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Ⅰ 急需電影勇敢的心英文影評一篇100到200字就行,要簡單易懂的最好是先寫的,謝謝啦!

The Review of Braveheart

I am deeply impressed by William Wallace』s courage and the efforts that the Scottish created to resume soverienty.It reminds me of my dream.Dream,whatever it is,really should be pursued heart and soul.Compared to Wallace,I am so lazy and passive.I watched it,giving free outlet to my thoughts and tears.

There are two scenes over which I really feel melancholy.The initial is when Meilun is buried. The same point happened when Wallace was yong,weeping at the death of his father.Tiny Meilun sent him a purple thistle .to console his sorrow.Even so,Meilun is dead now,no a single would send him a purple thist any much more.He has only himself in this world following losing the two persons he loves most.The second one particular is the very first war against England in the battlefield.,in which they were much weaker in regard to weapons and numbers.Confronted with immense difficulties,they had been not afaid,thinking we would drop.Instead,they fighted bravely and confidently.

Life will not usually be what we want. Wallace』s father died when he was a small boy.He did not want this tragedy transpire but it did take place,so he had to accept it;when his uncle came and would part him with his hometown,he obeyed with reluctance;moreover,his heart was broken facing the death of Meilan,but he had to accept it and be strong.Adversity leads to prosperity on situation that we can turn sorrow into strength.

Much as what is stated above,courage alone won』t guarantee success.Wallace』s uncle informed him :」you have to find out to use your thoughts,then weapons.」Being flexiable and conscious is even more critical,that is to say ,you know how to obtain your goal prior to you take actions.Additionally,it is worth notifying that pals are also extremely important in the pursue of dream.A life devoid of a pal is a life with out a sun.Wallace has Hamiss,who accompanied him to the end.


Ⅱ 拜託了,急啊!勇敢的心 英文觀後感

Hills, bagpipes, mist, the word 「Scotland」 written along the bottom of the screen – it can only be one place. That』s right, Wales. Nah, only joking – as if anyone would ever make a film about Wales.

Mel Gibson both directed and starred in this tartan-clad epic about William Wallace, the legendary Scottish freedom fighter/terrorist who, even way back in the 14th Century, had already had enough of the English going on about winning the World Cup in 1966. So, armed with just some rocks, a few hundred muck-dwellers and an extremely peculiar accent, he led a nation to fight for freedom from English tyranny. Or something along those lines.

It』s actually fairly appropriate to be so vague about all of this, because nobody really knows all that much about the real Wallace (and most of what we do know comes from a poem). You could spend a lifetime picking apart the historical inaccuracies in the flick, and there would still be those who』d disagree with what you found.

Because of that, how much enjoyment you can get from this 177-minute beast depends largely on your willingness to accept Wallace as a charmer with biting wit and a permanently clean-shaven chin. As the sort of bloke beautiful French princesses would hand over national secrets to simply because of the way he looks at them. Or even just as a guy who doesn』t smell like moss.

The most breath-taking, if gruesome, parts of the movie are the incredibly lifelike battle scenes. Putting them together must have been an immense project to undertake, but you』ve got to hand it to Gibbers – he does it very, very well. He also makes a likable hero figure, providing you can put to the back of your mind the fact that he』s basically playing the original ned.

Personally I find the movie far too long, particularly as parts of it play like a TV advert for the Scottish Tourist Board. In one scene, for example, Wallace sprints to the top of a mountain and just stands there, kilt billowing, for no apparent reason. Anyone who』s ever worn a kilt will of course know that the last place you』re likely to linger is a-top a windy Scottish mountain. Talk about 「freedom」!!

Long before The Passion of the Christ, Mel Gibson directed another cinematic masterpiece, Braveheart. Filmed against the backdrop of majestic mountains and rolling meadows, it tells the historically-based (yet not entirely accurate) story of William Wallace, a common man』s warrior who led the Scottish people in rebellion against King Edward I, also known as 「Longshanks」. Written by Randall Wallace, an American tourist fascinated with a Scottish statue of his namesake, the script collected st in Hollywood for over a decade before Gibson made the brilliant decision to put it on the big screen. Just like The Passion, it』s a decision he would not regret.

