞了,包里就是她的頭,她的表情十分痛苦,發現她的那些人把她的屍體丟棄在了那片森林,然後就離開了,從此,那片森林就再也沒人敢去...... 如果你看了此帖,請立即回貼,回復「菩薩保佑」,然後將此貼在別吧轉發三份,如果不發的話,那隻手會在你洗澡時伸出來,你會和那個女孩是同樣下場!要相信,一切是真的。 (不要怪偶,偶是迫於無奈

Ⅳ 求亞瑟王電影中鼓舞士氣那段的英文演講詞

Shakespeare said: swindlers successful, no longer make a living by telling lies, because they have been cheated people has become an advocate for him, I say anything else is wasted.
Shakespeare said: to be or not to be, that's a question.
Shakespeare said: people can dispose of their own destiny, if we are controlled by others, and that mistake is not destiny, and in our own
Shakespeare said: good love, so that fighters relax tense mood
Shakespeare said: jealous of the hand, foot and is a lie!
Shakespeare said: God is fair, hands the fate of people always stand at the two ends of the scales, the fate of people only understand that God has given him only destiny!
Shakespeare said: strong-willed and not to argue, because they can change the truth
Shakespeare said: When the hearts were injured when honor, friendship are good medicine to cure it
Shakespeare said: You, dead.
Shakespeare said: jealous of the hand, foot and is simply a lie.
Shakespeare said: sympathy with the love, the biggest difference is that at?
King Arthur: perfect love, sad傷身Also, as the corners of their children, not that閑工夫
King Arthur: there is doubt there is truth, because truth is a shadow of doubt.
King Arthur: Woman skin deep, as Circle wearing nose up at Pig, hey ~ sorry
King Arthur: This is indeed not common people do, have, please call me Arthur
King Arthur: ah woman woman, a man's stage, Forever you are standing outside the aperture and applause
King Arthur: I fainted when there is not very difficult to watch posture, POSE penlum is also OK
King Arthur: a woman ah woman, looks OR choose your knowledge, both are too, both are missing, is a tragedy
King Arthur: the people are ambushed at night in the most terrible opponent
King Arthur: dazzling when to rotate, their pain of grief to other people's grief, it can heal!
King Arthur: the truth ah truth, the closer we get to the truth more difficult to win the trust of the people are!
King Arthur: mobile phone, watches, necklaces, rings as a whole, was not accustomed to the empty chaos. What is a Friend? Friend Forever are you committed an unforgivable error at the time, still standing over there you fool!
King Arthur: really poor of the people there must be hateful, you finally succeeded in angering me.
King Arthur: Here are guavas advanced middle school, ... ... Unfortunately, I hate this ... ... low-level ecators at school where guavas?
King Arthur: a group of monkeys early Teacher will Say, I can be regarded as an eye-opener.
King Arthur: This is indeed not common people do, have, please call me Arthur!
King Arthur: the people are lying in ambush at night the most horrible killers
King Arthur: a real fighter, always willing to admit their own failure
King Arthur: The wise are Forever Lonely
King Arthur: the strong are always the last to leave the battlefield
King Arthur: No! Light rain recognize me. ... ... So you know it. (Shakespeare: dressed this way, anyone know them.) ... ... No! I have such a bad disguise true嗎? Look at backs are actually recognize them. (Aristotle: Yes, your poor, posing as true ... ...)
King Arthur: megalomaniac, Do you know your crying so true I find it difficult to sympathize with you, King Solomon said: 'Void the Void, Void the Void, all things are void. 'Wang Dadong, you Kuba! Anyway, all is vanity
King Arthur: ignorant people's mouth, do occasionally spit out words of wisdom
King Arthur: Prince with the crime of breaking the law and the common people.
King Arthur: our family is to pay the salaries of his bodyguards, and was the way you spoil, not now.
King Arthur: the desire to bring any food to become food. Yes, This is my most praise of pizza eaten.
King Arthur: the more perfect Integrity, the more people will be facing a very affordable disaster.
King Arthur:斷腸people, the recent rate increase you a lot of exposure, not afraid of the audience will look greasy嗎?
King Arthur: We must pay attention to ignorant people say, because words will be useless occasionally holding treasures.
King Arthur: great love, often happened at the beginning of trivial details. This killed me, I will not agree with it.
King Arthur: the perfect love, people are weak, non-perfection of love, hurt people.
King Arthur: Revenge of things to hide behind, is usually more frightening than revenge.
King Arthur: Hide nothing has not been disclosed.
Aristotle said: mental violence, bloodshed that can not take human life.
Aristotle said: to cover up the truth of the concessions, it will only make people far away from the truth!
King Solomon said: one to blame if the smart people, strong責打ignorance such as one hundred people, the corruption of the first, proud people, Zunrong before there must be humility.
King Solomon said: At the heart Which, in which treasure.
Rabindranath Tagore: "may" ask "impossible": what place you live in? "Impossible" replied: In that dream where powerless.
Rabindranath Tagore: Juvenile bear with the situation and to avoid old bullied
Churchill said: never lost hold of now than in the hands of many
King Solomon said: The Void Void Void Void of all things are void. No nothing new under the sun, everything is catching the wind, everything is catching video.
Churchill said: would rather fight the enemy on the battlefield alone, nor alone in the face of unreasonable people.
Churchill said: the quiet before the storm is brewing at what happened next.
Mark. Twain said: the truth of late, just as suddenly hit on the head of the horseshoe, hey,痛啊!
Mark. Twain: There is no emotional kiss, just like at the pro-pork die.
Alexander the Great said: When the lead at just the sword.哭嚎heard the perpetrators are inevitable!
Bernard Shaw said: prefer to live alone the wild, and not to the foolish and obstinate people the same room.
Faust said: to betray one's soul, you have to find the people to afford the costs.
Bible, Proverbs: You make the parents happy, so happy with you.
The Bible says: is more blessed to give than to love.
King Arthur: "Cai 10, a male voice called the name of Health has been very sad, and why also so take things too hard, people everywhere are looking for a fight ... ... clearly are boys, the drop of a hat is also stamped, looking very disgusting Ye. I do not man does not beat woman, men and women are not people, can you! ... ... hey, Miss 10, Bernard Shaw said: 'would rather live alone the wild, and not to the foolish and obstinate people the same room.' It makes sense, Miss 10 , I believe you do not understand, because I believe you are not reading the virtues of peace. "
Shakespeare said: to be or not to be, that's a question.
King Arthur: The wise are Forever Lonely
Bible: Fu more than to receive
Bible, Proverbs: You make the parents happy, so happy with you.
Is that your brother Pikachu skin itch at?

120 days of Sodom, author of Prince Sade said that the lack of evil virtues of elegance, is it not more noble, not have a high quality, frankly, it is better than the virtues of soft, monotonous charm, evil is always so desirable than the United States and Germany !
Wanted to take such a thing is to stop the more you will care about more out of control.
Juvenile warrior who had to die to stop it? They can not hear. . . . . .
"Well you were the Buddha and demons inside plus ONE PIECE clown Bucky and grunt and Habib people simply paradise inside your magic fairy consort 50 charter darkness dare to deceive us both good classes guided look impatient you are to live "
Beauty riot are the best weapons
. Musashi Miyamoto: Who can stop the juvenile warrior of them die? They can not hear ~!



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