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發布時間:2024-03-11 07:14:14

Ⅰ 電影小時代的英文簡介

The story is on the background of Shanghai, a marverllous and fashion city. It tells the story of four girl, Lin Xiao, Nan Xiang, Gu Li and Tang Wanru, who had profound feelings towards each other since they were young. And they shared different value and life attitude. They went through gaint changes of friendship, love, and even affections. This novel is really a mirror of fashion young people nowadays.
Four girls in the same dormitory begin to look for job and internship. Facing gaint life pressure, they live a busy life every day. However, some thing terrible will happen to them which will hardly beat them down and make them lose control though life in the campus still seems very normal.故事以經濟飛速發展的上海這座風光而時尚的城市為背景,講述了林蕭、南湘、顧里、唐宛如四個從小感情深厚、有著不同價值觀和人生觀的女生,先後所經歷的友情、愛情,乃至親情的巨大轉變,是一部當下時尚年輕人生活的真實寫照。

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Ⅱ 小時代3電影劇情介紹,最好是英文版,英文不要太難,寫多點,關於友誼

Originally from the sisters, prepare and fallen boyfriend seat city left Shanghai South Hunan return to the sisters. Gu Li led the people to moveinto the new house, we continued under the same roof of utopia. Lin Xiao,Gu Ming Palace in Rome with fashion, but also called on the South Hunan and Tang like, again in Rome met in their blood cousin Neil. However, when Lin Xiao back to Shanghai, but received her boyfriend, the news of the tragic death of cancer recurrence.

Ⅲ 小時代的英語影評,150字就成。

Since the beginning of the movie "tiny times is always accompanied by a controversial, by contrast," small age 2 "more than" small age 1 "certain content. In the small age 2, in addition to dazzling material show, we saw three is got a double degree, what efforts as for her, no film. After graation, she still support the family embarrassment girlfriends, and even to rely on the power of the family. While Gu Yuan after a girlfriend, the pain of infidelity, eventually be able to choose tolerance, give up the wealth to regain the love...
"Little time" is not the absolute difference, more is not absolute good, it builds the controversy contributed to its box office, perhaps this dispute is also bring the audience really harvest.




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