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㈠ 《米老鼠》是哪個國家的動畫片







㈡ 英語作文關於我對米老鼠的這部電影的看法和內容

Mickey Mouse debuted on November 18,1928 in the animated cartoon Steamboat Willie.His comics debut was January 13,1930 when he got his own comic strip.(The first adventure was Lost on a Desert Island.) The strip was first written by Walt Disney himself (and drawn by Ub Iwerks),but soon Floyd Gottfredson took over the strip and continued to draw it for decades.
Related characters
Mickey has a girlfriend,Minnie,two nephews,Morty and Ferdie and a dog,Pluto.
A special genre of stories with Mickey Mouse is the Mickey Mysteries.
Other sources
Rich Bellacera's HooZoo page.
Find the names in other languages for:Mickey Mouse

㈢ Mickey Mouse來自哪裡

米老鼠英文名稱:Mickey Mouse 中文名稱:米奇 / 米老鼠 / 米奇老鼠出生日期:1928年11月18日出生地區:美國加利福尼亞 首次登場:1928年11月18日於《威利汽船》(Steamboat Willie) 經典衣著:紅色襯衣、短褲和黃色鞋子 角色性格:冒險、樂觀、向上、獨立、謙遜、激情、領導、靠得住、聰明機智、好分析問題、有修養、樂於助人、完美的化身曾獲獎項:1932年奧斯卡特別獎口頭禪:「糟了!」、「噢,小傢伙!」、「噢!土豆!」、「那一定是很時髦的!」、「笨蛋,向右轉……」、「快注意!」等等 來自美國的

㈣ 寫一篇關於米老鼠的英語作文帶翻譯

米老鼠的由來 The Coming of Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse is very popular around the world since it came to the world. Now Mickey Mouse and its family members have become the main characters in Disneyland. They bring so much joy to the people. The father of Mickey Mouse Walt Disney created this lovely character with the funny story.


When Walt Disney was very young, he studied art in Chicago. He worked with another young artist in the old building. They often saw mice running in and out of the old building, so they had the idea to draw a cartoon mouse. The mouse was not look like the real mouse, it stood on two legs and had big eyes and ears. The most funny thing was that it wore white gloves its hands.


They called it Mickey, this is how the great cartoon character comes. Soon this lovely and funny image got famous around the world. It appeared in the screen. The movie was favored by the children. Then it also appeared in the world』s biggest entertainment park Disneyland and amused so many people.


Walt Disney is such great that he created a popular idol Mickey Mouse.


米老鼠Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse is the memory of my childhood. I like to watch cartoon so much when I was in primary school, Mickey Mouse is my favorite cartoon character. He is so cute and funny, the things he does will make me laugh happily. I will never forget his voice, even though I grow up. Mickey Mouse is like my friend and accompanies me all the time.


㈤ 英語作文關於我對米老鼠的這部電影的看法和內容

Mickey Mouse debuted on November 18, 1928 in the animated cartoon Steamboat Willie. His ics debut was January 13, 1930 when he got his own ic strip. (The first adventure was Lost on a Desert Island.) The strip was first written by Walt Disney himself (and drawn by Ub Iwerks), but soon Floyd Gottfredson took over the strip and continued to draw it for decades.
Related characters
Mickey has a girlfriend, Minnie, two nephews, Morty and Ferdie and a dog, Pluto.
A special genre of stories with Mickey Mouse is the Mickey Mysteries.
Other sources
Rich Bellacera's HooZoo page.
Find the names in other languages for: Mickey Mouse

㈥ 米老鼠是關於什麼的電影

米奇老鼠(英文名稱:Mickey Mouse),迪士尼代表人物形象,是一隻有著圓滾滾的大腦袋,圓滾滾的大耳朵,梨形的身體與像橡膠軟管一樣柔軟,沒有明顯的關節,可以自由拉伸彷彿沒有骨骼的四肢的小老鼠。他以隨和,樂觀,活躍,充滿奇思妙想的性格廣受世界各地的觀眾的歡迎。他總是吹著口哨,哼著小曲,蹦蹦跳跳,充滿活力。盡管是個成年角色,但他保留了孩童的好奇,快樂,有點小調皮,並不總是很守規矩或很有禮貌,偶爾還有些貪玩,有點懶散,耐性不足,沖動而急躁,丟三落四,脾氣頗為火爆,甚至會有些傲僈,有時會語出傷人,但過後又懊悔不已,想盡辦法彌補。他頗富正義感,好打抱不平,常常會因此而不自量力,深陷麻煩中,但又總能憑借智慧成功地擺脫麻煩,圓滿地解決問題。



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