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發布時間:2023-09-17 01:57:31

A. 湯姆叔叔的小屋英文版帶翻譯

1、In the world has like this some happy people, they make own pain other people happiness, they wiped away tears have buried own hope in this mortal world between, it turned the seed actually, was long the fresh flower and the balm, treated the wound for the alone and forsaken cruel fate person .

2.But who, sir, makes the trader? Who is most to blame? The enlightened, cultivated, intelligent man, who supports the system of which the trader is the inevitable result, or the poor trader himself? You make the public statement that calls for his trade, that debauches and depraves him, till he feels no shame in it; and in what are you better than he? Are you ecated and he ignorant, you high and he low, you refined and he coarse, you talented and he simple? In the day of a future judgment, these very considerations may make it more tolerable for him than for you.
但是,先生們,究竟是誰造就了黑奴販子?是誰更應當承擔罪責?是那些奴隸販子,還是那些有教養、有文化的文明人?事實上,奴隸販子只是奴隸制度的必然產物,而有教養的人正是這種制度的極力維護者。正是你們這些有教養的文明人造就了一種社會環境,讓奴隸貿易能有存在的空間,使奴隸販子道德敗壞。你們這些文明人又比奴隸販子強到哪裡呢? 難道僅僅因為你們有文化,他們愚昧;你們高貴,他們卑賤;你們文雅,他們粗俗;你們聰明,他們愚蠢嗎? 當最後的審判日來臨時,他們所具備的那些條件可能使他們更容易得到上帝的饒恕。

3.In the world not to everybody all disadvantageous misdemeanor.

4.listened to be used to the insult person since birth, in the ear has suddenly heard a that warm speech, was very difficult to accept as true.

5.when we look back on past events time, sometimes is as if extremely pitiful, extremely difficultly, however we certainly also remembered, each ease passes the time, has always brought some pleasure to you and consoles the nationality.Therefore, although we are not the absolute joy, actually not as for absolute pain.

《湯姆叔叔的小屋:卑賤者的生活》(英語:Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly),又譯作《黑奴籲天錄》、《湯姆大伯的小屋》,是美國作家哈里特·比徹·斯托(斯托夫人)於1852年發表的一部反奴隸制小說。這部小說中關於非裔美國人與美國奴隸制度的觀點曾產生過意義深遠的影響,並在某種程度上激化了導致美國內戰的地區局部沖突。

B. 湯姆叔叔的小屋電影英文版百度雲

He said they were going down to



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