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1. 70年前的美國電影,浪漫的《出水芙蓉》,是無法磨滅的經典嗎



2. 音樂電影出水芙蓉賞析

《出水芙蓉》Bathing Beauty是一部由喬治·西德尼執導的愛情喜劇音樂電影,米高梅影片公司出品,大家知道該如何賞析這部作品嗎?下面就讓我給大家介紹一下音樂電影《出水芙蓉》賞析的相關內容吧!








3. 有部電影叫出水什麼

片名: 出水芙蓉
英文: The Fantastic Water Babes
導演: 劉鎮偉
監制: 劉鎮偉、陳欣健、李錦汶
主演: 鍾欣桐、方力申、黃聖依、馮德倫、田亮、茜利妹、朱熏、孫祖楊、馬閱、廖羽翹、周秀娜、穆文婷、羅慧娟等
片種: 動作 / 喜劇 (勵志愛情電影 青春、運動題材)
語言: 粵語
投資: 3000萬港元
拍攝地點:內地(北京) 香港(長洲)東灣道

4. 電影出水芙蓉的英文影評 急需!!!

Bathing Beauty (1944)
June 28, 1944
' Bathing Beauty,' Bright Musical, in Which Red Skelton and Esther Williams Are Starred, Presented at Astor Theatre
Published: June 28, 1944

Under atmospheric conditions which were nothing short of ideal. Metro brought its new musical, "Bathing Beauty," to the Astor yesterday. And while citizens melted on the sidewalks, gratified audiences within were pounded gaily by the raves of Red skelton and were sprayed in brilliance by a water carnival. For Metro has put on another of its spectacular musical shows combining all the Technicolors of the rainbow and much of the talent on its lot. Aside from Mr. Skelton, it has Esther Williams to adorn the title role and the bands of Xavier Cugat and Harry James to play those lilting, liquid tunes. Hundreds of beautiful maidens make themselves conspicuous everywhere. You don't have to go to the beach to look 'em over, now that "Bathing Beauty" is on Broadway.

To be sure, the title is slightly bogus—one of those innocent deceits of Hollywood. For the story is barely related to the subject which is clearly implied. It has to do with a songwriter—Mr. Skelton, of course—who becomes a student at a young ladies' seminary in order to be near the particular young lady who is his wife. And most of the farcical action is performed by the masculine and un-beauteous Red, who has hilarious troubles of all manner, from eurythmics to an amorous Great Dane.

However, the presence of Miss Williams as a swimming teacher—and as Mr. Skelton's wife—is the justification by which Metro uses the title that it does. And Miss Williams' talents as a swimmer—not to mention her other attributes—make any title the studio wants to put on it okay by us. When she eels through the crystal blue water in a rosy-red bathing suit or splashes in limpid magnificence in the gaudy water carnival which John Murray Anderson has brought to pass, she's a bathing beauty for our money, even though dragged in by the heels.

But then, of course, most things in such pictures are dragged in conveniently, and that goes, in this case, for the music, which is none the less pleasant when it comes. Mr. Cugat and his orchestra are especially good on "Te Quiero Dijuste," which Carlos Ramirez sings most heartily and Lina Romay shakes briskly to. And Mr. James and his melodians—plus Mr. Skelton and a lively vocal gang—wax happy on "I'll Take the High Note," while the popular trumpeter plays "Hora Staccato" brilliantly.

In other words, "Bathing Beauty" is a colorful shower of music, comedy and dance. As July pants hotly on June's heels, it is a pleasant refreshment to have at hand.

Bathing Beauty
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Directed by George Sidney
Proced by Jack Cummings
Written by (story)
Kenneth Earl
M.M. Musselman
Curtis Kenyon
Joseph Schrank
Dorothy Kingsley
Allen Boretz
Frank Waldman
Starring Red Skelton
Esther Williams
Basil Rathbone
Bill Goodwin

Music by Herbert Stothart
Alberto Colombo
Cinematography Harry Stradling Sr.
Editing by Blanche Sewell
Distributed by MGM
Release date(s) 1944
Running time 101 min.
Country USA
Language English
Budget $2,361,000 (estimated)

Bathing Beauty is a 1944 musical starring Red Skelton and Esther Williams. Although this was not William's screen debut, it was however her first Technicolor musical montage. The film however was originally meant to be a comedy vehicle for co-star Red Skelton, but the focus changed once the audience took in Esther's homegrown beauty and alluring aquatic performances.

