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1. 一部歐美電影,有一個人在水池裡殺人的叫什麼電影

機械師 The Mechanic (2011)

導演: 西蒙·韋斯特
編劇: 肖恩·薩萊諾 / 劉易斯-約翰·卡利諾
主演: 傑森·斯坦森 / 本·福斯特 / 托尼·戈德溫 / 唐納德·薩瑟蘭
類型: 劇情 / 動作 / 驚悚
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2012-08-02

2. 機械師的影片評價

《新華娛樂》評:影片《機械師》由原名《THE MECHANIC》翻譯而來,象徵的手法解釋了影片表達的主題和描述的故事。從字面上冰冷而准確地塑造了殺手的世界。在殺手的內心世界也做了深入挖掘。(《新華娛樂》評)

3. 電影《機械師》中勝利更偏愛有準備的人英語怎麼說

電影《機械師》中,勝利更偏愛有準備的人,英語是:Amat victoria curam.
「AMAT VICTORIA CURAM.」是刻在哈利手槍上的一句拉丁語,翻譯成漢語就是大家耳熟能詳的那句「機會總是垂青有準備的人。」槍的左面是拉丁文:amat victoria curam,右面是英文:victory loves preparation。意思都是勝利更偏愛有準備的人。
AMAT = loves/ likes/ favours
VICTORIA = victory
CURAM = care/ careful preparation

4. 電影機械師 英文介紹 盡量全

Stable state of mind, sophisticated tactics, murder in the invisible, this is one of the top killer essential characteristics. Arthur ( Json Statham Jason Statham) after many years, in his former partner Harry ( Donald Sutherland Donald Sutherland) 's help, has become an excellent killing machine. Arthur received a new task, targeted for assassination was harry. Although Arthur could not bear to start, but in the clear that Harry escape death, eventually decided to personally send Harry. Harry's son Steve ( Ben Foster Ben Foster) to avenge one's father, decided to follow Arthur. At Arthur's training, Steve graally mastered as a mechanic in the necessary skills, working with Arthur completed another assassination. Although Arthur has always tried to conceal the truth Harry was killed, but Steve still know that his father was murdered by Arthur, revenge of the flame in the Steve heart graally rising ... The film a remake of the 1972 movie of the same name ( translated as " dragon Hutie steel " ), an investment of about $40000000 ...



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