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發布時間:2023-08-08 04:09:34

⑴ 影片大魚的英文介紹

In Tim Burton's family film BIG FISH, a wonderful storyteller named Edward Bloom (Albert Finney), who lives in a small town in Alabama, recounts tall tales of his wild worldly adventures. These are shown in flashback with Ewan McGregor playing the young Bloom. Wonderful special effects and vibrant colors that pop off the screen make this Burton film a much sunnier experience than his macabre gems EDWARD SCISSORHANDS and BEETLEJUICE. Yet his signature quirky artistry is unmistakable, and the movie benefits from crisp proction values and a loveable, bizarre cast of characters. Told through a series of vignettes, Bloom's stories involve a witch, a giant, a haunted forest, and yes, a big fish. A self-described small-town hero, Bloom explains how he left home at 18 determined to experience anything and everything life could dish out. He worked for the circus, took on daring assignments as a WWII soldier, and rambled across the country as a zany traveling salesman. Utterly unbelievable yet magical and delightful, Bloom's stories just don't translate to his son Will (Billy Crup) who wants to know his dad's "true" life story. But little by little--through increasingly outlandish tales at which Will cannot resist smirking--the two begin to understand each other, and Bloom weaves his stories into their genealogical fabric.

⑵ 大魚海棠英語觀後感帶翻譯

Spring is the season of recovery in all things,spring is the season of vibrant spring blossom season,but spent the Nanjing Mochou Lake Begonia quietly opened this spring! Upon entering the door,greeted the Yi Keke Begonia flowe。

⑶ 大魚海棠英語影評100詞

Spring is the season of recovery in all things,spring is the season of vibrant spring blossom season,but spent the Nanjing Mochou Lake Begonia quietly opened this spring!
Upon entering the door,greeted the Yi Keke Begonia flower,in the quiet growth.To go any further,there is a pond.Koike some rockery,as well as fountains.A door saw a lot of things,but did not see the teacher that the 'blossom',and some not wait.

⑷ 求《大魚》(Big Fish)的英文影評

Because Someone have already written about the father』love perfectly. So I will tell someting else now.
-------------words in the front
One thing I like about Tim Burton's work is his wonderful art workthat the art is always wonderful. The scenes in Sleepy Hollow are truly a wonder and Big Fish does not disappoint me either. Maybe it isn't as stunning as Sleepy Hollow, but Spectre is beautiful enough afterall.
The pathetic thing about alts is that they are not imaginative anymore. When William was little he envied his father's heroic experiences, yet when he grew up everything turned out to be a lie to him, something to hurt him but not something to amuse him. If he had discovered sooner how Ed Bloom had been able to have noticed of the small and interesting things and people happened in his life and made use of them to write his own tale and brought others laughters and joy, he would have realised sooner that he himself was a good story-teller too: The story Will told of was almost the most fascinating one in the film. Through telling the story the son finally understood his father. It's better than a thousand explanations. This way Big Fish is a tale for grown-ups.
Life is always a myth, but what comes out of it could be so fantastic once you got the courage and the positive spirit. Every human being has his or hers ups and downs in the long journey of lifetime, but the legend for each one could reach the perfect ending if proced in an imaginative and purely positive way like Edward Bloom's.
"The big fish gets its way by never been caught". Never let the obstacles and the trivial in life bring you down. And you can also be the big fish

⑸ big fish(大魚老爸)原創英文影評

沒有人會對這樣的一部電影掉以輕心,擁有優秀劇本(原著在亞馬遜網站的銷量遙遙領先),擁有實力派的台前幕後陣容,最重要是它擁有沉寂兩年的提姆·波頓。很明顯這是一部擁有自信,同時覬覦著票房和奧斯卡的影片。從表現的方式來看,它同《阿甘正傳》非常相似,雖然充滿傳奇和幽默,但更加容易打動人心的是深沉的感情。毫無疑問,它不僅包含最佳男主角和最佳男配角的最有力競爭者,同時還擁有問鼎奧斯卡最佳影片的實力。絕對不容錯過的一部佳作。 《大魚》是一部非常「傳統」的電影,它大量使用包括動畫術、遠景鏡頭和其他一些特殊攝影技巧,而放棄了目前流行的CG製作技術,這種做法的好處就是效果自然,尤其可以讓其中的一些場景看起來更大,比如大象的那個:當年輕的愛德華·布魯姆得到了一份馬戲團的工作,感覺生活充滿愛和希望的時候,他正站在一頭正在卸貨的大象旁邊。為了再現這令人驚嘆的場面,電影使用了一個寬鏡頭進行拍攝,你會先看見兩頭大象的屁股然後才看到愛德華,接著大象將所有的貨物都卸在了他的周圍。但是眾所周知,動物是最難控制的演員,慶幸的是一切都已經完成了,而且這個將出現在電影中的片段被完成得相當不錯。除大象外,馬戲團的戲中還會有布魯姆將頭伸進獅子口中的片段。伊萬回憶,「他們製作了一個非常完美的獅子頭模型,我把腦袋放在裡面就可以了。而第二個片段使用的是真正的獅子,訓獸員將我帶入獅籠,我不敢相信它是如此的大,他們盡量幫助我和獅子逐漸熟悉,拍攝那個和獅子在一起的片段,經過拼接,這個鏡頭就完成了。但在另一個鏡頭中,一個獅子會坐在我身後一英尺半的地方,馬戲團的負責人告訴我『不要招惹它』,我盡量小心,但是導演想讓它吼叫,於是讓那位負責人用棍子敲它的頭,我一邊准備逃走,一邊想:看現在是誰在招惹獅子啊!」提姆還談到了將車停在樹上的場景,「那段本可用電腦完成,但我堅決反對,因為這個場景對影片很重要,我要保持它們之間的風格一致。而且這也很簡單,我們使用了起重機,一下午的時間就拍完了。」在藍屏前演過許多動作戲的麥奎格,十分珍惜這次沒有電腦參與的工作機會,他說:「在藍屏前表演真的是很難,在《大魚》里拍攝我和巨人的戲時,我們會讓他站在離攝影機較近的地方,而我會離得很遠。我們使用了最簡單的方法,在攝制的現場就完成了這個從前一直依賴藍屏和計算機的場景。」

⑹ 影片《大魚》里有哪三個隱喻怎樣評價這部影片



⑺ 如何理解電影《大魚》

大魚》 是我最愛的一部片,首先是基於閱片量並不是少的可憐的前提。我也看過很多好電影。 美國往事,辛德勒,肖申克,教父之類的大眾電影, 但是唯一難忘的就是




總的觀點:我感覺這部如此純真的電影不應該被冠於一些教條規范,不要必深究其中。就像 大魚一樣去自由的理解它,人是自由的,思想是自由的。

⑻ 大魚海棠觀後感英語作文50字




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