導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 電影類的英文題目


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Ⅰ 恐怖片、動作片、愛情片、劇情片…英文怎麼說電影種類名稱教學

電影的英文 叫做movie。但是你知道 恐怖片、動作片、愛情片、劇情片…的英文 要怎麼說嗎?看電影是幾乎每個人都喜歡做的事,因此懂得用英文跟別人聊各種電影類別、電影種類名稱,也是很重要的喔。



1.Horror 恐怖片、驚悚片

無論是恐怖片還是驚悚片,都可以叫做Horror movie。

例: I don』t really like watching horror movies. 我真的不喜歡看恐怖片。

2.Action and Adventure 動作片、冒險片

Action and Adventure 是指動作冒險類型的電影。動作片你可以叫作Action movie。

例: He loves action movies – all car chases and jumping out of planes. 他很喜歡看動作片——飆車追逐、跳飛機等等。

3.Romance movie 愛情片

愛情片的英文可叫做Romance movie,romance 是指「浪漫」的意思。

例: She loves romance movies. 她喜歡愛情片。

4.Drama 劇情片


例: a courtroom drama 法庭劇 a historical drama 歷史劇



例: Alt Movies 成人影片、 *** Animation 動畫卡通電影 Classic Hollywood 好萊塢經典電影 Comedy 喜劇電影 Documentary 紀錄片 Family 家庭電影 Martial Arts 功夫片 Musicals 音樂劇、歌舞片 Organized Crime 黑幫犯罪電影 Science Fiction and Fantasy 科幻片 Shakespearean 莎劇改編電影 Silent Movies 默片 Sports 運動電影 Teen Movies 青春片 War Movies 戰爭片 Westerns 西部片


電影院的英文可以叫做 theater或是cinema,這兩個英文單字都是指電影院。


例: Ticket Counter 售票處 買電影票的地方。

例: Queue 隊伍 指電影院里排隊等待買票的隊伍。

例: Popcorn 爆米花

例:Snack Counter 電影院中販售食物的地方 在這里販賣的食物,是可以帶進去吃的。

例: Entry gate 入口、驗票處 進入放映廳前,會先在入口檢查你是否買票了。

例: Usher 協助你找到自己座位的人

例: Trailer 預告片

例: Interval 中場休息時間 較長的電影有時會有一小段暫停的時間,讓觀眾可以在這時去上廁所、休息。


劇情片 英文, 動作片 英文, 喜劇片 英文, 奇幻片 英文, 恐怖片 英文, 愛情片 英文, 科幻片 英文, 電影 英文, 電影種類 英文, 電影類別 英文

Ⅱ 每個種類的電影各有什麼代表作用英語回答謝謝

1) science fiction film 科幻片
Independence Day 獨立日

2)action film 動作片
Kill Bill 殺死比爾

3)comedy film 喜劇片
Mr Bean 憨豆先生

4)cartoon film 動漫片
Tom and Jerry 貓和老鼠

5)thriller 驚悚片/懸疑片
The Silence of the Lambs 沉默的羔羊

6)horror film 恐怖片
The Ring 午夜凶鈴

7)drama film 生活/戲劇片
Everybody Loves Raymond 人人都愛雷蒙德

8)war film 戰爭片
Band of Brothers 兄弟連

9)documentary 紀錄片
An Inconvenient Truth 不可忽視的真相

10)musical film 歌舞片
Red Windmill 紅磨坊

11)romantic comedy 愛情片
Titanic 泰坦尼克號

Ⅲ 英語演講稿介紹一部電影,題目怎麼寫

《A film touching the deepest in your heart》
這是給電影《A beautiful mind》(美麗心靈)的演講稿標題,請參考
祝你好運!Good luck!


Ⅳ 電影有多少種類型用英語怎麼表達






Ⅳ 英語電影(題目)

《暮光之城》,《愛麗絲之仙游夢境》《歌舞青春》 《人鬼情未了》 《阿甘正傳》

Ⅵ 用英文說,電影的類型,例如comedy

Action 動作片
Adventure 冒險片
Animation 動畫片
Biography 傳記片
Comedy 喜劇片
Crime 犯罪片
Documentary 紀錄片
Drama 戲劇(文藝)片
Family 生活片
Fantasy 奇幻片
Film-Noir 黑色電影(不是黑白電影,是指情節黑色)
Game-Show 游戲秀節目
History 歷史片
Horror 恐怖片
Musical 音樂片
Mystery 懸疑片
News 新聞片
Reality-TV 電視真人秀
Romance 愛情片
Sci-Fi 科幻片
Sport 體育片
Talk-Show 脫口秀
Thriller 驚悚片
War 戰爭片
Western 西部片

Ⅶ 跪求所有電影類型的英文單詞!

actionfilm動作片 documentary紀錄片 kongfufilm武打片 comedy喜劇 tragedy悲劇 detectivefilm偵探片 sciencefiction科幻電影 disaster災難片 thriller驚悚片 horrorfilm恐怖片 western西部片 musical音樂片 cartoon動畫片 romance/lovestory言情片 biographies人物傳記 autobiographies自傳 sciencefiction科幻 romance浪漫 mystery偵探 horror恐怖 fantasy幻想片 cartoon卡通 happyending圓滿結局 tragicending悲劇結局


Ⅷ 關於影視的英語口語翻譯

【 #英語口語# 導語】英語已經慢慢滲透入人們的日常生活,想要學好英語一定要多讀、多聽、多說、多欣賞。以下是 整理的關於影視的英語口語翻譯,歡迎閱讀!


