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發布時間:2023-09-07 17:57:32

Ⅰ 看電影的英文怎麼說

問題一:看電影 的英文是什麼 有幾種表達方法:
1、go to a movie
2、watc激 a movie
3、watch movies
4、go to the cinema
5、see a film

問題二:不用集線器(Hub),怎樣用網卡和雙絞線直接連接兩台微機? 如果想用雙絞線雙機互連的話,需要做成交叉線,一頭白橙,績,白綠,藍,白藍,綠,白棕,棕,另一個頭白綠,綠,白橙,藍,白藍,橙,白棕,棕,這樣就可以了,也就是1,3和2,6對調

問題三:看電影用英語怎麼說 see a film

問題四:(去看電影)用英語怎麼說 go to the movies
go to see a movie
went to the movies
go to the pictures
go to 俯he cinema
see a film
watch a movie

問題五:「我正在看電影」用英語怎麼說呀? I am watching movie
I am watching flim
I am in cinema

問題六:看電影的英語 看電影:
1. see a movie
2. see a film
3. go to the movie
4. watch movies
5. filmwatch
1. 我想看電影。
I would like to see a movie.
2. 朱迪像莎拉一樣時常去看電影。
Judy goes to the movies as often as Sara does.
3. 換句話說,我們都不能去看電影。
In other words, none of us can go to the movie.
4. 大衛下星期不和海倫一起去看電影。
David won't go to the movies with Helen next week.
5. 他喜歡去看電影。
He likes to go to the movie.
6. 他們排著隊等候看電影.
They'閥e queuing up to see a film.

問題七:我們去看電影了,用英語怎麼說? we go to film

問題八:「看電影」用英語翻譯過來有幾種 看電影可以翻譯成watch a film, watch a movie, see 穿 film, see a movie, go to the cinema, go to the movies.

問題九:看電影用英文怎麼說,是see a film還是watch a film see a film watch a movie 固定搭配

Ⅱ 正在看電影"用英語怎麼說

I'm watching movie.

Ⅲ 「我正在看電影」用英語怎麼說呀

I am watching movie
I am watching flim
I am in cinema

Ⅳ 這個周末你打算干什 友誼電影院正在放映… 建議去肯德基或去咖啡管。 請把以上幾句話翻譯成英文。謝!

What are you going to do this weekend? A new film *** is on at Friendship Theatre.What about going KFC or Cafe?

Ⅳ 「我在電視上看電影」這句話英文翻譯: 1. I see movies on TV. 2. I watch movies on TV. 1or2,why

watch 有觀看的意思,SEE只有看到,第一句的意思是我看到電視正在放電影,第二句是我在電視上看電影,因此是2對啊

Ⅵ 放映的英文單詞怎麼拼寫

放映 [fàng yìng]
show (a movie)
project projection showing screen (grid) show on the screen throw on the screen threw on the screen shew on the screen screened screening shew
The film has been screened in the cinema and on TV.
一晚放映三個同一主題的訪問記實, 真是小題大做.
It was surely overkill to screen three interviews on the same subject in one evening.
It is impossible to stay awake when they show slides.
海詞廣告: 足不出戶英語學習之旅 學外語,交外國真朋友
�0�8 Dict.CN 在線詞典 更多解釋句酷雙語例句

The film is run through a projector.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
How long will it take to set up the projector?
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
In the diagram, the outer portions ofthe projecting lens serve no useful purpose.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
The cinema specializes in Italian films.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
The film has run for a month.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
The film is usually showed on Sunday.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
The film on show doesn't have much sparkle on it.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
The merry film clacked on, and I was glad of the diversion.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
The projectionist runs the film back at the end of every performance.
-- 英漢 - 辭典例句
They were delighted to see their holiday slides projected on a screen.

Ⅶ 昨天下午我們正在電影院里看電影用英語怎麼是說

we were watching a movie in the cinema。
一般正常對話的邏輯和情況 你說這句話 是在回答 別人先問你的問題 別人問你 你昨天下午在幹嘛 所以你回答 看電影 你的回答里不需要用yesterday afternoon來結尾 這使整個句子很別扭 ,但是 你非要明確表述是昨天下午 也可以 平沒有什麼錯誤

Ⅷ 這部電影正在上演用英語怎麼翻譯

The movie is now playing/showing in theatres/cinemas.

Ⅸ 電視正在播放電影英語怎麼說好

A movie is playing on TV.

I'm watching a movie on TV.



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