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『壹』 一個很經典的歐美動畫,主人公是一群鯊魚人,其中一個愛吃漢堡



『貳』 有關鯊魚的電影


『叄』 跪求2004年上映的由威爾·史密斯主演的鯊魚黑幫百度雲資源

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『伍』 鯊魚黑幫 - lies & rumors (d12)

兄弟 這首歌曲的確不錯 哈哈

專集名稱: 《鯊魚故事 Shark Tale》
演唱歌手: [鯊魚故事 Shark Tale]電影原聲
發行公司: 美國夢工場影片公司
發行日期: 2002年
語言種類: 英語

鯊魚故事 Shark Tale 2005-4-14�15:07:42

導 演: 維基·詹森 比博·博格龍 羅伯·萊德曼
主 演: 威爾·史密斯(配小魚奧斯卡)安吉麗娜?朱麗(獅子魚勞拉)羅伯特?德?尼羅(配大白鯊唐?雷諾)


奧斯卡的生活一下子充滿了陽光,終於出「魚」頭地,住到了夢寐以求的高級社區——暗礁的上層。奧斯卡發現一條叫做萊尼的鯊魚和他一樣,也在躲躲藏藏。奧斯卡和大話王萊尼碰到了一起,組成了海底世界最不可思議的「魚類雙人組」 ,聯手炮製了一檔獵鯊的電視直播節目。





為了每個角色都富有獨特色彩,監制、導演以至動畫師和角色設計師都針對海洋生物,做了深入研究。他們看了大量魚類紀錄片、魚網路書,又去了長島水族館(Long Beach Aquarium),終於找到合適的「魚」選,由於故事設於珊瑚礁,所以最後魚主角也是珊瑚礁中常見的品種。


● 威爾·史密斯 (飾裂唇小魚奧斯卡)奧斯卡是一條可愛的裂唇魚,完全是威爾史密斯的再現,他雙眼距離較寬,耳朵較垂,身手敏捷,明顯的發際等。雙眼距離較闊,耳朵下垂,身手敏捷,像極了威爾,藍、黑、黃間條身,屬隆頭魚科,英文名叫Cleaner Wrasse,會嚼食魚身上的寄生蟲,片中奧斯卡在洗鯨店工作,也算有科學根據。

● 蕾妮·琪維格(飾艷麗神仙魚安吉)神仙魚,英文名Angelfish,所以又名 「天使魚」。魚如其名,色彩艷麗如天使,加上一雙大鰭,泳態婀娜多姿,被稱為珊瑚礁魚中的主角。安吉說話時嘴有點歪,捕捉了蕾妮出眾的一面。而安吉的一舉一動也透露著甜美。

● 安吉麗娜·朱麗(飾獅子魚勞拉)獅子魚(Lionfish),又混有龍魚血統。有著鮮艷的大型背鰭,堪稱海洋中最上鏡的模特兒。勞拉有一雙厚厚的性感朱唇,還有背鰭做成的長發效果,盡現安吉麗娜朱麗的神采。她非常漂亮,但也非常危險,背骨藏有毒液,往往躲藏起來,靠突然襲擊來捕獲獵物。所以對於勞拉來說,這是再合適不過的了。

● 馬丁·斯科西斯(飾河豚賽克斯)河豚(Puffer fish),俗稱雞泡魚,外表威風有殺氣,但生氣起來,會鼓起個腮,提高聲線,威嚴盡失。賽克斯超級粗眉,加短小身形,是大導演馬丁斯科西斯的縮影。

● 羅伯特·德尼羅(飾大白鯊唐雷諾)超級大白鯊,海底大哥大,口硬心軟,臉上有一顆痣,此乃德尼羅的標志。而且在神態上也力求最像。動畫小組將德尼羅所有影片不管是喜劇片還是劇情片中的各種表情都列印出來,然後將這些表情用到鯊魚身上。與傑克布萊克飾演的萊尼相比,唐雷諾的臉部線條還是要硬一些。

● 傑克·布萊克(飾鯊魚萊尼)萊尼比一般大白鯊擁有混圓的面形和鼻子,像極了傑克·布萊克。鯊魚萊尼就大不一樣,他性格溫和,所以他的線條都比較柔和,混圓的臉形和鼻子,都像足了傑克·布萊克。萊尼的牙齒也不像其他鯊魚的那樣鋒利。傑克·布萊克對自己形象的評價是他們抓住了他所有特點的精髓,唯獨讓他不滿意的是萊尼的肚子畫的太大了,他曾經向設計小組「抗議」,要求他們把肚子畫成平的。但從導演到動畫師都非常喜歡圓圓肚皮的萊尼,誰都捨不得破壞這個可愛的「食素」鯊魚,所以傑克·布萊克也只有瞪眼睛的份。


