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A. 情人經典語錄英文


1. ask you to marry me! You will be the second happy person in the world, because you marry me and I will be the first happy person in the world.

2. do you need a reason for dinner? Don't you need it? Do you need it?... I don't think I need it.

3. I may not be the best, but is there any other choice now?

4. it is not easy to say love you... Why? What did I say?

The 5. sea is not dry, the stone is not rotten, my lover, as long as you are happy, I will change together with them.

6. love is the fate, love is moved, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is considerate, love is a lifelong commitment.

7. is not because of loneliness to think of you, but because it is lonely to think of you. The feeling of loneliness is so heavy, just because it is too deep. "

I have 8. clusters of the past, sentimental attachment, in the bright spring days days, woven into Acacia garland, dedicated to you.

9. first meeting, you are I can not erase the missing; fate, you and I pass. Even if the share, I am still your faithful friend, sincerely wish you a happy Valentine's day!

10. every heart, is my deep thoughts and wishes.

The 11. is concerned about a heart loving caring for another heart, a ray of Acacia a happy drunk a warmth, two hearts, two flower blooming flower. It is a long time to wait for it to be remembered.

12. when the sun did not climb up the vine - covered fence; my impatient red roses were already full of your windowsill. Let it bring you my sincere blessings: Happy Valentine's Day!

13., give love to a face that is not old, let all love remain unchanged for life; give love a vow of regret, let love and love each other miss each other; give love to a vast blue sky, let that love be full of human life. Happy Valentine's Day!

14. we are not necessarily inseparable, but some hearts; don't be icing on the cake, but must be timely assistance; not always contact, but must constantly worried about!

15. miss you miss you, the season in a hurry, but why do not always miss you. A long hanging heart, always in memory of you, I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

16., the twilight that can't be swept away, several thoughts, endless words, sincere wishes, quietly tell you, I miss you, a kind greeting, Happy Valentine's Day!

17. love without taste is pure, love without temperature is reason, love without color is simple. Love can have nothing, but I can do nothing for love.

18. place, breeze spontaneously remember beautiful and sweet memories, miss you and bless you: give you a sincere blessing, save it, never forget me! Happy Valentine's Day!

19. if you don't have a lover, haha. We are the same people. Who says you have to have a lover to pass Valentine's Day! I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

20., I remember your appearance with my hands, I remember your voice with my ears, I remember your taste with my lips, I remember your dots with my eyes, I remember all your intentions, I love you, baby!

21. wealth can not meet happy to buy quiet; love partners in love and happiness, is the world's treasure! Sweetheart, Happy Valentine's Day!

22. without you, the face of the wind is ferocious. I toss and turn my thoughts into strings on the pillow of time. My love! Do you hear the greetings from the cloud? Happy Valentine's Day!

23. every time you and I will have a sense of the impulse to see, listen to your breath, kiss your lips. Go to Shouhou, life at stake, Valentine's day, I want to say to you "I love you".

24. miss like chocolate, bitter, sweet... Dare not think of you, afraid will think of you: dare not say think of you, afraid to think more of you... In fact, I really really miss you. Happy Valentine's Day!

25. from the moment I see you, my heartbeat tells me that you are the person I am waiting for in this life.

26. "you", the most loved one of my life; "you", the most desired person in my life; "you", I would like to wait a whole life; "you", the only woman in my life. Happy Valentine's Day!

27. never fade is the silent care of you, never stop the endless yearning for you, never change is the deep love for you. Happy Valentine's Day!

28. mud is the mouth of the nest is short! The mud is the smells of the nest! Looking at the mud affectionately in the nest! The nest should say to the mud, the nest is low mud!

29. if love you is a wrong word, then I would be wrong to add the wrong, even if the wrong life!

30. everlasting longing for you, both cold, cold night, Valentine's day alone, Gu yingzi mournful.

31. life is always going to be old, but I will always remember the good times and the warm years with you. On the way of life, I wish you a bright mood and a long future.

32. and no mistake, because you've gone; the breeze not language, because I'm crying; I don't want you, because I still.

33., every ray of sunshine is full of my yearning for you. Every white cloud has placed my yearning for you. Every defoliation has expressed my love for you. Every text message has included my affectionate feeling for you. Valentine's day, Happy Valentine's Day!

34. you come from Yuanmou, Yunnan, I come from Zhoukou, Beijing, let me pull up your velvet hand! Love! Let's walk upright!

