導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 我最喜歡的一部電影超人總動員英文


發布時間:2023-07-06 09:47:45

❶ 超人總動員主要情感要英語的

Pixar出品的動畫片總是立意新穎,惹人喜愛,像是《超人總動員》(THE INCREDIBLES)就是一部超級好看的影片。本片最特別的立意在於教導孩子們:平凡人也能做大事,同理,超人也有自己逃不過的煩惱。人們腦海中超人的形象總是無所不能、所向披靡,可是事實上,超人的生活也是煩惱重重。人過中年的超人要面對老闆的訓斥,要承擔一家五口的生活,平時想要幫助人們,卻受到重重阻礙,即使到了世界需要自己來拯救的時候,他也有著無窮的煩惱——日漸發福的超人已然穿不進曾經的超人衣服啦!不過,凡是總有辦法。在家人的協助下,正義終於戰勝了邪惡,更讓人感動的,愛賦予超人孩子們無窮的超能力,而正是由愛而生的超能力最終保護了超人一家人。這世界我們不能做的事情有很多,但是只要還有愛,就有希望,生活就會有奇跡。

Pixar animation is proced in THE novel idea, loving, like THE INCREDIBLES (THE INCREDIBLES) is a super good film. This is the most special purposive teaching children: ordinary people can do big, empathy, superman has his escape. People in the mind of the image is omnipotent, superman, but in fact, the invincible superman's life is annoyance. The middle-aged man had to face the boss scolded superman, want to assume a life of five, usually want to help people, but by many obstacles, and even in the world needs to save time, he also have endless troubles - became obese superman is not wear clothes once superman!However, there always. In the family, justice, and finally overcome evil more touching, love superman children limitless power, and of love is the ability to protect the superman. Eventually family, This world we can do many things, but as long as there is love, there is life there is hope, will be a miracle.

❷ 超人總動員的英文怎麼說

The Incredibles
動畫片 The Incredibles 的中文譯名

adj. 難以置殲坦鄭信的;驚人的

❸ 超人總動員的英文怎麼說

這部電影的原名是《The Incredibles》


❹ 適合小學五年級看的英語電影

  1. 《馴龍高手》How to Train Your Dragon (2010)


❺ 求《超人總動員》的英文簡介

The Incredibles is a 2004 American computer-animated superhero film proced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It was written and directed by Brad Bird, a former director and executive consultant of The Simpsons. It stars an ensemble cast including Holly Hunter, Craig T. Nelson, Sarah Vowell, Spencer Fox, Jason Lee, Samuel L. Jackson and Elizabeth Pe�0�9a. The film stars the Parr family, each of whom has superpowers. After the government orders superheroes to live a normal life, Bob Parr (Craig T. Nelson), who formerly went under the superhero alias "Mr. Incredible," secretly returns to being a superhero behind his family's back. At the same time, his kids come to terms with their powers while his wife becomes suspicious of his activities.希望幫到你啦,如滿意請採納~

❻ 超人總動員英文觀後感


When Superman defeat of the enemy's scheme, they chose to continue their own is an extraordinary life, and be a common person, rather than their own scenery unlimited Superman life. Even let me see a clear change in their own super people. If the past is not to the date, so it is perfectly happy, is a prominent Ping ...
Is a hero of the movie, it is consistent with the style of American movies.

❼ 求英文《超人總動員》3~4句的評價。

The movie is good, beautiful pictures, the story is simple interesting.

But the whole movie what impressed me most is a bbing: when superman's eldest son run very fast, find themselves on the surface of the water ran a that one laugh.

Smile full of tong, really admire voice actors!

❽ 告訴我一下這些講的是什麼電影,把中英文翻譯都說說,還有電影名字的中英文翻譯

中文名: 超人總動員
外文名: The Incredibles
英文名: Monsters, Inc.
中文名: 怪物公司
英文名:Aladdin Lamp

❾ 本人急需電影《超人總動員》的簡介(英文),火速,謝謝

·Save The Day

·On November 5th Expect The Incredible

·Twice the hero he used to be

·Super cool

·No gut, no glory

·Sock'er Mom

❿ 少兒英語電影推薦


The Lion King

When the going gets tough, the tough get going!





The Sound of Music

I'll do better than my best.






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