導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 電影海底兩萬里英文句子及中文


發布時間:2024-01-26 10:14:08

Ⅰ 海底兩萬里英文優美段落句子

「The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the Living Infinite. 」
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
270 likes like
「We may brave human laws, but we cannot resist natural ones.」
― Jules Verne, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
tags: law 123 likes like
「If there were no thunder, men would have little fear of lightning.」
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
tags: philosophical 82 likes like
「Aures habent et non audient` - `They have ears but hear not」
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
tags: philosophical 30 likes like
「The human mind delights in grand conceptions of supernatural beings.」
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
29 likes like
「Mobilis in Mobile」
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Ⅱ 《海底兩萬里》英文好詞好句!急求!!!

At that time, I suddenly felt a cool, breathing to a stream of pure, contain of salt air. This is a refreshing and relaxing with iodine qualitative sea breeze! My big mouth, my lungs filled with fresh gases.



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