35. love you is not the purpose, the purpose is to love you! Love you is not the purpose, the purpose is to love you all your life!

36. if one day you have a feeling of hunger, then you will see, I have been starving in your arms with a smile.

37. if the frog didn't become a prince and if the princess didn't wake up if the little mermaid didn't turn into a bubble, would I believe in love?

38. love is the heart of yearning, a sense of resonance, is the inspiration of the collision, is the lightning blazed, is sweet wine, is intoxicating wine. I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

39. to see you, I'm afraid of electric shock; I don't see you, I need to charge; if I don't have you, I think I'll cut off the power. Love you is my career, I think you are my career, you are my special, kiss you are my professional!

40. want to be your mobile phone, put in your arms, hold in your hand, look in your eyes, remember in your heart!

41. baby: I have a toothache recently, because I often think of you at night. It feels too sweet to have tooth decay.

42. of your thoughts are too heavy, the telephone line is broken, the phone card is burned, the wallet is exhausted, the sleeping pills are exhausted, and I still miss you.

43. you are the train, I am the railway; you are bricks and tiles I am the mud; you are the clouds I am the wind; you are chocolate I am wrapping paper; you love me is love you really wonderful.

44. I love you like the surging river and as the Yellow River flood The stream never stops flowing., a get out of hand, I want to love you again The sun sinks in the west. glorious and resplendent you I can't live without you, I must have you.

45., I want to send you roses. Unfortunately, the price is too high, I want to comfort you, but I haven't learned yet to kneel to you. The ring is still in the safe. I can only send you a text message to catch up with you, hoping we will never blow it.

46., forgive me for giving your cell phone number to a stranger. His name is Cubitt. He wants to tell you for me. My heart likes you, my heart cares for you, my heart waits for you.

47. you are poison, permeate my blood, penetrate my nerve, control my brain!

48. broken pot has broken the cover, chougui own ugly love, as long as the feeling is like the sea, Mazi can also put the brilliance!

49. I love who you are, I love the people too horrible to look at not bad in orgies, and is silent in the metamorphosis.

50. your name is the only word I am in the "love record", and you are the only flight in my "ocean of love"! Let me ride this flight to a romantic Valentine's Day!

51. if the heart is near, the far road is also short, the lonely people are so many, happy few, Happy Valentine's Day!

52., if the world has only ten minutes, I will remember the wind and rain with you. If I have only three minutes, I will kiss you. If I have only one minute, I will say "I love you".

53. from the first sight of you, I found that I finally found the other half of me! I want to give her the happiness of her life! Never wavered! I firmly believe that my life is unswervingly! Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day!

54. sweet honey, you smile sweet honey, like flowers in the spring wind, open in the spring wind. Why are you smiling so sweet? Because I gave you a blessing! Happy Valentine's day, baby!

55. every day for your heart, every moment is touched by you, every second for you to worry. It's nice to have you.

B. 急需一段經典電影中的雙人經典對白,長度五分鍾左右


C. 莫里斯的情人里那句經典台詞英文是怎麼說的

I will spend the rest of my life half awaken, if one day you really leave me

D. 適合英語配音的經典電影台詞




Show me the money!「拿錢給我看!」—— 征服情海(Jerry Maguire, 1996)被公司解僱的體育經紀人傑瑞.馬圭爾拚命打電話試圖留住自己的客戶,啰嗦的橄欖球運動員羅德提出的條件是傑瑞必須「讓他看到錢」。


Why don』t you e up sometime and see me?「你幹嘛不常來看看我呢?」—— 儂本多情(She Done Him Wrong, 1933)露夫人是一家夜總會的老闆,生性 *** ,喜歡周旋在許多情人之間。影片中當她看到年輕英俊的薩吉時便用這句台詞跟他調情。


I』m walking here! I』m walking here!「我正在這走呢,我正在這走呢!」—— 午夜牛郎(Midnight Cowboy, 1969,Ratso是個街頭騙子,影片中有個鏡頭是他和另一位男主角喬一起過馬路,差點被一輛計程車撞到。這個鏡頭據說是即興發揮的,達斯丁.霍夫曼說他本來想說的是:「我們這里在拍電影。」結果說出來的卻是現在這句著名的台詞。


Play it, Sam. Play 『As Time Goes By.』「彈吧,山姆。彈『時光飛逝』。」—— 卡薩布蘭卡(Casablanca, 1942)伊爾莎和丈夫一起走進瑞克的酒吧,當她認出山姆後,便請他彈這首以前和瑞克在一起時經常聽他彈奏的曲子。