Set in the 11th Century, Braveheart catalogues the struggle of Scottish serfs who labor under the brutal oppression of English occupation forces. Amidst these terrible conditions, William Wallace (Mel Gibson) falls in love with Murron MacClannough (Catherine McCormack). Insistent on not sharing his wife (a proclamation by the king gives local rulers 「first-night rights」 to new brides) Wallace secretly marries Murron. Nevertheless, an English knight assaults her, sparking a fight with Wallace. Fleeing the village, Wallace believes Murron has escaped and will soon meet him at a secret rendezvous point. But Murron is captured and executed by the king』s emissaries.

Angered by his wife』s murder, Wallace instigates a local rebellion, slaughtering all the king』s loyalists in his village. As his rebellion grows, a distraught Longshanks (Patrick McGoohan) dispatches his fabled Northern Army to destroy it. But the heroic Wallace delivers a stirring speech to rouse his men, while deploying an ingenious battlefield trick to defeat the king』s cavalry.

With the power and legend of Wallace growing day by day, Longshanks relies on his daughter-in-law, Princess Isabelle (Sophie Marceau) to broker a truce. But Isabelle』s power is limited, and Wallace realizes his people can only win freedom if backed by the Scottish nobles. Their appointed leader is Robert the Bruce (Angus MacFadyen) who vacillates between his own idealistic views and his father』s pessimistic pragmatism. Will the nobles join with Wallace? Will the Scots win their freedom? Only history tells us the answer.

With elaborate costumes, vivid battle scenes, and a noble hero as its focal point, Braveheart is more than your typical run-of-the-mill action movie. Part history, part Hollywood heroism - its timeless idealism strikes a cord with every viewer. In fact, the movie itself led to a revival in nationalistic pride that fueled the successful Scottish independence movement of the 1990s. It』s a testament to the strength and character of the real life William Wallace. A thousand years later, his enring legacy continues to transform the European landscape, and Mel Gibson captures the noble warrior』s passion with an awe-inspiring Academy Award-winning masterpiece.


BRAVEHEART is set in Scotland in the 1200s. It tells the true story of William Wallace who was a famous commoner who led his people in a rebellion against the English. The movie is of epic proportions, length and grandeur. We learn the entire history of William Wallace from the age of 8 until his death.

Mel Gibson, in what I found to be his best role ever, plays the grown up Wallace. Gibson directs the movie as well. The story is full of fascinating history of which I knew little. I have a good English history background but was surprised at what little early Scottish history I knew. Wallace wants to live in peace and ignore the English atrocities he has witnessed, but circumstances force his hand, and he declares war on the English. His battle cry is freedom and many poor people follow him in his quest. The story itself is quite compelling, and the script is excellent.

The political intrigue among the Scottish nobles makes you wonder whose side they are on. As the story unfolds, you come to realize that they are only interested in enriching themselves and do not care about their own people. They constantly counsel Wallace to compromise his ideas in order to achieve some lesser, but more practical solution. His vision is a singular one of freedom for his people. I found myself thinking of Gary Cooper in THE FOUNTAINHEAD and the similarity between his role and that of Gibson's. All of the leaders who were the "wisest" urged constant compromise on their rising young stars in both movies.

Actually, the movie most like BRAVEHEART is GETTYSBURG for both had huge and realistic battle scenes with wave after wave of humans charging each other and dying. Of course, many people will compare BRAVEHEART with ROB ROY. They are both about old Scottish heroes, and in my book, BRAVEHEART wins hands down. Finally, you may find yourself thinking of the Judas story from the Bible except here the movie has a plethora of Judases.

One example of the quality of the script is that the writer manages to introce a very funny character without it seeming like merely a plot device, which of course it is. This character is a mad Irishman who steals every scene he is in with his dialog. I laughed out loud many times. Although there was little humor in this serious tale, there was just enough to keep me from ever tiring even though I had to stay seated for three hours.

