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發布時間:2023-05-23 10:23:31

1. 李安的 電影 推手 英文字幕

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2. 電影《異能》中的有異能的人用英文怎麼說啊 我要全部的 譬如 先知是watcher,但是百度翻譯里不一樣!

能從口發出巨大聲音對物件甚至人作出損傷。(代表人物:THE POP BOYS)
能從接觸過的東西,知道它所到的地方。(代表人物:EMILY HU)
「變形人」能把一件物件變成另一件物件。(代表人物:HOOK WATERS)
能將某些物件或人匿跡,使一般人不能見到,包括靈嗅人,但逃不過透視人的能力。但不能使一棟巨大建築匿跡。(代表人物:PINKY STEIN)
能把人們的某部分記憶消除(代表人物:WO CHIANG)
幫人治療創傷,又或將人扭傷(代表人物:TERESA STOWE)

3. 電影《推手》的英文介紹

Master Chu, a retired Chinese Tai-Chi master, moves to Westchester, New York to live with his son Alex, his American daughter-in-law Martha, and their son Jeremy. However, Martha's second novel is suffering from severe writers' block brought on by Chu's presence in the house. Alex must struggle to keep his family together as he battles an inner conflict between cultural tradition and his modern American lifestlye. Written by Kathy Li

Sihung Lung, the actor who played Master Chu, the aging tai chi master, gave a very convincing and sincere performance in this film. It was no wonder that he won the Golden Horse (Taiwan's equivalent for the Oscars) for Best Actor in this film. His performance was extremely touching, as tears jerked into my eyes as I see an aging and traditional Chinese father trying to get along with his westernized family while also trying to adjust to life in a new place and culture. The film encourages people, especially new immigrants, to emphasize and put themselves in their parents' shoes. Try to understand how difficult it is for them to come and settle in a new place and try not to push them away. Be patient with them, take a step back and everything may be better.

The movie title, "Pushing Hands", is very appropriate, as this is the term for an exercise in tai chi in which a person achieves balance by giving up balance. In this non-aggressive exercise between 2 people, a person offers no resistance at all to the pressure or push that the other person is exerting and keeps borrowing this strength until they feel they have fused into one and thus have achieved harmony. This was what Master Chu did. Although his daughter-in-law kept misunderstanding him, causing much discontent and eventually got his son to try to sent him away, he offered no resentment or a temper tantrum. He simply walked away gracefully. This action caused his son to appreciate him and remember why he got his father to live together in the first place in a tear jerking scene and finally they worked out a solution. They decided to give each other space by living separately instead of pushing each other away. In the end everyone was much happier, as even the daughter-in-law learned to accept the father, symbolized by her decorating the guest room for him and asking the question if he would ever visit. The father achieved the balance that he seek in Tai-Chi.

Ang Li is simply amazing and sensational. He did what he could with the limited budget and created a very warm and tear jerking film. Although this film was not the highest quality (the version I saw was very unclear and skips sometimes) and it could feel slow at times, especially the beginning sequence, the film was a great work in directing. The film picked up its pace after the slow beginning without any big fighting scenes or explosions and never felt boring afterwards. Also, from the beginning sequence, where he was able to show the dissension and gap between the daughter-in-law and the father by using just different scenes and visuals, to scenes throughout the film where he used lighting and different camera angles to show the internal pain and sadness that the father experience, it was, simply put, a great piece of art considering the budget. It showcased the talent of Li and gave the audience a glimpse of the man who would bring us the memorable Couching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

4. 香港推手電筒影里的男主角是誰


英文名:Pushing Hands 電影《推手》
主演:郎雄 王萊 王伯昭 李涵 黛博拉·史賴德

5. 《推手》中飾演孫子的是誰

6. 推手高清完整版電影




7. 「推手」是什麼意思






8. 電影推手的經典英文台詞及翻譯 5句


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