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發布時間:2023-08-17 04:52:32

1. 急求!!!《獅子王》電影 摘抄10句經典台詞和查閱20個新單詞。

I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool. 恐怕我的遺傳中,那是較弱的一環 You promised. 你答應過我的 Everything the light touches 陽光普照之處 What about that shadowy place? 那陰影的地方哪? - Betrothed. Intended. Affianced. 婚約,訂婚,求婚 Free to do it all my way 為所欲為 I laugh in the face of danger. 我笑對危險 Just what I was thinking. 和我想的一樣 Toodles. 再見 I'm very disappointed in you. 我對你很失望 I'm only brave when I have to be. 我只在需要勇敢時勇敢 Being brave...doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. 勇敢……不是指你自己去找麻煩 A shiny new era is tiptoeing nearer 一個新時代正悄悄走近 Hakuna matata (It means "no worries.") 無須擔心(口語) It's our problem free philosophy 這是我們解決問題的哲學 It's our motto. 這是我們的座右銘 You can't change the past. 你不能改變過去 He lives in you. 他活在你體內 You are more than what you have become. Going back means I'll have to face my past. 回去意味著我要直面過去 I've been running from it for so long. 我已經逃避太久了。

2. 電影《獅子王》中一些動物的名字英文怎麼寫(急!!)

A young lion prince, Simba, was born in Africa, thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne. Scar plotted with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, thus making himself King. The King was killed and Simba was led to believe by Scar that it had been his fault, and so he fled the kingdom in shame. (He lived with two outcasts, a Merekat named Timone and a warhog named pumbaa, until he is fully-grown. He adopted their "worry-free" philosophy, forgetting his past and his heritage. After years of exile, a childhood friend runs into him by accident, and persuaded him to take his responsibility. He returned home and overthrew his uncle, claimed the kingdom as his own, thus completing the "Circle of Life".

3. 有誰知道獅子王里的十個英文單詞,簡單點


4. 有誰知道獅子王里的十個英文單詞,簡單點


5. 《獅子王》中丁滿和彭彭兩人各自的英文名字翻譯

獅子王: The Lion King導 演: 羅傑·阿勒斯 Roger Allers 羅伯·明科夫 Rob Minkoff 主 演: 羅溫·艾金森 Rowan Atkinson 馬修·布魯德里克 Matthew Broderick 烏比·戈德堡 Whoopi Goldberg 傑瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons 詹姆斯·厄爾·瓊斯 James Earl Jones 內森·萊恩 Nathan Lane 切奇·馬林 Cheech Marin 喬納森·泰勒·托馬斯 Jonathan Taylor Thomas 物介紹(按英文名字字母順序)

6. 電影《獅子王》中一些動物的名字的英文怎麼寫(急!)

A young lion prince, Simba, was born in Africa, thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne. Scar plotted with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, thus making himself King. The King was killed and Simba was led to believe by Scar that it had been his fault, and so he fled the kingdom in shame. (He lived with two outcasts, a Merekat named Timone and a warhog named pumbaa, until he is fully-grown. He adopted their "worry-free" philosophy, forgetting his past and his heritage. After years of exile, a childhood friend runs into him by accident, and persuaded him to take his responsibility. He returned home and overthrew his uncle, claimed the kingdom as his own, thus pleting the "Circle of Life".



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