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Mia Temepolis (Anne Hathaway) is an American high school student who lives with her mother in San Francisco.

In a group of publicized and energetic students, she seems very unconfident and will be forgotten by the teacher.

Mia lives with her single mother and has a small circle of her own life. Within her control, Mia lives a normal life.

Before Mia's 16th birthday, she was suddenly told to meet her grandmother, Clarissa Renaldi (Julie Andrews).

When Mia finally met this extraordinary and noble lady, she found out that her grandmother was the queen of the small European country of Genovia.

And she is the princess of this country.Mia's world suddenly changed! In order to successfully inherit this identity, the Queen began a comprehensive change of Mia.

Mia's irreverent clashes with royal rules are full of jokes... Finally, Mia's image was changed to look like a beautiful princess.

Her identity was exposed just when she couldn't accept the sudden change in her role. The media began to bombard Mia, and her quiet life was broken.

Because of jealousy, Mia's classmates put her in a very embarrassing situation...

All this made Mia re-recognize herself and think about her life choices. With the help of her father's diary, Mia finally regained her self-confidence and brave choice of life.

She lived up to her grandmother's expectations and declared herself a princess at the National Day Ball in Genovia.

At the same time, she also found the real Prince Charming.Mia started her princess's life, and the princess's diary was opened to a new page.


米婭·泰梅波莉斯(安妮·海瑟薇飾)是一個和母親一起生活在舊金山的美國高中生 。在一群張揚、活力四射的同學中,她顯得很不自信,普通得會被老師忘記名字


















㈢ 求 公主日記2 百度雲免費在線觀看資源


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1y8tGoqxjtobnqkrA1ILQvw



㈣ 公主日記2 英文影評

I just recently viewed The Princess Diaries and over all liked it pretty much, so I figured I would see the sequel. I rented it yesterday and watched it this morning and it seemed to me like it was the same plot as before only with a couple different elements. The film also felt very rushed in some aspects, some of the plots or characters that took place seemed to come and go. Although I'm still not sure since I haven't read the books, but the movie itself was just predictable and a bit too silly at times, it just seemed like it could insult the audience it was aimed at.
Mia has graated college and is off to Genovia to become queen and her grandmother, Clarrise is about to give up her title. But Genovia law is that before Mia is to become queen she must marry someone. She is falling for a young man, Nicolas, but he is also up for the throne as king, so his uncle is trying to set Mia up where she will loose her crown before she could even have it. Mia has to decide wither to go with her heart and let herself love Nicolas or have her ty for her country and marry for Genovia.
The Princess Diaries 2 has some cute and funny moments, I won't lie, I did laugh a little bit, but over all I have to say that it just could have been more, you know? The actors didn't seem to click as well as they did in the first film. Not to mention how quickly the character Michael went away and Lily just was there for 5 minutes to make like a semi quick cameo and just be out of the story. If you want too, feel free to watch this movie, it's harmless, but it's not a great movie if you're looking for one.

㈤ 跪求《公主日記2(2004)》百度網盤高清無刪減版在線觀看,安妮·海瑟薇主演的

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1qTmhOyYZu0is8aurl8Skfw

提取碼: 2wvp
《公主日記2 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement》
導演: 蓋瑞·馬歇爾
編劇: 梅格·卡伯特、吉娜·溫德科斯、珊達·萊梅斯
主演: 安妮·海瑟薇、朱莉·安德魯斯、埃克托爾·埃利松多、約翰·瑞斯-戴維斯、希瑟·瑪塔拉佐、克里斯·派恩、卡魯姆·布魯、凱瑟琳·馬歇爾、湯姆·波士頓、喬爾·麥克拉里、金·湯普森、雷文-西蒙尼、拉里·米勒、卡羅琳·古多爾、肖恩·奧布賴恩、馬修·沃克、伊麗莎白·古登拉特、史賓塞·布瑞斯林、湯姆·海因斯、克萊爾·塞拉、埃莉諾·多納約、芭芭拉·馬歇爾、山姆·丹諾夫、Amy Edwards、喬·史密斯、Peggy Crosby、Kamilla Bjorlin、簡·莫里斯、Cassie Rowell、斯科特·馬歇爾、克勞迪婭·卡茨、特雷西賴納、朱莉·帕麗斯、布賴恩·克盧格曼、保羅·沃格特、埃里克·羅溫、保羅·威廉姆斯、彼得·艾倫·沃哥特、邦妮·阿倫斯、桑德拉·泰勒、夏恩·帕特洛、帆足佳佑、Jeffrey Scott Jensen、Gwenda Perez、Stanley Frazen、Bud Markowitz、梅瑞狄斯·帕特森、安娜·奈瑞貝科、Brad Golden、Zrinka Domic、阿比蓋爾·布雷斯林、伊莎貝拉·霍夫曼
類型: 喜劇、愛情、家庭
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語、希臘語、法語、西班牙語
上映日期: 2004-08-11(美國)
片長: 113分鍾
又名: 走佬俏公主2及時嫁到(港)、麻雀變公主2:皇家有約(台)、公主日記2:皇室婚約
公主米亞(安妮•海瑟薇 飾)大學畢業後再次回到了吉諾維亞。公主的到來轟動了全國,米亞也為此十分興奮。可是,在一次皇家聽證會上,大法官宣布公主必須成婚了才能繼承王位。米亞必須在30天內訂婚,否則她就不得不讓出王位。王後(茱莉•安德魯 飾)只好與助手們匆忙地幫米亞挑選夫婿。
幾經選擇,米亞終於跟一個年輕帥氣的貴族男子訂婚。與她爭奪王位的年輕男孩尼可拉斯(克里斯•派恩 飾)跟米亞之間卻有了說不出的情愫,男孩的姨丈想讓尼可拉斯勾引米亞,讓她在一個月內無法完婚,兩個年輕人之間卻產生了真感情。

㈥ 求 公主日記2 百度網盤免費資源鏈接,謝謝





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