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發布時間:2023-07-31 15:58:26

1. 小王子英文內容介紹

英文簡介 The Little Prince
Book Description
Few stories are as widely read and as universally cherished by children and alts alike as The Little Prince. Richard Howard's new translation of the beloved classic--published to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's birth--beautifully reflects Saint-Exupéry's unique and gifted style. Howard has excelled in bringing the English text as close as possible to the French, in language, style, and most important, spirit. The artwork in this new edition has been restored to match in detail and in color Saint-Exupéry's original artwork. Harcourt is proud to introce the definitive English-language edition of The Little Prince. It will capture the hearts of readers of all ages.


2. 小王子電影簡介

《小王子》是法國On Entertainment2015年出品的奇幻動畫電影,由馬克·奧斯本執導,傑夫·布里吉斯、麥肯基·弗依等擔任英文版主要配音,易烊千璽、黃渤、黃憶慈、周迅、馬天宇等擔任中文版主要配音。

3. 急求《小王子》英文簡介

"Young Prince" narrates is lonely, the sad child's story, he lives ona young star. One day, he left the star which he lives, starts totravel. He passed through various star, afterwards, he arrived theEarth, finally, he returned to his star.








4. 小王子簡短英文概括

thelittle prince

The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince),first published in 1943, is a novella and the most famous work of the French writer and pioneering aviator Antoine deSaint-Exupéry (安東尼·德·聖-埃克蘇佩里)
《小王子》(法文原書名為Le Petit Prince),是法國童話作品,法國貴族作家、飛行員先驅安東尼·德·聖-埃克蘇佩里(1900–1944)的最著名的作品,於1943年在紐約出版。23年退伍,第二次世界大戰期間他重入法國空軍。後輾轉去紐約開始流亡生活。在這期間,寫出、《小王子》(1943)等作品。1944年返回同盟國地中海空軍部隊。在當年7月31日的一次飛行任務中,他駕駛飛機飛上湛藍的天空,就此再也沒有回來。犧牲時,年僅44歲,成為法國文學史上最神秘的一則傳奇。
This small bookcontains a fairy tale, a story aboutmany things. A little prince lives on a young star. The prince loves hisroses, but felt disappointed by something the rose said. As doubt grows, hedecides to explore other planet. Hepassed through various star, afterwards, he arrived the Earth,He and the authormet one another in the desert, they graally have become friends. Finally, he returned to his own star.
In the travel, the young prince saw allthe forms of person confused in the society :
King, loves the vanity person .
The drunkard, for put behind ashamed drinks .
The instrialist, only likes calculating thenumbers of money .
Their only common ground, in the heart fills the vanity .Inthe travel, the young prince discovered that, the people on the Earth alwaysdoes not satisfy oneself lives, they are pursuing happiness with hardship, butactually frequently crudely happily expels from the side .





On the Earth ,the prince meets a fox .The fox teachesthe prince how to love and left,The fox says "It is only with the heartthat one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye"
and on responsibility, "Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox."But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what youhave tamed. You are responsible for your rose..."
Duringthe travel ,The little prince discovers that his rose is not the only one ofits kind, there are thousands of them in a garden, but then he realizes that his rose is special 「because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because itis she that I have sheltered behind the screen; because it is she that I havekilled the caterpillars (except the two or three that we saved to becomebutterflies); because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled, orboasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing. Because she is my rose.」 .

The story's essence is contained in the lines uttered by the foxto the little prince: . ("One sees clearly only with the heart. What isessential is invisible to the eye.")Other key thematic messages are articulated by the fox,such as: "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed"and "It is the time you have devoted to your rose that makes your rose soimportant。"

5. 急求《小王子》英文簡介

分類: 教育/科學 >>畢扒禪慎 外語學習



the little prince

The little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

This *** all book contains a fairy tale, a story about many things. First of all, Innocence of Childhood and love. The prince loves his roses, but felt disappointed by something the rose said. As doubt grows, he decides to explore other pla. The little prince discovers that his rose is not the only one of its kind, there are thousands of them in a garden, but then he realizes that his rose is special "because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen" .

The fox teaches the prince "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye "

and on responsibility, ""Men have fotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not fet it. You bee responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose..." "

6. 小王子電影英語簡介120字


There was a boy who had golden hair. He never asked what he asked. In short, as long as a boy is such a boy, you will guess who he is. Yes, he's the little prince.

The little prince is a child from other planets. One day, the little prince decided to leave the planet. He visited six planets successively, and the seventh planet he visited is the earth.

The Little Prince wanted to go back to his planet and return to the home he dreamed of, so he went back to the place where he landed in the Sahara. Here, he met a pilot who landed in Sahara e to a plane failure and communicated with heart and heart. Finally, the little prince died with the help of the snake, and his mind returned to his asteroids.








7. 《小王子》用英文概括主要內容

The narrator of the novel is a pilot who tells the story of the little prince and their friendship. The pilot is a fantasy person.

He is not used to those who are too practical alts. He likes to get along with children. The children are natural and pleasant.

The pilot was forced to land in the Sahara Desert e to an aircraft failure, where he met the little prince. This encounter with the little prince made the pilot sad and revived himself. The little prince left because of emotional entanglement.

He roamed among the planets, visiting the planets of kings, egos, drunkards, merchants, lamplighters, and geographers, and finally came to earth to try to find solutions to loneliness and pain.









8. 《小王子》用英文概括主要內容

The narrator of the novel is a pilot who tells the story of the little prince and their friendship. The pilot is a fantasy person.

He is not used to those who are too practical alts. He likes to get along with children. The children are natural and pleasant.

The pilot was forced to land in the Sahara Desert e to an aircraft failure, where he met the little prince. This encounter with the little prince made the pilot sad and revived himself. The little prince left because of emotional entanglement.

He roamed among the planets, visiting the planets of kings, egos, drunkards, merchants, lamplighters, and geographers, and finally came to earth to try to find solutions to loneliness and pain.











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