⑴ 關於茜茜公主的英文文章
Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie, Duchess in Bavaria, Princess of Bavaria (December 24 1837 – September 10 1898) of the House of Wittelsbach, was the Empress consort of Austria and Queen consort of Hungary e to her marriage to Emperor Franz Joseph. Her father was Maximilian Joseph, Duke in Bavaria and her mother was Ludovika, Royal Princess of Bavaria; her family home was Possenhofen Castle. From an early age, she was called "Sisi" ("Sissi" in films and novels) by family and friends.
Her life
She was born in Munich, Bavaria. Elisabeth accompanied her mother and her 18-year-old sister, Helene, on a trip to the resort of Bad Ischl, Upper Austria [1], where they hoped Helene would attract the attention of their cousin, 23-year-old Franz Joseph, then Emperor of Austria. Instead, Franz Joseph chose Elisabeth, and the couple were married in Vienna on April 24 1854. Elisabeth later wrote that she regretted accepting his proposal for the rest of her life.
Elisabeth had difficulty adapting to the strict etiquette practiced at the Habsburg court. Nevertheless she bore the Emperor three children in quick succession: Archchess Sophie of Austria (1855–1857), Archchess Gisela of Austria (1856–腔純滲褲指1932), and the hoped-for crown prince, Rudolf (1858–1889). A decade later, Archchess Marie Valerie of Austria (1868–1924) followed. Elisabeth was denied any major influence on her own children's upbringing, however — they were raised by her mother-in-law Sophie, and soon after Rudolf's birth the marriage started to deteriorate, undone by Elisabeth's increasingly erratic behaviour.
To ease her pain and illnesses, Elisabeth embarked on a life of travel, seeing very little of her offspring, visiting places such as Madeira, Hungary, England, and Corfu, where she commissioned the building of a castle which she called Achilleion — after her death the building was sold to the German Emperor Wilhelm II. She not only became known for her beauty, but also for her fashion sense, diet and exercise regimens, passion for riding sports, and a series of reputed lovers. She paid extreme attention to her appearance and would spend most of her time preserving her beauty. Her diet and exercise regimens were strictly enforced to maintain her 20-inch (50 cm) waistline and reced her to near emaciation at times (symptoms of what is now recognized as anorexia). One of the few things she would eat was raw veal meat juice, squeezed from her juice press, then boiled and seasoned. Some of her reputed lovers included George "Bay" Middleton, a dashing Anglo–Scot who was probably the father of Clementine Ogilvy Hozier (Mrs. Winston Churchill). She also tolerated, to a certain degree, Franz Joseph's affair with actress Katharina Schratt.
National unrest within the Habsburg monarchy caused by the rebellious Hungarians led, in 1867, to the foundation of the Austro–Hungarian double monarchy, making Elisabeth Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary. Elisabeth had always sympathized with the Hungarian cause and, reconciled and reunited with her alienated husband, she joined Franz Joseph in Budapest, where their coronation took place. In e course, their fourth child, Archchess Marie Valerie was born (1868–1924). Afterwards, however, she again took up her former life of restlessly traveling through Europe, decades of what basically became a walking trance.
The Empress also engaged in writing poetry (such as the "Nordseelieder" and "Winterlieder", both inspirations from her favorite German poet, Heinrich Heine). Shaping her own fantasy world in poetry, she referred to herself as Titania, Shakespeare's Fairy Queen. Most of her poetry refers to her journeys, classical Greek and romantic themes, as well as ironic mockery on the Habsburg dynasty. In these years, Elisabeth also took up with an intensive study of both ancient and modern Greek, drowning in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. Numerous Greek lecturers (such as Marinaky, Christomanos, and Barker) had to accompany the Empress on her hour-long walks while reading Greek to her. Her Greek genealogical roots are presented in Greek pedigree of Empress Sisi. According to contemporary scholars, Empress Elisabeth knew Greek better than each of the Bavarian Greek Queens in the 19th century.
In 1889, Elisabeth's life was shattered by the death of her only son: 30-year-old Crown Prince Rudolf and his young lover Baroness Mary Vetsera were found dead, apparently by suicide. The scandal is known by the name Mayerling, after the name of Rudolf's hunting lodge in Lower Austria.
