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① 上英語課介紹加勒比海盜!!求助

The 2003 Walt Disney Pictures film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was a major success, in which Depp's performance as the suave pirate Captain Jack Sparrow was highly praised. Studio bosses were more ambivalent at first, but the character became popular with the movie-going public. According to a survey taken by Fandango, Depp was a major draw for audiences.


Pirates of the Caribbean is a series of fantasy adventure films proced by Jerry Bruckheimer and based on Walt Disney's theme park ride of the same name. The series was scripted with the stories following the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), Captain Barbossa(Geoffrey Rush), Joshamee Gibbs (Kevin McNally), Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley). The films take place in a fictional historical setting; a world ruled largely by an amalgam of alternative versions of the British Empire and the East India Company, with the pirates representing freedom from the ruling powers.
《加勒比海盜》(英語:Pirates of the Caribbean)是由沃爾特·迪斯尼電影公司發行的一系列奇幻歷險電影,截止2013年4月上映了4部,第5部正在製作過程中。其中前三部由戈爾·維賓斯基執導,第四部由羅伯·馬歇爾執導,四部影片均由傑瑞·布魯克海默製片,所有四部電影都是以迪斯尼公司旗下的「加勒比海盜」主題公園景點為基礎,講述了以海盜船長傑克·斯派羅(約翰尼·德普飾)的傳奇經歷為主線的一系列歷險故事。片中其他幾位主要演員還包括奧蘭多·布魯姆、凱拉·奈特莉、傑弗里·拉什、凱文·麥克納利、比爾·奈伊、佩妮洛普·克魯茲和伊恩·麥柯肖恩。

The films started with their first release on the big screen in 2003 with Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, which received positive reviews from the critics and grossed $654 million worldwide. After the first film's success, Walt Disney Pictures revealed that a trilogy was in the works. The franchise's second film, subtitled Dead Man's Chest, was released three years later in 2006; the sequel proved successful, breaking financial records worldwide the day of its premiere. It ended up being the number one film of the year upon earning $1,066,179,725 at the worldwide box office. The third film in the series, subtitled At World's End, followed in 2007, and Disney released a fourth film, subtitled On Stranger Tides, on May 20, 2011 in conventional 2D, Digital 3-D and IMAX 3D. On Stranger Tides succeeded in grossing more than $1 billion, becoming the second film in the franchise and the eighth film in history to achieve this. So far, the film franchise has grossed $3.72 billion worldwide; it is the sixth highest-grossing film series of all-time and it was the first franchise where more than one film grossed $1 billion worldwide. A fifth film, subtitled Dead Men Tell No Tales, is currently in development.
這一系列的首部電影是2003年上映的《加勒比海盜:黑珍珠號的詛咒》,在該片大獲成功後,沃爾特·迪斯尼電影公司透露將發行三部曲。於是第二部《加勒比海盜2:聚魂棺》在2006年上映,同樣獲得了很大的成功,打破首映世界電影票房紀錄,最終收入達10億6617萬9725美元,並在當時創下了以最快速度達到10億美元票房的新紀錄,也在世界電影歷史票房排行總榜上名列第3位(不過截止2013年4月已經被另外5部電影超過下滑至第8位)。第三部電影《加勒比海盜3:世界的盡頭》於2007年上映,全球總計票房收入也接近10億美元。2008年9月,約翰尼·德普確定出演第四部電影《加勒比海盜4:驚濤怪浪》,該片於2011年5月20日以傳統的2D、IMAX 3D及數字3D三種方式上映,票房收入同樣超過10億美元,是迪斯尼公司的第8部票房超過10億的電影,也是當時以最快速度達到這一目標的電影。整個系列4部電影的全球總票房達37億2773萬5967美元,是截止2013年4月電影史上僅有的三個有兩部電影票房超過10億美元的系列電影之一(另外兩個分別是《指環王》系列和《哈利·波特》系列),而迪斯尼公司未來還計劃再推出兩部續集[1]。不過,目前還只有第5部電影的拍攝計劃已經宣布。2011年7月,約翰尼·德普也確認他會繼續出演該片,並且影片也會等到他參與後再開拍。

The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

Blacksmith Will Turner teams up with eccentric pirate Captain Jack Sparrow to save his love, Elizabeth Swann, from undead pirates led by Jack's former first mate, Captain Barbossa. Jack wants revenge against Barbossa, who left him stranded on an island before stealing his ship, the Black Pearl, along with 882 pieces of cursed Aztec Gold.



