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發布時間:2023-08-30 07:37:51

㈠ 潘多拉魔盒的創造者是誰

潘多拉魔盒,又稱潘多拉盒子,潘多拉匣子,這是一則古希臘經典神話。潘多拉是宙斯創造的第一個人類女人, 主要是要報復人類。因為眾神中的普羅米修斯過分關心人類,於是惹火了宙斯。宙斯(Zeus)首先命令火神黑菲斯塔斯(Hephaestus),使用水土合成攪混,依女神的形象做出一個可愛的女人;再命令愛與美女神阿芙羅黛堤(Aphrodite)淋上令男人瘋狂的激素;女神雅典娜(Athena)教女人織布,製造出各顏各色的美麗衣織,使女人看來更加鮮艷迷人;完成所有手續後,宙斯派遣使神漢密斯(Hermes)說:「放入你狡詐、欺騙、耍賴、偷竊的個性吧!」 一個完完全全的女人終於完成了。眾神替她穿上衣服,頭戴兔帽,項配珠練,嬌美如新娘。漢密斯出主意說:「叫這個女人潘多拉(Pandora)吧,是諸神送給人類的禮物。」眾神都贊同他的建議。古希臘語中,潘是所有的意思,多拉則是禮物。
伊皮米修斯的胞兄普羅米修斯早就警告伊皮米修斯, 千萬不要接受宙斯的禮物,尤其是女人,因為女人是危險的動物。伊皮米修斯就跟其名字一般,娶了潘多拉之後沒多久,就開始後悔了。潘多拉為伊皮米修斯生了7個兒子,但是潘多拉把兒子生下來後,宙斯便把7個兒子用一個盒子封印起來,盒子的名字就叫「潘多拉之盒」。潘多拉對此非常憤怒,於是便偷偷的把盒子打開想看看自己的兒子。哪知道一打看,他的前六個兒子便飛了出去,他們的名字叫貪婪,殺戮,恐懼,痛苦,疾病,慾望。從此人間多災多難,但是潘多拉的第七個兒子叫希望。雖然人們受到貪婪,殺戮,恐懼,痛苦,疾病,慾望,但是人們沒有退縮,因為他們還有希望!

㈡ 潘多拉魔盒的影片簡介


㈢ 跪求潘多拉魔盒的故事簡介(英文)

Pandora's Mohe is the Greek myth, the myth is not the source, only on the basis of religion derived out of a story.
God Prometheus stealing fire from the sky gave humanity, mankind learned to use fire, the main god Zeus is angry that the fire to human beings in order to offset the enormous benefits of Zeus also decided to let the disaster befall the world. He ordered his son Vulcan Hephaestus soil proced by a woman, and then, the sons and daughters of Zeus - the sky gods have to dress up the woman. Vulcan for her textile with a blond, goddess of wisdom for her to wear Corolla, Eros give her all kinds of lovely Mei Tai, the emissary of the gods she said all kinds of beautiful language. Zeus allow him to destroy human beings, give her the name "Pandora", which means ", was awarded all the advantages of the people." Zeus to seal a Pandora's box, inside full of dangers, disasters and plagues, she gave her married men. Prometheus believe that Zeus to human ill, cautioned his brother Bailey waters Eritrea not to accept gifts of Zeus. He can not listen to advice and married a beautiful Pandora. Pandora was curiosity, opened the box那隻immediately inside all the disasters, plagues and scourges have to fly out. Since then human suffering from disasters, plague and the scourge of torture. And the wisdom of the goddess Athena In order to save the human fate and quietly on the bottom of the box a beautiful thing "hope" not enough time to fly out of the box, put Jianhua Pandora's box on the customs. After "Pandora's Mohe," Yu will be the unfortunate gift; hotbed of disaster.

㈣ 求一部電影 開始是他們一個魔球 是先飛到上海 然後到非洲去尋找潘多拉魔盒

.劇情簡介 女探險家勞拉·克勞福特的生活,總是充滿著各種凡人不可想像的驚奇與神秘。這一次,勞拉追隨著「生命搖籃」的傳說,又一次將目標瞄準了古老的神秘世界——已經沉入大海的月神廟。 勞拉收集來的各種線索都顯示著,神秘的月神廟正是傳說中「潘朵拉魔盒」的埋藏地。據我們所知,「潘朵拉魔盒」是上古世界的神秘寶藏,蘊含著足以毀滅整個人類的巨大能量。但這樣充滿強大力量的寶藏,自然也招來了邪惡勢力的窺伺。由香港黑社會頭子陳洛(Chen Lo)所率領的犯罪集團,妄想奪取「潘朵拉魔盒」,獲得其中足以摧毀地球的神秘力量!為了阻止犯罪集團背後所掩蓋的邪惡野心,勞拉必須搶先找回盒子,破壞陳洛的計劃。



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