Too often period pieces seem like merely exercises in style. I found QUEEN MARGOT to be one such movie. Here the wonderful costumes and set decoration feel totally authentic but in a natural way. I felt like I was actually in the thirteenth century where people's faces were frequently dirty and in general personal hygiene was minimal. When they made their kills in battle or in revenge, I could sense how close they were to animals then. The blood would splat on their faces, and they could just as easy have been wolves.

I have been to Scotland many times and it is gorgeous. In a low key but quite impressive way, the cinematography makes one feel the beauty and the isolation of countryside. The music with the recurring and haunting melody of the lone Scottish bagpipe sets a sad and yet serene tone and mood.

BRAVEHEART runs a long, but well worth it, 2:52. I would not want it shorten. It is rated R, but NC-17 would be more appropriate. It is THE goriest movie I have ever seen and that too I would not change because it allows one to vicariously live through what actual battles in that period would be like. Please be warned that you will see almost every part of the human body being chopped off or stabbed in one scene or another. Imagine any physical horror, and there is probably a scene of it in BRAVEHEART. Nevertheless, there was not one scene where I thought the violence was gratuitous. I would let older teenagers see the movie, but would be careful with impressionable younger ones.

When pagan Saxons invaded Britain pushing the native Celtic tribes back in the mountains of the west and the north of the country they couldn't have known what difficulties they leave to future generations. One of the difficulties were Scots, though they weren't much affected by the pagan invasion.

Throughout the history, Scots (as a tribe from Ireland was in 360 mentioned by Romans) had a changing luck in battles, whoever they fought. They had had many various allies and fought against many various enemies, including their former or future allies (politics).

Originally based in Ireland, the Scottish tribe later established their kingdom on the west coast and isles of today's Scotland (between years 501 and 503). Generally, they were never good friends with tribes which lived on the isle, called Britannia by the Romans, before them; perhaps because they came from Ivernia, today's Ireland...

The intolerance between the two sides resulted in many battles and rebellions. In 600, 300 Edinburgh horseman were killed by the English, in 1014 king Malcom II defeated the Danes, four years later another victory was won on the river Tweed, at Carham, against the army of Anglo-Saxons (particularly Northumbrians). On the other hand, king Duncan was defeated by the English and killed by famous character of the Scottish history, MacBeth, who is defeated in 1057 by Malcolm Canmore in the battle of Lumphanan etcetera etcetera.

Then, in the year of approximately 1272, William Walace is born in Ellerslie. He is fated to become one of the most important characters of the history of Scots. In age of twenty-five years, he kills sheriff (originally shire-reeve) of Lanark and a revolt is unleashed. Perhaps many Scots were waiting for a leader to emerge, because the same year Wallace defeats the English at Stirling Bridge.

His luck changed when he was defeated at Falkirk in 1298. In 1305, he is betrayed and executed brutally, his head being mounted on London Bridge.

That is a very rough outline of a life so very important, of the life of William Wallace, a thorough Scot, exactly the William Wallace about whom this movie is. His father was killed by the English, his wife was murdered by the sheriff of Lanark (which is a reason why the sheriff ended up equally) - no mercy could have been awaited from a man that had never seen mercy on the side of his enemies.

Braveheart is a heroic epic told compactly and relatively objectively, noticing everything important that most probably happened in the life of William Wallace. After all, it doesn't have to be historically exact - it is a legend and even if it was "only" a legend, it would be a most impressive one.

Back in 1995 when I first saw this movie I was wowed, it was a cinematic epic and one which I thoroughly enjoyed.... a few years later when I met my future spouse I was subjected to this movie on a weekly basis and now I cannot bare to watch it.

Anyway back to the movie, if you have been living under a rock and haven't seen it here's the basic story Mel Gibson plays William Wallace a Scottish highlander who leads his people in a uprising against the English monarch.

Now just so you know this film however "based" on historical events is completely inaccurate, Wallace was in actual fact a Scottish Noble (his family was rich), Wallace never had a wife, and the French princess Mel gets jiggy with would've been around 8 years old at the time, the only real truth in the movie was that he was hung drawn and quartered and he lead an uprising...the rest is Hollywood bullsh*t.

I'm giving the film 4 stars because if you are unaware of the historical inaccuracies and you haven't seen it 100 times you will be entertained, its a good movie.