In Los Angeles, popular songwriter Steve Elliott prepares to marry Caroline Brooks, who has pledged to give up her job as a college swimming instructor once she has wed. Likewise, Steve plans to quit his songwriting career, even though New York procer George Adams has already hired him to write new songs for a water ballet show. When George overhears Steve discussing his "retirement" with Caroline, he vows to prevent the marriage and enlists Maria Dorango, an aspiring actress posing as a Latin American singer, to help him. Moments after a justice of the peace pronounces the redheaded Steve and Caroline man and wife, Maria rushes in, claiming that Steve is her husband and the father of her three redheaded children. Although Steve pleads his innocence, Caroline storms off in a rage and returns to her teaching post at Victoria College in New Jersey. A determined Steve and his friend, Carlos Ramirez, follow her there, but are denied entrance to the all-female school. Later, in a New York nightclub, Steve meets drunken lawyer Chester Klazenfrantz and learns that Klazenfrantz has been hired to change the charter of Victoria College, which has never officially designated itself as all-female. Armed with this information, Steve returns to Victoria and insists on applying for admission. Unaware of Caroline's relationship to Steve, Dean Clinton suggests to the faculty that he be admitted for a two-week probationary period, ring which time they would give him 100 demerits, which would qualify him for expulsion before Parents Day.

Once enrolled, Steve tries to speak with Caroline, but she refuses to listen to his explanations and tells him she is seeking an annulment. Later, in music class, stodgy Professor Hendricks attempts to discredit Steve, whose presence on campus has created a furor among the co-eds, by ordering him to write his own version of the Scottish ballad "Loch Lomond" and teach the next day's class. With help from several talented students, Carlos and their friend Harry James and his orchestra, Steve meets Hendricks' challenge and is awarded an "A." That night, Steve visits Caroline at her house, but is turned out after Willis Evans, a conservative botany professor who is in love with Caroline, arrives. When Caroline realizes that Steve is hiding in her closet, spying on her, she commands Willis' Great Dane to guard the closet door, while reminding Steve that unless he is in his room in five minutes, he will be expelled for breaking curfew. With only seconds to spare, Steve manages to trick the dog long enough to escape back to his dingy basement room. Steve is then visited by George, who threatens to vilify him in the press unless he finishes his songs. When Steve swears deadly revenge on the person who hired Maria, however, George backs down and offers to help Steve do his homework. Concerned about the approaching Parents Day, Dean Clinton, meanwhile, commands Steve's professors, who have penalized him with only fifty-five demerits, to bear down on him. To that end, Mme. Zarka, Steve's ruthlessly strict ballet teacher, forces him to wear a tutu and dance with the co-eds, but Steve once again rises to the occasion. A now desperate Dean Clinton asks Caroline to go out with Steve and ensure that he arrives back at Victoria after the curfew. Caroline agrees, but ring the evening, Steve convinces her of his innocence, and as they drive back to school, the newlyweds make plans to return to California together. Unknown to Caroline and Steve, Maria is on campus, looking to expose George, who has been trying to get rid of her, to Steve. At the same time, a campus sororiety descends on Steve's room, hoping to initiate him, and Jean Allenwood, another co-ed, shows up with news that her parents and Dean Clinton are on their way over to inspect his room. As Steve desperately hides all the women in two closets and keeps Caroline from discovering Maria, George unexpectedly arrives. Although Steve succeeds in hiding George and himself and fooling Dean Clinton and the Allenwoods, Maria soon makes her presence known to Caroline, who once again leaves in a fury. Later, Steve promises to write songs for George's water ballet show on condition he make Caroline the star. George agrees, and after Maria is finally able to tell Caroline the truth, Caroline happily reunites with Steve, who then gives George a thrashing.

