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1. 急求 電影《弱點》精彩台詞及評論






·在2009年NFL的選秀大會上,邁克爾·奧赫在第一輪以第23順位被巴爾的摩烏鴉隊(Baltimore Ravens)選中。
·奧赫的大學橄欖球教練在影片里客串了教練的角色。 求分 謝謝!

2. 美國電影《弱點》的英文影評和梗概

本片是根據邁克爾·劉易斯的作品《弱點:比賽進程》而改編的電影,講述了2009年美國國家橄欖球聯盟(National Football League)首輪選秀球員邁克爾·奧赫的不凡經歷。他曾是一個孤兒,在從事體育職業之前,他因為街頭黑幫,吸毒母親影響下變得自閉、沉默,之後在領養家庭中感受親情溫暖,通過自身的努力受到了學校和他人的認可,最終獲得了密西西比大學的獎學金並且畢業後進入了NFL的故事。該劇真實而感人的劇情,令無數人落淚。該片投資為2900萬美元,但在上映不到一周的時間內就收回成本,更收獲三億美元票房。

3. 美國電影《弱點》的英文影評和梗概

Watching The Blind Side, you could be forgiven for thinking you'd fallen into an alternative universe where the Republicans are still in charge in America. Sandra Bullock plays Leigh Anne Touhy, a larger than life Momzilla, and blonde sub-species of the genus Sarah palinus. She's almost as funny as Tina Fey doing her dead on impression of the former Governor of Alaska, with lines like "I'm in a prayer group with the D.A., I'm a member of the NRA and I'm always packing," delivered absolutely straight. Until you realise we're meant to be rooting for her. Leigh Anne is an interior decorator with a penchant for sentimental gold tat and a heart to match. When she sees that a po' black kid at her children's school is effectively homeless, she takes him in and in her no-nonsense fashion shapes him into a professional-calibre American football player. This is a true story - the real Michael Oher currently plays for the Baltimore Ravens, having been legally adopted by the Touhys (don't expect to hear much from Leigh Anne's hubby, by the way, he's the strong silent type) at high-school age.

4. 弱點觀後感 英語50詞 翻譯

"Weakness" (< < the blind side > >). This movie is based on Michael lewis's works weakness(The game process )and is the adaptation of the film, which also has a name "protect you", I think, whether it is named "weakness" or "protect you", it is a film which contains warmth.
I think a good movie is not in its content and more profound, but it can relate to the content of the people, let a person feel warm and most essential things of the society, even if you do something with a purpose to at the beginning, but when you get what touches your heart is, you will be desperate to pay, you will be happy from the deep heart , and touched by themselves at the same time, How many times the life can be touched by himself?

《弱點》(<<the blind side>>)這部電影是根據邁克爾.劉易斯的作品《弱點.比賽進程》而改編的電影,它還有一個名字叫《守護有心人》,我想,不管是取名《弱點》還是叫《守護有心人》,都是體現了電影所包含的溫情。

5. 電影《弱點》中的一句台詞,是big Mike說的,大意是他媽媽會在不好的事情發生的時候把他的眼睛捂

6. 請高人把它翻譯成英文 這段話出自勵志電影《弱點》

Difficult to express encouragement, you can think of a stupid idea, or make mistakes, but not everyone's problem, also not a coach or a teacher's question. Because they will make his own mistake. They may be more understanding, maybe not. That depends on what kind of person you are, we can't tell. Only in this way, we can see that we can not get easily controlled.
The thing is, values, no one can say that. Give yourself only, cannot always encouraged by others. Sometimes, you even why to do not have any responsibility, can let a person. However, the honor, it is let you decide to do or not do a thing. The key is you is what person, still have even if you want to become.
If you die badgering some think important things, so you can fight, so good, I think it should be so, you should be looking forward to courage and effort to win trophies. Maybe you would do what others say, actually, everyone must.

7. 急求電影≤弱點≥英文觀後感 字數不限 最後不要太長+點語法錯誤

The Godfather, Citizen Kane, Goodfellas, were transcendent movies. The Blind Side (TBS) is not, which is why it is not a great movie. But in terms of its themes, it is a serious, well-made movie.

