導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 我和amy去看電影的英文


發布時間:2023-12-02 03:45:52

Ⅰ 英語作文

One Saturday night, Amy went to see a movie. On her way to the movie theater she suddenly realized had forgotten her movie ticket at home. So she hurried back and found the ticket on the dresser. She picked up the ticket and ran to the movie theater. But the movie has already started more than 30 minutes ago. As she is watching the movie, she found it was a very interesting one and she liked it very much. However, she regretted that she missed the beginning of the movie.


Ⅱ amy明天和她媽媽去看電影英文


Amy is going to the movie with her mother tomorrow.
Amy is going to see a movie with her mother tomorrow.


Ⅲ amy今晚要去看電影英文

Amy is going to the cinema tonight.

如對本題有疑問可追問,Good luck!



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