② 跪求一個加勒比海盜的英文介紹 但是裡面不要出現人名 因為我是要給同學們猜這部電影,不要太難初中水平

《加勒比海盜》系列電影是由戈爾·維賓斯基、喬阿吉姆·羅恩尼以及艾斯彭·山德伯格執導,約翰尼·德普、奧蘭多·布魯姆、凱拉·奈特莉等人主演的奇幻冒險電影 。
系列電影包括《加勒比海盜:黑珍珠號的詛咒》、《加勒比海盜:聚魂棺》、《加勒比海盜:世界的盡頭》、《加勒比海盜:驚濤怪浪》以及《加勒比海盜:死無對證》共5部。講述了幾個海盜的恩恩怨怨:傑克被另一個海盜船長拋棄在荒島上,他的「黑珍珠」海盜船被騙走;巴博薩船長需要一個特殊的東西來解開月光下變成骷髏的咒語;鐵匠威爾其實是海盜之子,但他自己並不知情,他只是把小時候留下的「傳家寶」送給了心上人的故事 。

③ 求關於加勒比海盜的英語小短文 帶翻譯

Good morning.I'm xxx.Here's my culture report for today:
The film is Pirates of the Caribbean.It's a fantastic adventure film.Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom are the stars.They are both very popular and famous,and they both act well in this film,and make their characters believable.
The story is about an old ship.It sails around the Caribbean islands.Depp and Bloom try to find some lost gold.Then they come face to face with some terrible men,and have to fight them.There's lots of action,and the fighting looks really dangerous.They also save Keira Knightley.She plays Elisabeth,the daughter of a rich man.Then scenes with Knightley and Bloom are beautiful and romantic.
The film isn't true to life,but it's very exciting,and some of it is very funny.It's an enjoyable film,although in my opinion there's too much fighting.But except for that,it's an excellent film.If you didn't see it when it first came out,I advise you to go and see it now.I'm sure you'll enjoy it. 早上好我是xxx.這是我今天的報告:

④ 加勒比海盜大概講的什麼故事啊

加勒比海盜(Pirates of the Caribbean),最早是美國加州迪士尼樂園的其中一個景點。之後華特·迪士尼電影公司以此為名拍攝了一系列電影作品。其中包括2003年上映的《加勒比海盜:黑珍珠號的詛咒》,2006年上映的《加勒比海盜2:聚魂棺》,2007年上映的《加勒比海盜3:世界的盡頭》和2011年上映的《加勒比海盜4:驚濤怪浪》。該系列電影在上映後均取得了不俗的口碑和票房成績。《加勒比海盜5》將於2015年7月10日上映。
故事發生在傳說中海盜最活躍的加勒比海(Caribbean Sea)。這片神秘的海域位於北美洲東南部,那裡碧海藍天,陽光明媚,海面水晶般清澈。17世紀的時候,這里更是歐洲大陸的商旅艦隊到達美洲的必經之地,所以,當時的海盜活動非常猖獗,不僅攻擊過往商人,甚至包括英國皇家艦隊。
海盜的巴博薩(傑弗里·拉什飾)是一個無惡不作的壞蛋,搶劫了"黑珍珠號"後,巴博薩更加猖狂,在加勒比海上橫行霸道,一時成為整個加勒比海的霸主。但巴博薩和他的船員卻因為掠取了被下咒的阿茲特克金幣而遭到了邪惡的詛咒,接受自己因為無盡慾望而受到的詛咒,成為無法滿足一切慾望的骷髏,無法死亡,時刻飽嘗飢渴,在月光下展現原型。因此,巴博薩決定歸還金幣以破除魔咒。他們襲擊了皇家港小鎮,劫持伊麗莎白,伊麗莎白直覺他們想要的是她手中的從年幼的威爾 特納身上得到的金幣,因而謊稱「特納」
得知心上人被劫持,威爾救出了獄中的傑克,傑克為了奪回原本屬於自己的「黑珍珠號」,與威爾一拍即合。兩人偷來英國皇家艦隊最快的"攔截號"軍艦,迅速向"黑珍珠"追去。途中傑克暗知威爾 特納的真實身份——黑珍珠號上的海盜「鞋帶」比爾唯一的兒子。