The main point, IMO, is that there is a disconnect between the Christianity Americans profess and the Christianity that they practice. Michael Oher went to a Christian Academy. But he wasn't admitted because he was a child in need, he was admitted because they thought he might be a good football player. He was consistently viewed as an outsider, befriended by no one. Were the Touhys the only people who saw that he was in need, or were they the only ones to act on their Christian faith? And if the faith of others is so shallow, what does that say about the state of Christianity today? TBS doesn't beat you over the head with this, but it is there. You often see statements of Christian faith ("in God, all things are possible") juxtaposed with examples of how people fall short of those ideals. Bullock's character is a right-wing, gun-toting, fundamentalist Christian. That such a person would take a 300-pound black kid into her home only shows how deep HER Christian faith is.

Another theme in TBS is how much of the plight of the black underclass is a result of their own behavior as opposed to the plight they find themselves in. TBS told you _a lot_ about Oher, but it did it through exposition, not dialogue. You saw his mother, you saw his background. You saw the thugs in the 'hood and you saw how utterly different he was from them and you knew, somehow, that that difference in character was why he was where he was, and why they were where they were.

Race, class, faith – all in a Hollywood movie about a football player. And the script makes sense and the performances ring true. I was glad I saw TBS and I wholeheartedly recommend it.

8. 求電影「弱點」英文影評

This movie is inspired by a true story about no one from a slum area and then became a professional football player, after he was adopted by a rich good American family.

I think blind side is a good movie. The story line is very inspiring, because the movie told one way how to be a good Christian family when you live at United states (because there were many dialogue that mention about Christianity). And the journey of the poor boy Michael Oher, who at the first did not know the Tuohys and then became a part of The Tuohys and protector for the youngest member of the tuohy, S.J. Tuohy.

The screenplay was very good, you can see many parts of their life. From the first time when The Tuohys met Michael until he got to the university. And there are real footage and pictures from the real character too, and they really helped me to knew the real persons behind the story.

I wasn't very surprised when Sandra Bullock got an Oscar for her performance as Leigh Anne Tuohy, because she had done a great job by acting as a kind rich mother. Especially her accent, it was very convincing.

Don't worry just because that this is a drama movie so you have to cry all along. I think this movie is fun to watch. Even when I watched it with my family, everybody laugh because a few hilarious parts. So, if you like drama and sport movies, I think this is just for you and you must watch it.

