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Ⅰ 我喜歡看電影,喜劇電影是我最喜歡的 用英語怎麼說

通俗點是 i like seeing movies,the comedy movies are my favorite.
洋氣一點是 I am big on movies,especially the comdies.

Ⅱ 我最喜歡的電影英文

我最喜歡的電影英文:My favorite movie;My favourite movie;Just Like Heaven-The movie which I like best.

[其他] 比較級:more favorite最高級:most favorite純判漏復數:favorites

Ⅲ 喜歡看電影的英語


我喜歡看電影的英語說作"filmwatch",察或在日常中也可以翻譯為"go to cinema",在《現代英語詞典》中,共找到24個與我喜歡看電影相關的釋義和例句。


1. filmwatch

2. go to cinema

我喜歡看電影翻譯為go to cinema。

示例:Look,just go to a cinema and sit it out till it's dark. just go to a cinema and sit it out till it's dark.

3. see a movie

我喜歡看電影翻譯為see a movie。

示例:Keep up this level of work, and i will see to it your name is on my movie. Keep up this level of work, and I will see to it your name is on my movie.

4. see a film

我喜歡看電影翻譯為see a film。

示例:Did you see the film Trading Places? 你看過"扭轉乾坤"這部敗轎伍電影嗎? Did you see the film Trading Places?

1. filmwatch(看電影)

2. see a film(看電影)

3. see a movie(看電影)

4. moviegoing(常看電影

5. go to cinema(看電影去)


3. You guys seen any movies you like?


4. She and i loved that movie.


5. i mean, i like to read, but i love to watch movies because in movies they don't…

譯文:我喜帆舉歡讀書 但更愛看電影因為電影……

6. You don't have to talk at the movies. That's true, you don't have to talk.

譯文:帶他看電影 看電影不用說話。

7. Pardonable i like to see a movie so.


8. - The movies. - The movies. ok.

譯文:看電影 看電影,好。

9. Yeah, it's gonna be the best movie ever!

譯文:- 看電影?。

10. i have no other hoppy... i have only flickers


11. i've been watching them since i was a kid.


12. Because i've always liked watching them.


13. i'm going to watch the movie.


14. i don't... i don't really like movies.


15. Why? She hates when i sit around and i watch movies and i don't contribute.


Ⅳ 我喜歡看電影用英語翻譯

I like to watch movies

Ⅳ 我喜歡的電影 英語作文 要翻譯 給好評

My favorite movie is Titanic .It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on Titanic.They loved each other for the first sight.On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad. Ilove this film very much .

我最喜歡的電影是<泰坦尼克號>.它是一個關於傑克和露斯的愛情故事.他們在太坦尼克號上相遇.他們見到對方的第一眼就愛上了對方.在1912年4月15日的晚上,泰坦尼克號在駛向美國的途中遇到了事故.傑克,露斯和其他很多人都掉到了海里.他們很害怕,因為他們怕失去對方.最後,露斯得救了,但是傑克卻死了.露斯很悲傷. 我非常喜歡這部電影。

Ⅵ 英語翻譯:我最喜歡的電影是動作電影

My favorite kind of movie is action movies.

Ⅶ 小學英語作文:我喜歡看電影(I like watching movies)

I like watching movies,especially comedies.I think the comedies that Zhou Xingchi acted are very nice to watch. because they are very interesting. I also like the action movies that was made by Jackie Chan. because they are so moving.

我喜歡看電影,特別是喜劇片,我覺得周星馳演的喜劇片很不錯,很值得去看, 因為它們很有趣. 我也很喜歡成龍演的動作片,因為它們很精彩。

Ⅷ 我喜歡看電影,英語怎麼說

我喜歡看電影:I like to go to see a movie


看電影在英文中被翻譯為see a movie,為常見的固定搭配。其中see為動詞詞性,表示看。其他的含義有「看見;明白;了解;經歷;設想」。movie 為名詞詞性,意思是電影,為可數名詞,所以前面加數詞「a」。


1、I want to see a movie. 我想去看一部電影。

2、Do you like to see a movie with me? 你想和我去看電影嗎?



cinema,film,movie,picture 這些名詞均有「電影」之意。







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