選擇 歌曲 高速試聽 網通試聽 MP3下載 歌詞 和弦 點歌
1.Three Little Birds(Sean Paul & Ziggy marley)
2.Car Wash(Christina Aguilera featuring Missy Elliott)
3.Good Foot(Justin Timberlake and Timbaland)
4.Secret Love(JoJo)
5.Lies & Rumors(D12)
6.Got To Be Real(Mary J Blige featuring Will Smith)
7.Can't Wait(Avant)
8.Gold Digger(Ludacris, Bobby V & Lil' Fate)
9.Get It Together(India Arie)
10.We Went As Far As We Felt Like Going(The Pussycat Dolls)
12.Sweet Kind Of Life(Cheryl Lynn)
13.Some Of My Best Friends Are Sharks(Hans Zimmer)


『陸』 關於鯊魚的電影有哪些





『柒』 Angelina Jolie演過哪些電影


史密斯夫婦 Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005)

亞歷山大大帝 Alexander (2004)

空軍上校和未來世界 World of Tomorrow, The (2004)

鯊魚故事 Shark Tale (2004)

機動殺人 Taking Lives (2004)

Love and Honor (2004)

超越邊界 Beyond Borders (2003)

古墓麗影2 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003)

天算不如人算 Life or Something Like It (2002)

無影終結者 Cyborg 2 (2002)

原罪 Original Sin (2001)

古墓麗影 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)

證據拼圖 Without Evidence (2000)

極速60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)

女生向前走 Girl, Interrupted (1999)

神秘拼圖 Bone Collector, The (1999)

空中塞車 Pushing Tin (1999)

地獄兄弟 Hell's Kitchen (1999)

霓裳情挑 Gia (1998)

隨心所欲 Playing by Heart (1998)

摩哈維的月亮 Mojave Moon (1997)

洛城疑雲 Playing God (1997)

風雲傳奇 George Wallace (1997)

真正的女人 True Women (1997)

惡女幫 Foxfire (1996)