Ⅲ 求勇敢的心觀後感一篇,英文的,300字左右




Ⅳ 請問誰有《勇敢的心》英文簡介,要短,30個單詞就好,

What kind of man would defy a king?
Every man dies, not every man really lives.
His passion captivated a woman. His courage inspired a nation. His heart defied a king.
He who fought, fought for freedom.




Braveheart is a 1995 Academy-award winning historical action-drama film proced and directed by Mel Gibson, who also starred in the title role. The film was written for screen and then novelized by Randall Wallace. Gibson portrays a legendary Scot, William Wallace, who gained recognition when he came to the forefront of the First War of Scottish Independence by opposing Edward I of England (portrayed by Patrick McGoohan) and subsequently abetted by Edward's daughter-in-law Princess Isabelle (played by Sophie Marceau) and a claimant to the Scottish throne, Robert the Bruce (played by Angus Macfadyen).

The film won five Academy Awards at the 68th Academy Awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture and Best Director, and had been nominated for an additional five. The film was proced by Icon Proctions for Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox.

Ⅳ 《勇敢的心》觀後感(3)





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雖然威廉「華萊士被認為是蘇格蘭歷史上最偉大的民族英雄之一;但蘇格蘭人心目中真正的英雄實際是片中那個最後悔悟的叛徒羅伯特。布魯斯!羅伯特。布魯斯歷史上不僅沒有叛變過,而且一直堅持與英格蘭斗爭;也許有人讀過一篇英文課外讀物,裡面講一名蘇格蘭王子屢次被敵人打敗;最後逃到一個城堡,在絕望之際看到一支蜘蛛結網,每次都失敗直到第七次終於把網結成了;王子受到了鼓舞,重整旗鼓再次戰斗終於贏得了勝利。 這里講的就是在最後為蘇格蘭贏得獨立(也就是片子的結尾)的班諾克本之戰之前的傳說。

羅伯特。布魯斯後來成為蘇格蘭國王,在他死後一名蘇格蘭騎士帶著他的心臟想要埋葬到耶路撒冷;路上經過西班牙遇到和摩爾人的戰爭,這名騎士在沖鋒前舉起羅伯特。布魯斯的心臟高喊」勇敢的心呀,帶領我沖鋒吧!「 ,最後這名騎士還是犧牲了;第二天一名倖存的蘇格蘭騎士在屍體堆里找到了羅伯特。布魯斯的心臟並帶回蘇格蘭喪於一個修道院里;這才是真正的勇敢的心,有個蘇格蘭的詩人還寫了一篇詩來歌頌布魯斯,其中有一句就是A noble heart cannot be at peace if freedom is lacking 勇敢的心 其實更大程度上應該說的是布魯斯而不是華萊士,看來國外的電影和國內的也有的拼 ,也喜歡戲說。


Ⅵ 跪求一偏《勇敢的心》英語作文觀後感,要求原創,200詞以上帶翻譯,重謝……

Braveheart was a huge deal when it first came out. I never really watched the film properly until recently. As a frequent cinema-goer since my youth I was not a part of the mid-nineties cultural phenomenon that was Braveheart's release in Scotland. I did turn up at the the cinema, the old Odeon in Edinburgh, but the queue went round the block (the literal term for a blockbuster) and there was no way in hell I was prepared to wait for three hours on a gray September afternoon (a choice I came to regret). Every subsequent attempt since then was blocked. I never rented the video as I didn't want to watch in pan-and-scan. The fact that every single living Scottish person had seen it apart from myself really got on my nerves, and I was quite bitter about it. And then, as the fever died down, I just kind of forgot about it and moved on.

Watching it fully as an alt I think I probably enjoy it more now that I would have done as a teenager. It's certainly a huge epic right up there with the best of them. Mel Gibson captures the pretty side of Scotland wonderfully with his scope photography accompanied by James Horner's bittersweet score. The film never really feels three hours long, the time just disappears.

Nearly every notable Scottish actor (apart from Connery and Connelly) appears at some point. From the brilliant (Brian Cox) to the dreary and pretentious (Peter Mullan). Keep a lookout for Tommy Flanagan too, in one of his earlier roles.

