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發布時間:2023-07-18 03:20:21

Ⅰ 電影術語翻譯

honeywagon 糞車,劇組里的活動廁所
craft services 劇務,後勤保障,劇組里的後勤服務(負責伙食的,道具等)In film, television or video proction, craft service or crafty refers to the department which provides food service and beverages to the other departments or crafts
lunch 這個真沒找到,反正我才也是拍攝中的事情,可能指開工了的意思
the day 殺青
the show 電影?
gimme some love 也是歌吧,被翻唱過很多版本
key grip 機械師,燈光師,及負責吊鋼絲,鋪設軌道、管理操作升降機,移動攝影機的人或部門
best boy 機械員,燈光助理,機械助理
In a film crew there are two kinds of best boy: best boy electric and best boy grip. They are assistants to their department heads, the gaffer and the key grip, respectively
gaff 燈光師
check the gate 電影拍攝中檢查攝影機鏡頭是否有什麼情況吧,比如曝光,膠片
The film gate is the rectangular opening in the front of a motion picture camera where the film is exposed to light. The film gate can be seen by removing the lens and rotating the shutter out of the way. The film is held on a uniform plane at a calibrated distance in the gate by a pressure plate behind the film.
There are three different commonly accepted ways to check a film gate for hairs. Some may be better for certain logistical reasons than others on particular shots, and different assistants have different preferences for which to use first. It should also be noted that if a hair is in the gate but outside of the aspect ratio being filmed (if for instance, there was a tiny speck at the bottom of a full 1.37 ratio gate but it was framed for 1.85 with common center), the hair may not always be considered enough of a problem, though usually any evidence of one is enough not to risk a lost shot.
Abby Singer 原來也是一部電影,也指Abner E(一個電影製片人),也指殺青前一天
Martini 最後一個鏡頭,指的是電影完成吧,可能和殺青的意思差不多
Martini Shot is a Hollywood term that describes the final shot set-up of the day. According to Dave Knox, author of the film instry slang guide Strike the Baby and Kill the Blonde[1], the Martini Shot was so named because "the next shot is out of a glass", referring to a post-wrap drink.

Ⅱ 文化大雜燴 | 【殺青】英語翻譯是什麼




「殺青」本是古代製作竹簡的程序之一。 古時把書寫在竹簡上, 為防蟲蛀須先用火烤乾水分,叫殺青 。對應的英文解釋可以是這樣的dry green bamboo strips on the fire before writing on them。

後來「殺青」被用來泛指寫定著作 (completion of a book manuscript)。


在英文中我們可以用「 wrap 」來表示「殺青」,因為wrap有「 finish filming or recording 」的含義。

【例句】The movie is scheled to wrap next week.

這部電影計劃下周 殺青 。



我是 Jasmine

今天是我堅持日更的 第61/100 天


我願意和你一起遇見 更優秀的自己 !

Ⅲ 電影的收尾為什麼叫殺青呢








英語「NO GOOD」的縮寫。指在電影拍攝過程中,導演對演員的某一場戲不滿意,讓演員再來一次,即為NG。



Ⅳ 「殺青」用英語怎麼說


Ⅳ 「殺青」的英文

如果用complete太平淡了一些,原來英語中有一個詞,就有殺青這個含義,《美國傳統詞典》中wrap有這個含義:To conclude filming。比如:The movie is scheled to wrap next week.就是說這部片子計劃下周殺青了。
美式俚語:殺青(IN THE CAN),原意指拍好的底片,已經放在片盒中,准備送去沖洗。後指電影拍攝部分已經完成。

Ⅵ 電影中什麼叫殺青




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