You can』t handle the truth!「你擔當不起真相!」—— 好人寥寥(A Few Good Men, 1992) 30. I want to be alone.「我想一個人呆著。」—— 大飯店(Grand Hotel, 1932)


After all, tomorrow is another day!「畢竟,明天又是新的一天!」—— 亂世佳人(Gone with the Wind, 1939) 32. Round up the usual suspects.「圍捕嫌犯。」—— 卡薩布蘭卡(Casablanca, 1942)影片結尾,瑞克槍殺德國軍官後束手待斃。面對聞訊趕來的部下,雷諾警長出人意料地命令他們搜捕嫌犯,放過了瑞克。


I』ll have what she』s having.「給我來份和她一樣的。」—— 當哈利遇到莎莉(When Harry Met Sally, 1989)34. You know how to whistle, don』t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow.「你知道怎麼吹口哨,是嗎,斯蒂夫?只要把嘴唇閉上然後吹氣就行了。」—— 逃亡(To Have and Have Not, 1944)


You』re gonna need a bigger boat。「你需要一艘更大的船。—— 大白鯊(Jaws, 1975)36. Badges? We ain』t got no badges! We don』t need no badges! I don』t have to show you any stinking badges!「警徽?我們沒有警徽!我們不需要警徽!我用不著給你看什麼臭警徽!」—— 碧血金砂(The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948)


I』ll be back.「我會回來的。」—— 終結者(The Terminator, 1984)這句台詞出現在T800被拒絕進入警察局時,隨後他開著卡車沖進了警局。


Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.「今天,我認為自己是地球表面最幸運的人。」—— 揚基的驕傲(The Pride of the Yankees, 1942)本片是紐約洋基隊傳奇巨星魯.蓋瑞的傳記片,這句台詞出自他退役前在洋基體育場的著名演講。


If you build it, he will e.「你建好了,他就會來。」—— 夢幻之地(Field of Dreams, 1989)40. Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you』re gonna get.「媽媽總是說,生活就像一盒巧克力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。」—— 阿甘正傳(Forrest Gump, 1994)


We rob banks.「我們是搶銀行的[]。」—— 雌雄大盜(Bonnie and Clyde, 1967)


Plastics.「橡膠業。」—— 畢業生(The Graate, 1967)在為本舉行的慶祝宴會上,父親的合夥人馬圭爾先生特意把本叫到一邊,鄭重地建議他從事塑膠業。在本片上映後的一年間,塑膠製造業非常興旺,不少人認為與這句台詞有關。


We』ll always have Paris.「我們將永遠擁有巴黎(的美好時光)」—— 卡薩布蘭卡(Casablanca, 1942)瑞克在機場與伊爾莎依依惜別,用這句話安慰伊爾莎。如果你與情人分手時不知道該說什麼,就用這句話吧。


I see dead people.「我能看見死人。」—— 第六感(The Sixth Sense, 1999)科爾對克羅醫生(布魯斯.威利斯飾)說過這句話,後者卻不以為意。影片接近尾聲時,醫生終於明白了這句話的含義。


Stella! Hey, Stella!「斯黛拉!嗨,斯黛拉!」—— 慾望號街車(A Streetcar Named Desire, 1951)


Oh, Jerry, don』t let』s ask for the moon. We have the stars.「哦,傑瑞,不用追尋月亮。我們已經有星星了。—— 揚帆(Now, Voyager, 1942)夏洛特和有婦之夫傑瑞互相傾心卻無法結合。傑瑞問她是否感到快樂,夏洛特用這句話作為回答。其含義類似於「不求天長地久,但求曾經擁有。」


Shane. Shane. Come back!「謝恩,謝恩,回來吧!」—— 原野奇俠(Shane, 1953)Shane幫助斯塔瑞一家消滅了小鎮上的惡勢力,當他離開小鎮時,小男孩在他身後大聲呼喚他回來。Shane是著名的西部英雄形象。


Well, nobody』s perfect.「人無完人。」—— 熱情似火(Some Like It Hot, 1959)富翁奧斯古德.菲爾丁被男扮女裝的主角傑瑞(傑克.萊蒙飾)迷得神魂顛倒。影片最後,傑瑞扯掉假發告訴他自己是男人,結果富翁不以為然地說:「人無完人嘛。」