The battle scenes are impressive, but I wish there were more gory. Gibson's first cut of the film was apparently bloodier, I wish it had remained intact. But despite the grim satisfaction of seeing the English aggressors getting splattered the fact that Scotland IS still ruled by England kind renders Wallace's bravery irrelevant. It may have been 700 years ago, but I hate the fact that he ultimately died for nothing. We DON'T have a country of our own, plain and si-mp-le.








Ⅶ 誰能用英文介紹下電影《勇敢的心》

(下面是劇情介紹,我不寫觀後感)In the middle ages around thirteenth Century, King England" legs" Edward I ruled Scotland for Scotland, as he forced a group of Scotland people against the tyranny of the uprising, result of a young William Wallace lost his father and brother, he is in after the funeral by his uncle and adopted, and as uncle left hometown.
Years later, Wallace alt returned to his hometown of Scotland at this time, still in Edward's cruel tyrant legs under the rule of. The Wallace home is hoping to calm day, farmers living, family, parenthood, and he said of boys and girls Mo Lun ( Murron ) the development of love, and in order to escape the king gave England nobles enjoy female virginity rights unequal treatment, in a secret wedding day night. The next day, Mo Lun was British soldiers and rebel, the local governor to lead Wallace appeared and killed her, who was bereaved of his beloved wife Wallace rose up, and other Scotland people are responding to his wife, Wallace finally killed the chief way revenge.
Soon, Wallace and the villagers formed the uprising army, and have recruited in response to the righteous. They first entered the nobles of England castle, and the castle burned. Along with Wallace's deeds spread, more and more people respond to revolt, and Wallace's army also carry all before one, has won several battles, including the battle of stringer bridge break infantry conquer cavalry superstition and captured England city York city. King Edward I, aware of the seriousness of the situation, personally led a stronger army against Wallace, both in terms of Foucault ( Falkirk ) in battle, however Wallace has been united Scotland noble betrayed, at the battle of Foucault.
In Foucault the battle failed, Wallace began taking hide guerrilla tactics against the British, and the betrayal of the two Scotland noble act of revenge. At the same time, King Edward's wife Princess Isabella was sent as envoy met with Wallace on many occasions to assist, Princess Wallace resistance risk, but also the development of a relationship between two people, the princess even pregnant with Wallace. Subsequently, Scotland noble requirements met with Wallace, Wallace believes Robert Bruce so aristocratic leaders meeting alone, but only to be the father of Bruce and other nobles betrayed, Wallace was captured, and Bruce also officially and father break.
Wallace received the England administration official trials, as long as Wallace admitted treason could be mitigated punishment, but not from Wallace, claims that he never committed to long leg Edward. In a London trial on the square, Wallace suffered various torture still refused to surrender, and even London people have been moved by the courage of Wallace, have cried out the presiding judge for mercy. Wallace uses only the last breath shouted:" free!" ( Freedom! ). In before decapitation, he also trance to see his wife in the crowd to smile at him, and then, in Wallace's hands clenched tokens also loose.
William Wallace was beheaded by his courage, the impact of the Scotland aristocrat Robert Bruce once again led the Wallace men against England, this time they cry out the name of Wallace, and in the end won eagerly looked forward to for a long time free.