黑客 Hackers (1995)
2003企業奇兵 2003 kill machine

『捌』 鯊魚黑幫(shark tale)的英文台詞

Ernie: Oscar!
Bernie: Did you kill him?
Oscar: Yeah, Yeah. Exactly how it looked; that's how it is.
Don Lino: I tell you what's what, and what?
Sykes: What?
Don Lino: What what?
Sykes: What what nothin'. You said what first.
Don Lino: I didn't say what first.
Sykes: You said "and then what?' and I said "what?'
Don Lino: No, I said what, what?
Sykes: ...You said what first.
Angie: What did you expect? You just take credit for killing a shark and then everything would be fine and dandy?
Oscar: Well... yeah.
Angie: Sometimes, I wanna take your big, mb, mmy head, and just... nyhhhh!
[makes pounding motions]
[Oscar has just prised his way out of a shark's jaw and is striking a manly pose for the crowds]
Oscar: Are you not entertained?
[the crowd cheers]
Oscar: You Can't Handle The Truth!
[the crowd cheers]
Oscar: You had me at hello!
[the crowd cheers]
Lola: The only thing I like more than money is... revenge.
Lenny: Mom says it's not okay to hit!
Frankie: Mom ain't here.
Angie: You don't have to live at the top of the reef to be somebody.
Oscar: He trips underwater. Now who in the halibut trips underwater? And by the way, on what?
Oscar: Ernie! Bernie! My jellyfish brothers! Booyakah!
Lola: Deep down, I'm really superficial.
Shrimp: [trying to sob his way out of being eaten] Its true, its true! And the other thing is, my sister had a baby and I took it over after she passed away and the baby lost all its legs and arms and now its just a stump but I take care of it with my wife and... and its growing and its fairly happy... and its difficult because I'm working a second shift at the factory to put food on the table but all the love that I see in that little guy's face it makes it worth it in the end. True story.
Don Lino: [on phone with Oscar] Shut up? Shut up? You don't tell *me* shut up, I tell *you* shut up!
[hears phone dialing]
Don Lino: What?
Luca: Hi, how you doing? I'll have a large pie, everything on it...
Don Lino: Luca!
Luca: Oh... Uh, hi, Boss! What're you doing working at a pizza joint?
Don Lino: [shouts] Get off the phone!
Luca: But I'm hungry.
[hangs up]
Great White #2: [looking at Lenny when they think he's a dolphin] Look, he's got dolphin muscle!
Great White #3: My Uncle Vito got whacked by one of those!
Oscar: You dig, dawg?
Lenny: Dig dawg... , dawg dig, dig dawg, yeah, yo diggy dog!
Ernie: [pretending to be Lola, put mustard and ketchup on a hot dog on a stick so it looks like a face] You're a nobody!
Bernie: [pretending to be Oscar, also put mustard and ketchup on a hot dog on a stick so it looks like a face] No wait! Lola! I'm not a nobody! I'm a weiner!
Lenny: Here I come! Ta-da! I'm Sabastian! The whale washing dolphin!
[makes clicking noises]
Angie: Okay, somebody needs to get me out of the bubble. TODAY.
Don Lino: [record skips] Luca! Please!
Luca: [fixes record, Baby Got Back comes on]
Don Lino, Sykes: [look over at Luca]
Luca: [fixes record again] Heh heh... Funny boss, eh? Big butts?
Shrimp: Say 'ello to my little friends!
Oscar: Yippee-ki-yay...
Ernie: Sykes' Whale Wash... and the price... oh!
Sykes: It's "Sykes Whale Wash; And the price..."Oh My Gosh!'"
Ernie: Hello, Sykes' Whale Wash; And the price...
[Sees Don Lino chasing Oscar]
Ernie: OH MY GOSH!
Bernie: Hey, you got it right.
Oscar: I'm not really a shark slayer...
Crazy Joe: [remorseful] And I'm not a financial advisor!
Sykes: My brother, my player, the shark-slayer!
Ernie: Syke's Whale Wash. You get a whale of a wash and the price... eh... is really really low.
Crazy Joe: [stops closing credits] Hey! Hey, you see this guy here?
[taps crew member name]
Crazy Joe: He hardly worked on the film at all! Always on the phone - yakking, yakking, yakking!
Bernie: [Ernie just lost at the "Sharkslayer" videogame] You're not doing it right! I told you!
Ernie: I'm doing it!
Bernie: X, circle, X X, double left square, right trigger down, square, square.
Ernie: Oh, double square! Respect!
Bernie: Respect!
Oscar: Sometimes I just be coughing for nothin'!
Luca: Be there, if you don't wanna see her sleepin' with the fishes. The dead ones. Now nod your head if you understand... Now tell me if you nodded your head.
Katie Current: The shark slayer has done it again, this time luring two sharks into his death trap of hygiene.
Katie Current: You've lost everything you've lied so hard to achieve.
Shortie #1: You so broke your bologna has no first name.
Sykes: Now I have to pay Don Lino protection, so everything you owe me, you owe him.
Oscar: How do you figure that?
Sykes: Simple, the food chain.
[Pulls out chart]
Sykes: On top there's Don Lino, there's me, there's regular fish...
Oscar: And that's me.
Sykes: No. There's plankton, there's single-celled amoebas...
Oscar: And then me.
Sykes: I'm getting there, I'm getting there... There's coral, there's rocks, there's whale poop, and then there's you.
Oscar: That's messed up.
Oscar: You tell Don Lame-o that I don't ever, ever, ever, never ever want to see another shark around this reef again! Ever! Remember this name: Oscar the Sharkslayer!
Crazy Joe: [ring closing credits] Man! Did you see what's playing next door? Woo-hoo! Kinky!
Giuseppe: It's a terrible thing. Everyone loved Frankie. May whoever did this die a thousand deaths. May his stinking, maggot-covered corpse rot in the fiery depths of Hell.
