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發布時間:2024-03-12 20:39:10

1. 哪位能介紹一下電影雨人,英文簡介,急!!

雨人講的是兩個兄弟的故事,一個叫Charlie Babbitt ,是個自私的嬉皮士,他只關心錢,另一個叫Raymond,一個孤獨症患者,從不知道錢的價值。當Charlie 得知Raymomd是他哥哥的時候,他正好知道自己的父親留給了Raymond 三百萬美金的遺產而留給自己才微乎極微的一點財產。於是Charlie綁架了Raymond,開始了一段漫長的旅途,他意識到了這將永遠改變他們的生活。雨人是一部非常感人的電影,影片充滿了親情,讓人久久難忘。Dustin Hoffman ,這位閃亮的影星和 Tom Cruise聯袂出演,塑造了影片中這個記憶深刻的形象。Tom Cruise在影片中也有非常好的表現,這部影片成就了他演藝生涯的一次巨大飛躍。 導演Barry Levinson的傑出的表現證明了他無疑是最棒的導演。

2. 英文字幕的英文電影

1《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump

2《雨人》Rain Man

3《當幸福來敲門》 The Pursuit of Happyness

4《楚門的世界》the Truman Show

5《心靈捕手》Good Will Hunting


7《幸福終點站》The Terminal

8《死亡詩社》Dead Poets Society

9《夏洛特的網》Charlottes Web

《風雨哈佛路》是一部催人警醒的勵志電影。 影片介紹了一位生長在紐約的女孩麗茲經歷人生的艱辛和辛酸,憑借自己的努力,最終走進了最高學府的經歷。



3. 哪位能介紹一下電影雨人,英文簡介,急!!


4. 電影《雨人》 故事梗概(英文)

Rain Man (1988) is the story of a young man who regains his humanity through the unexpected love of a brother he never knew he had--until now. Charlie Babbitts father passes away, leaving him only the car that caused their estrangement, and some prized rose bushes. Using his cunning, Charlie traces the remainder of the inheritance, a trust fund, to an institution for the mentally challenged--Wallbrook. There, Charlie discovers the existence of a brother that he'd never known. Charlie abcts Raymond, an autistic savant, from the institute in the hopes of ransoming him for at least half of the $3,000,000 trust fund. Raymond's fear of flying forces a cross-country road trip, ring which the two brothers reconnect. Charlie learns that he'd actually known his brother when he was young, mispronouncing his name as "rain man," but Raymond had burned young Charlie badly in hot water and, for this reason, was forced to live at Wallbrook--all but forgotten. By the time the two reach Los Angeles, Charlie's love for his brother has rekindled the humanity within himself. He's left mystified by the enigma that is his brother and grows from the experience, even turning down Dr. Bruners offer to walk away for $250,000.

5. 雨人簡短英文簡介

Rain Man is a moving story about two brothers, one a selfish yuppie named Charlie Babbitt who cares only about the importance of money and the other named Raymond who is a autistic and doesn't know anything about the importance of money. Charlie realizes that his father left three million dollars to Raymond and little to him, as he also realizes Raymomd is his brother! Charlie kidnaps Raymond from his residential home and begins a long journey and discovery that will forever change both their lives. Rain Man is a completely moving, emotional, funny, and unforgettable movie. Dustin Hoffman is one of my favorite actors and plays his most memorable role as well as Tom Cruise, who gives a great performance that helped a lot in launching most of his career. The direction by Barry Levinson is stunning and of course, his best yet. Overall, the film is a timeless classic that moves me in every way. This is definitely one of the best films of the 80's and one of my all time favorites. Yea, definitely, definitely, recommend it!

6. 電影《雨人》有很多戳人淚點的的情節,其中那些情節讓人難以忘懷





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