Ⅷ 勇敢的心英文觀後感

[勇敢的心英文觀後感]Let us recall again the side to see the long process of history, how to create heroes, you will find from our own side, a life .There is a direct their shadow. First, the inheritance of childhood Wallace is not natural endowment from the hero, at best, is the future generations of civilians, although his father had led a The small protest, as compared to his later, many of immature, unsuccessful factor. His father was then the representative of the civilian population, he uprising, power lies not in its own class on free awareness and evaluation. Some Sense, he is in the conspiracy of hate and who are loyal to the feudal lords of the country against the conviction, not even defeat Opponents of intent, only to let him know that tyrant, civilians also have the courage to fight. England foot-long expansion annexation to the Scottish territorial ambitions, cloth snared all participants in the peace negotiation of the assassination of the Scottish your People, young retainers were not spared. With tears in his eyes. He finally knows what death is, it is meant losing familiar with the cordial, no longer has sufficient warmth. The film, his uncle put on his chin, said the sentence: "You truth your mother." The meaning of this statement is not as simple as literally, is only the appearance he sighs, only the sense of loneliness and fear Steep The Wallace declare: We are a, you still have to rely on close relatives.It was at that time Wallace explanation: He is one of the sentimental and weak heart.His uncle was a wise man, his brother died more than understanding the purpose and significance of protest. He has to learn Latin Wallace, Tell Wallace, learn how to use weapons, must first learn how to use the brain is more important to God through Latin understand where -- The truth was given to the people free. Young Wallace, of course, not completely understand this, he also constantly immersed in the native land of lost loved ones and seek grief Lane. In the dream his father and dialogue, his father said to him: "Heart is not detention, have the courage to pursue!" This undoubtedly is Health The earliest meaning of life Enlightenment. Wallace\'s uncle with his travels in Europe, he grew up in the maturity only after it will inherit from two ancestors on the Po Your legacy: good sense and courage, with his search for life from the free.Second, the aspirations of lifeOthers audience to participate in the wedding and let him do not realize that, in his country under the rule of the transient beauty, never impossible Emerging from the shadow of torn. No girl could escape long legs invention of the power with the intention of attracting domestic and nobles in Scotland reassuring presence on the land development. Such a person may be deprived of Road privileges, no doubt makes a deeper civilians heavy oppression. White bride no time to put her husband\'s embrace, it was rushed to the suppression of the British aristocracy. The groom in anger in the anti-intent Anti immediately by the sword on the neck-coercive. Bride inner scales choose his life, it Fukai swords hand, The ears of language, the wife finally let the vicious power by force, was forced to enre the pain of killing beloved cutter cut. At such times, the personal anger and resistance are so insignificant.

Ⅸ 電影勇敢的心,英文觀後感

remember seeing this movie for the first time in late 2003, and I was
impressed. I saw it again last night, and I was even more impressed. The
acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant. For me, all my guesses
were incorrect. Everything that happens in this movie in unpredicted.
The last half hour itself was highly unpredictable, and it had a
powerful message. When a scene was meant to be dramatic, they did a
great job at it. I don't know about everybody else, but the ending did
make me cry. The message the movie sent kept me thinking for a while.
The amount of courage and bravery was inconceivable, there was barely
any faults or anything wrong with the movie. For a movie of 1995, they
did a great job.

I absolutely guarantee this movie to anybody who
enjoys action and war with a bit of drama mixed in. One of the best, or
maybe even the best movie of the 20th century.

19 November 2005 | by Sheldon Eyzenga

Ⅹ 求《勇敢的心》英文觀後感

Fighting? What's fighting?!What for? Every man in the world may go to fight,for peace,for freedom,or just for rage. These days I watched some excellent movies which received many awards in their times. Yesterday,I just finished watching Brave Heart.The excellent movie did gain tremendous achievements in those days .For instance,it was awarded Best Cinematography,Best Director,Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing,Best Makeup,Best Picture in Oscar (奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳攝影、最佳音樂、最佳化裝五項大獎) and so on. The acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant.Everything that happens in this movie is unpredicted,such as Murron's death,William's participation in the battle,the reneging of Robert which caused by his father actually,and so on. The amount of courage and bravery was inconceivable.I do respect for those heroes's courage very much.However, I was shocked by their unjustice death.They did not deserve so miserable a way of dying!! I hate Robert's father.The old man is really rascal! He broke his son's promise to William not only once,and it's he who brought William to death! Fortunately,the young leader,Robert the Bruce,was able to lead the fight for the scots freedom at last.Thanks for his bravery and justice. In addition,I respect the courage of other captains as well,such as Hamish.They fight for their sire,their grate William Wallace,the macaulish! Furthermore,when Iooked deep into their eyes, it remind me of the fight between Naruto and carra.I was surprised to find the same meaning in the eyes of these brave fighters! I admire them! I am so aflame in my heart after watching the movie that I hardly calm down,let alone to go to sleep... Brave Heart,as valiant as heroes! I will treasure the precious movies up.



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