海盜船長傑克·斯帕羅(Jack Sparrow)就要再次和觀眾見面了,因為《加勒比海盜2:聚魂棺》正式上映了。
2006年,《加勒比海盜》的第二部在全世界掀起狂潮,全球票房一舉突破10億美元,成為影史票房排行第三的影片。2007年5月,第三部《加勒比海盜:世界的盡頭》又將於5月25日在萬眾矚目中全球「啟航」。從3月20日開始,《加勒比海盜:世界的盡頭》的最新預告片將在全球五大洲60個國家以31種文字, 跨越12個市區同時發布,預計將有2億人在第一時間欣賞到這一極為精彩和極具震撼力的預告片。
約翰尼·德普在這個浪漫刺激的探險故事中又重操舊業擔綱傑克·史派羅船長。不同的是,在本片中,聰明的傑克船長站在了抉擇的十字路口,他無法確定讓人琢磨不透的安傑莉卡(佩內洛普·克魯茲飾)究竟是真的愛他,還是僅僅想利用他找到傳說中的不老泉。當安傑莉卡強迫他登上「安妮女王復仇號」的時候,他也就徹徹底底的落在老對手、聲名狼藉的海盜黑鬍子(伊恩·麥克肖恩飾)手裡。危機重重的探險就在傑克毫無防備的情況下悄然展開, 他分不清究竟誰才是更可怕的敵人,是黑鬍子,還是曾和他有過一段神秘經歷的安傑莉卡?

⑤ 求用英語介紹《加勒比海盜》急!

Story takes place in the legendary pirate of the most active of the Caribbean (Caribbean Sea). This piece of mysterious sea is located in southeastern North America, where the blue sea and sky, the sun was shining, the sea crystal clear. 17 century, where it is business travel in continental Europe fleet arrived in the Americas must be passed through, so piracy was rampant, not only attacking the past business, and even including the Royal Fleet.
Handsome and charming history of pyro Jack (Johnny Depp), a is active in the Caribbean on the young pirates have their own "Black Pearl" pirate ship. For him, the most pleasant life is driving a "Black Pearl" wandering in the Caribbean, freedom to rob passing ships. Unfortunately, this is free and easy days of leisure in the end or the end - he was his mate Barbosa betrayal, not only his cherished "Black Pearl" pirate ship was Barbosa stolen, they would be abandoned in a desert island.
Command of a group of pirates Barbosa (Geoffrey Rush decoration) is an unscrupulous villain, he not only robbed of property, also wipe out everyone on board, without leaving any survive. In the past when the ships through the Caribbean Sea are scared, afraid the event Barbosa group. Robbed Jack's "Black Pearl" pirate ship, the Barbosa becoming even more aggressive, domineering in the Caribbean, 1:00 to become dominant throughout the Caribbean.
With his influence growing stronger, Barbosa paranoia immortal greed ambition is booming. He attempted to unlock the legendary curse of the Aztec gold to make their own access to the secret of eternal life, but did not expect the contrary, been the curse of evil - every full moon nights, Barbosa, and other "Black Pearl" on the crew will be into a skeleton, but also life-long abstinence, can not enjoy sex and food, or even a normal walk.
Become immortal skull Barbosa led the "Black Pearl" in the Caribbean it more cynically. Time, they moved into the boat and attacked the town of Port Royal, kidnapping the Governor's daughter, also Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley ornament) - because the girl's neck, wearing the one mysterious gold coins. And Elizabeth childhood apprentice blacksmith Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), a watch his beloved girl was taken away by pirates, angry. Happens is that, once as a "Black Pearl" pirate ship captain Jack the history of pyro,
Also because of their own pirate identity is locked in the prison of this seaside town.
Blacksmith Will Jack find ways to rescue the prison, followed by two stolen British Royal Fleet fastest "block number" warship. Will the girls love in order to save Elizabeth, Jack had in order to regain their own "Black Pearl", driving a "block number" warship quickly to the "Black Pearl" to go chasing.
Pirates wearing the mysterious gold coins that Elizabeth who can help them unlock the mystery of spells, and would like to use her blood to administration of witchcraft. On in the nick of time when, blacksmith Will and Jack pirate ships caught up with him driving, behind them, as well as warships and chase after being stolen from the royal officer Norrington. As a result, pirates hitches a ride, "Skull Flag" Jack drew a pistol and sword, Will wielded a sword Norrington directing men reach for guns, a heroic World War II people to kick off the ghosts ... ...



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