導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 下午看了電影英文怎麼說


發布時間:2023-05-28 01:25:10

A. 下午觀看了一部4d電影用英語怎麼說

Watch the 4D film in the afternoon.

B. 我們下午看了一部剛剛上映的電影,英語怎麼說

e. But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the

C. 教官帶著我們參觀園區,下午看了一場電影翻譯英語

Instructor took us to visit the park, watched a movie in the afternoon.

D. 昨天下午我們正在電影院里看電影用英語怎麼是說

we were watching a movie in the cinema。
一般正常對話的邏輯和情況 你說這句話 是在回答 別人先問你的問題 別人問你 你昨天下午在幹嘛 所以你回答 看電影 你的回答里不需要用yesterday afternoon來結尾 這使整個句子很別扭 ,但是 你非要明確表述是昨天下午 也可以 平沒有什麼錯誤

E. 我經常周天上午彈鋼琴和畫畫,周天下午看電影用英語怎麼說

I often play the piano and draw on Sunday morning, and watch movies on Sunday afternoon.

F. 今天下午我們去看電影吧。翻譯成英語

Let's go to the cinema this afternoon.

G. 周六的下午我們去看了一場電影 用英語怎麼

we saw a movie at Saturday afternoon

H. 我昨天下午去看電影的英文翻譯

I went to the cinema yesterday afternoon.
看電影可以用go to the cinema或者是watch the movie


I. 他在下午兩點寫作業在下午四點去了電影院看電影下午八點看了電視用英語怎麼說

1.What time does he go to bed everyday?
2.Where do you and your classmate finish homework?
3.Who wants to go to cinema and watch a movie with me?
4.where is he sitting?
5.Does the boy ride to the park at 4:00pm every weekend?

J. 看電影的英語

see a movie;see a film

去電影院:go to the movie theatre;go to the cinema

去電影院看電影:go to the cinema and watch a film;go to the cinema see a film

上次看的電影cant remember ; prison break ; Don't remember ; Kungfu Panda

我看我電影:I see it my way

看的電影:see the movies

看懂電影:Understanding Film

必看的電影:must-see film ; a must-see movie ; must see film

看完電影後:After the movie ; After after the movie ; After watching movies


去看部電影:go to a movie

看完電影:After the movie ; Watching movies



  1. 我們什麼時候去看電影呢?When do we go to the movies?

  2. 我喜歡和麗莎一起去看電影。I like to go to the movies with Lisa.

  3. 我看電影的時候經常想起你。I often think of you when I watch movies.

  4. 你喜歡和我一起去電影院看電影嗎?Do you like to go to the cinema with me?



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