導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 電影是關於動物的嗎英文


發布時間:2023-10-24 08:57:18

① 有什麼關於動物的英語電影(搞笑),或者動漫電影

冰河世紀 冰河世紀(Ice Age)是2002年美國動畫電影,由藍天工作室製作,二十世紀福克斯發行,導演為克里斯·威巨(Chris Wedge)和卡洛斯·沙丹哈(Carlos Saldanha)聯合執導。目前推出三部續集,2006年的《冰河世紀2:消融》和2009年的《冰河世...

② 關於「動物」的英文電影


③ 關於動物的電影英文名


④ 瘋狂動物城這個電影名字的英文名是什麼


⑤ 關於動物的電影 英文介紹 最好加中文


⑥ 誰能介紹一部關於動物的英語電影

With a relatively small budget for an animated film of only $60 million the people at Fox Animation and Blue Sky Studios have done an incredible job.

They have combined state-of-the-art digital animation, the perfectly cast voice talents of Ray Romano, John Leguizamo and Dennis Leary (among many others) to create a highly entertaining, family film with a strong message about cooperation, friendship and caring for your fellow herd members. And how sometimes it takes many different creatures to make up a herd.

While watching this film I got a strong political message about getting along with the people that share your space -- maybe it should be required viewing for all world leaders!

David Newman -- yet another member of the Newman family of Hollywood composers -- provides a superb score that is not intrusive yet serves to move the action along and, at times, is positively toe tapping.

The overall look of the film is incredible; an intensely coloured, strangely believable fantasyland of snow, geysers, mud, rocks and ice. The indivial characters were delightfully believable too, with the facial expressions of Ray Romano's 『Manfred' being a particular treat.

The entire sequence with the DoDos will leave no doubt as to where the expression `Dumb as a DoDo comes from.'

This is a good family film that keeps the things that could alarm or frighten children pretty much sanitized -- but real nonetheless.

It would be a great movie to see in the theater and to buy for home.



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