It』s alive! It』s alive!「它還活著!它還活著!」—— 科學怪人(Frankenstein, 1931)演員:柯林.克利夫(飾亨利.弗蘭肯斯坦) 科學家弗蘭肯斯坦博士製作了一個沒有生命的人體,一道閃電過後,它並沒有變成博士理想中的「完人」,而是變成了一個相貌醜陋的怪物。怪物將弗蘭肯斯坦博士當作自己的爸爸,但後者卻將其趕出了家門。


Houston, we have a problem.「休斯頓,我們有問題了。—— 阿波羅13號(Apollo 13, 1995)宇航員吉姆.洛威爾向地面控制中心匯報故障情況。在網上可以找到當年的通訊錄音,原話是「Houston, we』ve had a problem.」。這句台詞後來變得非常流行,在告訴別人某個嚴重問題時,經常以這句話作為開場白,以達到一種輕松詼諧的效果。


You』ve got to ask yourself one question: 『Do I feel lucky?』 Well, do ya, punk?「你應該問自己一個問題:『我感到幸運嗎?』你覺得呢,痞子?」—— 警探哈利(Dirty Harry, 1971)卡拉漢警官在追捕罪犯時有自己獨特的方法,完全無視法律的束縛。這是當他用槍指著罪犯時常說的話。

個性英文台詞精選 經典英文句子帶翻譯 經典英文句子大全 英文句子唯美簡短合集 英文電影台詞摘抄:富含哲理 著名英文電影台詞精選 適合英語配音的經典電影台詞 勵志英語電影台詞 英語電影經典語錄大全 英文電影里的經典台詞精選

E. 杜拉斯情人經典語錄

杜拉斯《情人》經典語錄 美得觸動人心

Un jour, j'étais âgée déjà, dans le hall d'un lieu public, un homme est venu vers moi. Il s'est fait connaître et il m'a dit: Je vous connais depuis toujours.


Tout le monde dit que vous étiez belle lorsque vous étiez jeune, je suis venu pour vous dire que pour moi je vous trouve plus belle maintenant que lorsque vous étiez jeune.


J'aimais moins votre visage de jeune femme que celui que vous avez maintenant,dévasté.


Très vite dans ma vie il a été trop tard. A dix-huit ans il était déjà trop tard.


A dix-huit ans j'ai vieilli. Je ne sais pas si c'est tout le monde, je n'ai jamais demandé.


Je sais que ce ne sont pas les vêtements qui font les femmes plus ou moins belles ni les soins de beauté, ni le prix des onguents, ni la rareté, le prix des atours.


Je n'ai jamais écrit, croyant le faire, je n'ai jamais aimé, croyant aimer, je n'ai jamais rien fait qu'attendre devant la porte fermée.


Il pleure souvent parce qu'il ne trouve pas la force d'aimer au-delà de la peur.


Cet amour insensé que je lui porte reste pour moi un insondable mystère. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je l'aimais à ce point-là de vouloir mourir de sa mort. J'étais separée de lui depuis dix ans quand c'est arrivé et je ne pensais que rarement à lui. Je l'aimais, semblait-il, pour toujours et rien de nouveau ne pouvait arriver à cet amour. J'avais oublié la mort.


Il lui avait dit que c'etait comme avant, qu'il l'aimait encore, qu'il ne pourrait jamais cesser de l'aimer, qu'il l'aimerait jusqu'a sa mort.


F. 杜拉斯 情人的名句

密語 情人節經典語錄












--瑪格麗特.杜拉斯 《薩瓦納灣》


--瑪格麗特.杜拉斯 《大西洋的男人》


G. 求電影中經典的英文對白

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won『t make you cry.
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can『t have them.
Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
Don『t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn『t willing to waste their time on you.
Just because someone doesn『t love you the way you want them to, doesn『t mean they don『t love you with all they have.
Don『t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
Don『t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
Where there is great love, there are always miracles.
Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.
If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.
Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.
At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.
Distance makes the hearts grow fonder.
If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
Love is the greatest refreshment in life.
Love never dies.
The darkness is no darkness with thee.
We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.
There is no remedy for love but to love more.
When love is not madness, it is not love.
There is no remedy for love but to love more.
When love is not madness, it is not love.
Love is blind.
The soul cannot live without love.
Brief is life, but love is long.
Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one.
My heart is with you.
Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.
Life is the flower for which love is the honey.
To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.
Where there is love, there are always wishes.



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