After Rudolf's death, the Empress continued to be a myth, a sensation wherever she went: a long black gown that could be buttoned up at the bottom, a white parasol made of leather and a brown fan to shun her face from curious looks became the trademarks of the legendary Empress of Austria. Only a few snapshots of Elisabeth in her last years are left, taken by photographers who were lucky enough to catch her without her noticing. The moments Elisabeth would show up in Vienna and see her husband were rare. Interestingly, their correspondence increased ring those last years and the relationship between the Empress and the Emperor of Austria had become platonic and warm. On her imperial steamer, Miramar, Empress Elisabeth traveled restlessly through the Mediterranean. Her favorite places were Cap Martin at the French Riviera, where tourism had only started in the second half of the 19th century, Lake Geneva in Switzerland, Bad Ischl in Austria, where she would spend her summers, and Corfu. More than that, the Empress had visited countries no other sovereign had seen at the time: Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Malta, Greece, Turkey and Egypt. Traveling had become the sense of her life but also an escape from herself.
On September 10 1898, in Geneva, Switzerland, Elisabeth, aged 60, was stabbed in the heart with a needle file by a young anarchist named Luigi Lucheni, in an act of propaganda of the deed. Bleeding to death from a puncture wound to the heart, Elisabeth's last words were "What happened to me?" The strong pressure from her corset kept the bleeding back until the corset was removed. Only then did her staff and surrounding onlookers understand the severity of the situation. Reportedly, her assassin had hoped to kill a prince from the House of Orléans and, failing to find him, turned on Elisabeth instead as she was walking along the promenade of Lake Geneva about to board a steamship for Montreux with her lady-of-courtesy, Countess Sztaray. As Lucheni afterward said, "I wanted to kill a royal. It did not matter which one."
The empress was buried in the Imperial Crypt in Vienna's city centre which for centuries served as the Imperial burial place.
⑵ 《茜茜公主》講述的是哪個時期的故事
茜茜公主(Elisabeth Sissi,1837.12.24-1898.9.10),全名伊麗莎白·阿瑪莉亞·歐葉妮·馮·維特巴赫(Elisabeth Amalia Eugenia von Wittel *** ach),奧地利皇後與匈牙利女王。其生平被搬上大銀幕多次,1992年還被改編為音樂劇。