9. 急!!!求英文電影《放牛班的春天》和《弱點》里的經典台詞各十句、英漢都要有、謝謝各位、幫個忙塞~

《放牛班的春天》經典台詞中英文版 "Les choristes" classic lines in the English version Matthew: what are you doing? 馬修:你在干什麼? Send pinault: I'm waiting for Saturday. My father will come here to pick me up. 派皮諾:我正在等著星期六。我的父親會來這里接我。 Matthew: but today is Saturday. 馬修:但是今天不是星期六。 (pie pinault's persistent waiting for you is reasonable, Matthew was fired that day, it was a Saturday. Matthew left, in addition to the beautiful memories, and went away with pettitte pinault......) (派皮諾的執著等待是有道理的,馬修被解僱那天,正是一個星期六。馬修離開 的時候,除了美好的回憶,還帶走了小派皮諾……) Chabert: foul, penalty. "Action (i.e., the film - response") 夏伯特:犯規,處罰。(即影片中的「行動——反應」) Clement mathieu: you see evil everywhere。 馬修:你看見罪惡無處不在。 Chabert: here? B: yes. 夏伯特:這里?是的。 Chabert is dragging Meng Dan will punish him) (夏伯特正拖著孟丹即將懲罰他) Matthew: what did he do? 馬修:他做了什麼? Chabert: he wanted to steal my table in my room. I'm so surprised! Don't need to solicit opinions hasson, "action - response" (also mentioned above is foul, penalty) 夏伯特:他想在我房間里偷我的表。我太吃驚了!不需要徵求哈森意見,「行動—— 反應」(也就是上面所 提到的犯規,處罰) Matthew: do you want to take him to go to? 馬修:你要把他帶到哪裡去? Chabert: solitary! He closed for 15 days! 夏伯特:禁閉室!把他關上15 天! Matthew: wait! 馬修:等等! Chabert: wait what! (chabert and Meng Dan disappeared in the teaching building) 夏伯特:等什麼!(夏伯特和孟丹消失在教學樓里) Clement mathieu: he's my only baritone. 馬修:他是我唯一的男中音。 (考試時)(test) Send pinault: are we friends? 派皮諾:我們是朋友嗎? Le and: yeah! 勒克和:是啊! Send pinault: that you told me that 5 + 3 equal?? 派皮諾:那你告訴我,5+3 等於多少? And, should be 53. 勒克和:應該是53。 Send pinault: are you sure? 派皮諾:你確定? Le and: sure! 勒克和:確定! Send pinault: fine, thank you 派皮諾:好,謝謝 (several children stole Matthew music studies in the toilet......) (幾個小孩偷了馬修的樂譜在廁所研究……) Section b: it's not pornographic pictures. 科 賓:這又不是色情照片。 Le Claire: I didn't say. 勒克萊克:我又沒說是。 Skin el: what is it? 皮 埃 爾:那裡面是什麼? Section b: ave maria, tenor, claremont, Matthew. 科 賓:聖母頌,男高音,克萊蒙特·馬修 作。 Le Claire: this is a quintet chords, claremont, Matthew. 勒克萊克:這是五重奏和弦,克萊蒙特·馬修 作。 Section b: this is the music. 科 賓:這是樂譜。 Le Claire: how do you know? 勒克萊克:你怎麼知道? El: skin is Morse code? 皮 埃 爾:是摩斯碼嗎? Section b: maybe the password? 科 賓:也許是密碼? Le Claire: maybe he is a spy. 勒克萊克:也許他是個間諜。 Section b: right! Proctor could be spy! 科 賓:對!可能是間諜學監!! Examination, the headmaster to ask: "marshal nye is how dead?" 考試時,校長提問:「奈元帥是怎麼死的?」 Matthew stood behind the principal, made the action of aimed their guns for pinault. 馬修在校長背後站著,做出舉槍瞄準的動作幫佩皮諾。 Palin pinault smiled, confidently replied: "when hunting!" 佩皮諾笑了一下,很有信心地答道:「打獵的時候!」 Exam was over, the headmaster called boni firth: "you should know that nai marshal was shot." 考試結束,校長叫博尼費斯:「你應該知道奈元帥是被槍決的。」 Boni firth: "yeah, just like napoleon." 博尼費斯:「對啊,就跟拿破崙一樣。」 Principal: (disappointed) "good! Go out!" 校長(失望):「好了!都出去!」

Courage is a hard thing to figure

You can have courage based on a mb idea or mistake

but you're not supposed to question alts

or your coach or your teacher

because they make the rules

maybe they know best

but maybe they don't

it all depends on who you are, where you come from

didn't at least one of the six hundred guys think about giving up

and joining with the other side?

i mean,valley of death that's pretty salty stuff

that's why courage it's tricky

should you always do what others tell you to do?

sometimes you might not even know why you're doing something

i mean any fool can have courage

but honor,that's the real reason you either do something or you don't

it's who you are and maybe who you want to be

if you die trying for something important

then you have both honor and courage

that's pretty good
you should hope for courage and try for honor

maybe even pray that the people telling you what to do have some, too

10. 求電影《弱點》中邁克爾.奧赫在即將畢業時寫的那篇關於勇氣的論文,英文版的

Courage is a hard thing to figure. You can have courage based on a mb idea or a mistake, but you』re not supposed to question alts, or your coach, or your teacher because they make the rules. Maybe they know best but maybe they don』t.
It all depends on who you are, where you come from. Didn』t at least one of the six hundred guys think about giving up and joining with the other side? I mean, Valley of Death, that』s pretty salty stuff.
That』s why courage is tricky. Should you always do what others tell you to do? Sometimes you might not even know why you』re doing something. I mean, any fool can have courage.
But honor, that』s the real reason you either do something or you don』t. It』s who you want to be. If you die trying for something important then you have both honor and courage and that』s pretty good.I think that』s what the writer was saying; that you should try for courage and hope for honor. And maybe even pray that the people telling you what to do have some, too.



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