1.That movie we saw last night was very boring, wasn't it?


2.It's said that the movie is a box-office hit.


3.That movie he starred is a blockbuster.


4.What do you think of the new film?


5. think that movie is boring.


6.The film you recommended is really worth watching.


7.This new love film has evoked general approval.


9.He performed the role well.


10.These old films are wonderful.


11.That was undoubtedly the best film I've seen all year.


12.The movie has been hyped up far beyond its worth.


14.We were deeply touched by the sentimental story that the movie told.


14.It is the most popular independent French movie ever made.


15.I think the film does have some positive effect.




雅思考試中,很多考生都會遇到無話可說的尷尬狀況(awkward situation)。這會直接畢侍影響考官的評分印象(expression),導致自身口語能力無法完全展示(show)。「要取高分就要有新意(creation),拓展性思維訓練(training)可以幫考生在答題中增加亮點。」


A. 既要多角度,又要全面




如果考生發現談到的問題自己熟悉(familiar with),可以採用積極(active)答題方式。表述中靈活加入想法,找生動例子讓內容豐富和個性化。


A. 用好「反向」、「迂迴」思


B. 學說諺語再幽默點(humor)


C. 帶入個人理解(understanding)









Walk down any city street or village road, turn any corner, find a spot at the beach or in a park and you will find mounds and mounds of dirty plastic bags, food wrappings, plastic cups, bottles and cartons lie piled high, or blocking drainage systems and sewers. The road outside our house is littered with flimsy multi-coloured plastic bags. The wind blows these bags into the open gutter. The bags collect and block the gutter which then spills on to the road. Mosquitoes thrive in the stagnant water. Pigs and rats wallow in the slime, carrying disease. The place stinks and the air is polluted. The garbage men refuse to clean the gutters... they are only paid to clear the litter off the streets! So the clutter and slime increases every week.

Who is responsible for all this litter and mess and the polluted atmosphere? We are of course! Every one of us. Although each one of us contributes to the problem, none of us is willing to be part of the solution to it. So the Tamil Na Government is keen on taking a drastic step to curb the use of plastics and make the roads clean and environmentally safe. The government's desire to introce a bill that would ban plastic bags and other plastic items is a desperate attempt to control the huge environmental and health hazards that face us today.

Despite my desire to see a clean environment and have a clean road I wonder what will we do without all the plastic things in our lives? The many uses of disposable plastic that we use everyday comes to mind, gloves, pens, cups, bottles, cans — can we really do without these?

Do we see the proposed ban as a necessary measure? Or will it be fought against with passion by the plastic instry? Each year, as instry proces more and more non-essential procts indivially and excessively packaged in plastic, we throw away more and more trash. Plastic razors can only be used a few times before disposal, then more must be bought, making the plastic and razor instries rich and happy. Pens used to be filled with ink, today we use them, throw them away and go out and buy another one. The pen instries make a lot of money too. Many household appliances are designed to become obsolete within a short ration and that guarantees that you'll just have to buy new ones next year.

To a large extent, our garbage problem is a result of a corporate business ethic that puts profits before people and the environment. Instry pushes the advantages of "disposability'' to the public because it suits them and it pays well. The profit from disposability goes into the pockets of only a few but the hazards of disposability are faced by many more.

The proposed ban makes me realise that each one of us should develop a sense of responsibility not just towards the litter on our roads but also towards the things we buy and use and throw away.



Describe a library that you often go to.

You should say:

what library it is

where it is /what the library looks like

what you do there

and explain why you like this library.

點題:There is a library near to my home where I like to go. It is called the Peoples』 Library.

地點:It is located on First Avenue near Main Street. It is a very new building and has some beautiful urban sculpture standing on the grounds around it. The library has many floors. Each floor has different sections.

介紹:The firs time I went there I had to have a lot of help to find things but now I feel like it is my second home. When I go to the library I feel like I am leaving a lot of my worries and cares behind me, even if I have to go there to do some research or to study. I think that is because I know I can always find a quiet, private place where I can read or do my work. And sometimes if I want to travel to a different place or a different time, I can do that in the library by finding a book or something on the computer that will take me into another world.

活動:I am particularly interested in this library because it has a lot to offer. Besides having a good stock of books, it also provides office facilities such as a good machine, a book binder, many computers and printers, and much more. And it has very good service too. If you need a book in another library it will obtain that book for you by either shipping it from the other library or purchasing the book.



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