Don Lino: Thank you for your kind thoughts, Guiseppe.
Frankie: [dying] Lenny, is that you?
Lenny: I'm here, Frankie.
Frankie: Come closer.
Lenny: What is it, Frankie?
Frankie: I feel so cold.
Lenny: That's just because we're cold-blooded.
[Frankie slaps Lenny]
Lenny: Ow!
Frankie: Moron.
Katie Current: Now that you're the Sharkslayer, does this mean you're leaving your job at the whale wash?
Oscar: Please, I hardly work here now.
Angie: You could you lie to me, Oscar? Me?
Oscar: Don't take it personally, Angie. I lied to everybody.
Sykes: Ernie! Bernie! Find the deepest, darkest hole in the ocean, then dig deeper and bury him him in it.
Lenny: Hi, I'm Lenny. Ooh! Little buddy, did I scare you?
Shrimp: You got served!
Lola: Listen, Baby, I know I was a bad girl, but you'd have to be crazy not to take me back.
Crazy Joe: Did someone say crazy?
Oscar: Hi, I'm Oscar - you might think you know me, but you have no idea! Welcome to my crib - the good life, the way the other half lives! Check it out, I got my 60-inch high-def plasma TV with six-speaker surround, CD, DVD, Playstation and an eight-track for one of those days when you're feeling just a little weeka-weeka-weeka OLD SCHOOL, ha ha ha! Coz even a superstar Mac-daddy like me has to have the basic necessities!
Oscar: Sykes! My brother from another mother!
Don Feinberg: [singing] I could fly high as an eagle, if you are the wind beneath my wings...
Don Feinberg: Any requests? How about that Titanic song?
[the sharks moan and groan their dissent]
Oscar: AHHH! Okay, everybody go home to your loved ones - spend the last few hours that you have with each other!
[Frankie starts humming the Jaws tune]
Lenny: That song gives me the creeps!
Frankie: What do ya mean? It's our theme song!
[the Jaws tune starts to play, and the opening credits roll]
Oscar: I'm a nobody - I want some of that!
Angie: [mischievously] Mrs. Sanchez?
Oscar: What? Ewww, no!
Bernie: Ernie, let me ask you a question?
Ernie: Yeah, man?
Bernie: Why is it that we can sting other people, but they have no effect on me or you?
[a tentacle of his brushes and stings Ernie, causing him to fall down screaming and twitching]
Bernie: Ernie! I didn't mean it, Ernie, I didn't mean it, man... Ernie, Ernie, ohh, Ernie...
[Ernie suddenly gets up laughing]
Bernie: Ernie! You made a joke! Good one, man - respect!
Ernie: Respect! Bloatfire!
[they high-five each other]
Angie: You're going way too far, Oscar!
Lenny: Actually, he hasn't gone far enough...
Oscar: Exactly!... what?
[Lenny accidentally eats Oscar]
Oscar: Don't... swallow!
Lenny: Oscar?
Oscar: No, it's Pinocchio - of course it's me! Why did you do that?
Lenny: Oh, I'm sorry...
Oscar: No, "sorry" is when you step on somebody's fin at the theatre! Yeah, that's "sorry"! "Sorry" is when you ask somebody "Hey, when's the baby e?" and it turns out the person's just fat! No, this is as far away from "sorry" as you can possibly get!
Lenny: Oscar, I think I'm gonna puke...
Oscar: Oh, no no no no... Lenny, just open up, nice and slow!
[Angie becomes unbelievably and understandably jealous after seeing Oscar and Lola kiss on television]
Angie: Just tell me, Oscar, because I'm curious - why do you think she's interested, huh? Do you think, for one minute, that she would even be WITH you if you weren't the rich and famous Shark Slayer?
Lenny: [trying to intervene] Awww, you guys, please don't fight...
Angie: Are you that blind?
Oscar: At least she treats me like I'm somebody!
Angie: Yeah, well would she love you if you were nobody?
Oscar: NOBODY loved me when I was nobody!
Angie: I DID!
Don Lino: [hugging his son] Lenny? Is that you? You're alive? I thought I'd lost you... What're you wearing, huh? What is that?
[Lenny heaves a resigned sigh and sheds his disguise. The other sharks gape at him]
Luca: Hey, boss, it's Lenny - he was wearing a disguise so we wouldn't recognise him, but he's not wearing a disguise, so we DO recognise him!
Lenny: Hi, Pop...
Don Lino: Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Are you out of your MIND? Do you have any idea how this looks?
Giuseppe: This is the best sit-down I've ever been to!
Don Lino: What're you doing with this guy? He took out your own flesh and blood, Frankie!
Lenny: But Pop, just listen...
Don Lino: But nothing, you never take sides against the family, ever!
Oscar: Don, Lino, sir, listen, it's not his fault - this is between you and me!
Don Lino: What did I ever do to YOU? You took Frankie away, and you turned Lenny into a dolphin! I'm going to get you!
[He goes for Oscar]
Don Lino: Ya took Frankie away from me, and ya turned Lenny into a dolphin. I'm gonna get you!
Lenny: [quietly] Echo. Echo.
[little louder]
Lenny: Now batting in for the Southside Sharks, Number 15...
[Oscar hits Lenny]
Lenny: Ow, it's not okay to hit.
Ernie: Ernie:
[On phone]
Ernie: Whale Wash rhymes with Gosh
Sykes: [On the phone, while watching Oscar slay Lenny on TV] Turn on the TV! Turn on the TV!
Sykes: [Still on phone and Oscar has been eaten by Lenny] Turn off the TV! Turn off your TV!
Sykes: [Still on phone and Oscar escapes Lenny's mouth] What are you doing turning off your TV? Turn on your TV!

『玖』 美國動畫喜劇片〖鯊魚故事〗[DVD RMVB 中英字幕]種子下載地址有么感激不盡

美國動畫喜劇片〖鯊魚故事〗[DVD RMVB 中英字幕]種子下載地址:

『拾』 有關海底的動畫電影,我記到有一隻魚,那是一個學校里,他們被鯊魚誣陷,老師(還是一隻魚)懲罰他們打掃







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