With the film's wonderful tunes and extravagant water sequences, Bathing Beauty was a smash at the box office. It marked the studio's third highest grossing film to date, next to Gone with the Wind (1939) and Ben-Hur (1925)

5. 電影《出水芙蓉》影片介紹


導演:默夫雲·萊羅依 北京廣播網社區.EV]y.N;n9P&KG
7RQ#Q%a-Q*uY$WA\8gJ0地區:美國 片長:115分鍾 語言:英語 年份:1952 類型:傳記 / 劇情 / 歌舞 北京廣播網社區 P8V2i5DR-m\i
M#RzU/L y/y0影片評價由美國米高梅影片公司出品,導演喬治.悉尼(II)。主要敘述作曲家史蒂夫因與美麗多情的卡羅琳認識以後,准備結婚,但他的經紀人喬治怕這樣會影響他的「水上盛典」的寫曲,所以僱用女演員瑪麗婭而達到阻止他們結婚的目的。史蒂夫沒辦法只好完成「水上盛典」,最後二人消除誤會,重歸於好。這是一部浪漫的愛情片,無論是在設計、喜劇性的處理上都表現出藝術功力,尤其是結尾處「水上盛典」場面,氣勢宏大壯觀,在其它影片中是很少見到的。

6. 美國電影出水芙蓉的背景和製作班底

出水芙蓉》 英文片名:Bathing Beauty 導演:喬·西德尼 時間:1944年 演員:雷德·斯克爾頓/埃絲特·威廉斯/巴茲爾·拉思伯恩/比爾·古德溫
根據澳大利亞游泳名將安妮·特凱拉曼生平故事改編而成的電影,將20世紀初流行的水上運動重現於觀眾眼前,可謂水上運動與歌舞的完美體現。這是一部浪漫的愛情片,無論是在設計、喜劇性的處理上都表現出藝術功力,尤其是結尾處"水上盛典"場面,氣勢宏大壯觀,在其它影片中是很少見到的。安妮·特凱拉曼小時因疾病而腳跛幾乎足不出戶,不能外出嬉戲,受父親鼓勵終能克服疾病,並成游泳世界冠軍。而影片的扮演者埃絲特·威廉斯也是一名不錯的游泳運動員,她在片中第一次在鹽水中表演芭蕾。她曾在1940年奧運會中取得了三項游泳項目的參賽資格,但二戰的爆發使那屆奧運會被取消。 影片拍攝於1944年,歌舞場面豪華精美,許多花樣游泳的表演都成為流傳後世的經典。花樣游泳與舞蹈的結合是本片亮點,宏大的水上舞蹈表演場景,男主角詼諧的動作,游泳池中的火光與水霧,一道水幕徐徐拉上,讓人們重新回到了那個詩意的年代。輕松的歌舞表演加上令人眼花繚亂的花樣游泳表演,場面華麗、表演精緻、音樂完美,構成一部經典的歌舞影片。氣勢磅礴的音樂響起,數十個女孩在水中翩翩起舞。突然音樂轉為柔和,人群散開,一顆新星從水中冉冉升起,身上滴滴水珠晶瑩剔透……影片妙趣橫生、令人忍俊不禁,具備各種元素:音樂、幽默、歌舞、游泳、還有美女和愛情。

7. 出水芙蓉的電影劇情







該片原名為「Mr. Co-Ed」(意為「男女共學」),偏重於強調影片是主演雷德·斯克爾頓的個人滑稽秀,直到米高梅興行第一次內部試映時,米高梅的高層們看了片中泳裝美女們的水上芭蕾表演後,決定把片名改為「Bathing Beauty」 。



8. 電影出水芙蓉是瑪莉蓮夢露演的嗎


出水芙蓉 Bathing Beauty (1944)
巴茲爾·拉思伯恩 Basil Rathbone .... George Adams
Dorothy Adams .... Woman (uncredited)
Nana Bryant .... Dean Clinton
Ann Codee .... Mme. Zarka
Xavier Cugat .... Himself (leader, Xavier Cugat and His Orchestra)
Jacqueline Dalya .... Maria Dorango
Elspeth Dudgeon .... Miss Travers
Margaret Dumont .... Mrs. Allenwood
Dorothy Ford .... Chorine coed (uncredited)
Helen Forrest .... Herself (singer, Harry James and His Music Makers)
Bill Goodwin .... Prof. Willi Evans
Sara Haden .... (uncredited)
Harry Hayden .... Jonathan
Russell Hicks .... Mr. Allenwood (uncredited)
Harry James .... Himself (leader, Harry James and His Music Makers)



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