茜茜公主是巴伐利亞王國的馬克西米里安·約瑟夫公爵(簡稱馬克斯公爵)的女兒,全名伊麗莎白·阿瑪莉亞·歐葉妮·馮·維特巴赫(Elisabeth Amalia Eugenia von Wittel *** ach),奧地利皇後與匈牙利女王。暱稱「茜茜」(Sissi)。
伊麗莎白·亞美莉·歐根妮,1837年12月25日出生於德國慕尼黑,是巴伐利亞女公爵與公主,後來成為奧地利皇後兼匈牙利王後。1898年9月10日在日內瓦被義大利無 *** 主義者盧伊季·盧切尼用一把磨尖的銼刀刺殺身亡。
伊麗莎白·亞美莉·歐根妮(Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie,1837年12月24日出生於德國慕尼黑,1898年9月10日在瑞士日內瓦被刺身亡),但通常被家人與朋友暱稱為茜茜(Sisi),是巴伐利亞女公爵與公主,後來成為奧地利皇後兼匈牙利王後。
1898年9月10日在日內瓦被義大利無 *** 主義者盧伊季·盧切尼用一把磨尖的銼刀將茜茜刺殺身亡。盧切尼本來想刺殺奧爾良公爵,但奧爾良公爵臨時將他的行程改變了。而茜茜當時雖然匿名在日內瓦逗留,但報紙上還是報道了她的行蹤,因此盧切尼決定刺殺茜茜。
茜茜公主全名 伊麗莎白·亞美莉·歐根妮,又譯為伊麗莎白·阿瑪莉婭·歐根妮,1837年12月24日出生於德國慕尼黑,是巴伐利亞女公爵與公主,後來成為奧地利皇後兼匈牙利王後。1898年9月10日在日內瓦被義大利無 *** 主義者盧伊季·盧切尼用一把磨尖的銼刀刺殺身亡。國籍么應該是巴伐利亞、奧地利、匈牙利(多重國籍),出生於德國慕尼黑。
虎口脫險 苔絲 阿奇扎 郡委書記 大使們 女僕 異鄉淚 冰峰搶險隊 我兩歲 陽光下的罪惡 十六個人 火紅的第五樂章 寅次郎的故事·望鄉篇 啊,野麥嶺(續集) 兩個船長 人世間 重歸於好 非凡的艾瑪 三十九級台階 山的兒子 馴馬手莫蘭特 湯姆叔叔的小屋
海狼 情暖童心 雪地英雄 綠寶石 護身符 海島探寶 愛德華大夫 棄兒 第三個人 不朽的情侶 屠夫 挪威之歌 威爾斯麵包師的兒子 大海的女兒 除霸雪恨 布加勒斯特居民證 月尾島 妙香山上重逢 海峽 獵人 蒲田進行曲 苦命夫妻 國家利益 鐵面人
非法越境者 游俠傳奇 女偵探 大水 螃蟹 覺醒 維拉 志同道合 白玫瑰在行動 開往克拉列沃的列車 上校胡巴爾 藝人之家 死亡陷井 神秘的黃玫瑰 科佩尼科 上尉 兆治的酒館 只要我活著 勝利大逃亡 王中王 鐵騎兵 一個酋長的勝利 熱帶叢林歷險記 張開幻想的翅膀 創奇者 逃往雅典娜 熊貓的故事
黑鬱金香 馬戲團員的遭遇 溫柔的憐憫 無聲的行動 馬背上的幽靈 希西公主 槍手哈特 總統軼事 金像奇案 我們的膚色 紅發女郎 難忘的假日 從地獄歸來 第一滴血 冒險的代價 罪行始末 誤解 迪斯科舞星 純潔 不能沒有你 好像不認識你 海誓山盟 紅鍾 日本沉沒 幸福的黃手帕
他們都有自己的房間,要知道,現在白金漢宮里也是這樣,女王和丈夫在一個行宮中住,但是可以住在連在一起的不同的房間。 也許在王室,國王有很多的
美麗的奧地利,一個古老而又年輕的國家。蘭色的多瑙河,蜿蜒境內;銀色的阿爾卑斯山,橫貫東西。我們對奧地利最熟悉的恐怕就是約翰·施特勞斯和《蘭色的多瑙河》,金色大廳的維也納新年音樂會。看過《茜茜公主》的朋友一定不會忘記,這部轟動世界,由德國和奧地利1957年合拍,著名的導演恩斯特·馬利斯卡執導,影星羅密·施耐德主演的影片。記得當時我還在上小學,對影片中如詩如畫的奧地利風光,高貴奢華的皇家舞會,明麗流暢的音樂,華麗的歐洲服飾,尤其是茜茜公主,那純真燦爛的笑臉真是記憶猶新。盡管這部影片,把弗蘭茨皇帝和茜茜公主之間的愛情神聖化了,對於茜茜公主在奧地利帝國統治匈牙利、和義大利北部時,所起的和解作用有些誇張但這是可以理解的。弗蘭茨皇帝和茜茜公主之間的愛情,可能是十九世紀歐洲王室中最凄美的故事了。茜茜公主至今仍受到德國和奧地利人民,乃至全世界人民的喜愛。當時的人談論弗蘭茨皇帝和茜茜公主,就像談論當今英國的查爾斯王子和黛安娜王妃一樣。我喜愛這部影片,不僅僅是那些美麗的風景、恢弘的場面,更多的是它體現了一種高貴的歐洲氣質。《茜茜公主》是部地地道道的歐洲電影,就像同期引進的《鐵面人》、《黑鬱金香》一樣,這是好萊塢永遠也模仿不了的。 茜茜公主在歷史中是位悲劇性的角色,而她那痴心的丈夫,也好不了哪裡去。對於十九世紀,這個衰弱的帝國,奧匈帝國從一成立起就是一個錯誤,在歷史上從來沒有一個明確的「奧地利」的概念1804年,神聖羅馬帝國皇帝弗蘭茨二世宣布自己兼任「奧地利皇帝」1806年,拿破崙建立了萊因聯邦,神聖羅馬帝國解體。由於拿破崙和沙皇亞歷山大一世,在瓜分戰利品的時候出現了分歧,奧地利作為歐洲勢力均衡的需要儲存了下來。那個古老的、衰朽的哈布斯堡王朝開始統治奧地利帝國。帝國包括了今天的奧地利、匈牙利、斯洛伐克、斯洛維尼亞、捷克、克羅埃西亞民族成分極其復雜。主體民族是德意志人和後來的匈牙利馬扎爾人,此外還有羅馬尼亞人、塞爾維亞人、捷克人和波蘭人等等。1866年,奧地利在普奧戰爭中失敗,隨後成立了二元制的君主國「奧地利匈牙利君主國」,君主稱號「奧地利皇帝兼匈牙利國王」。 片中的弗蘭茨·約瑟夫皇帝,英俊、寬厚、仁慈和忠貞,但是在歷史上,他是個比較保守、木訥的人,總的來說是個「好」皇帝。他1830年生於維也納郊外的香布侖宮(片中那個美麗的美泉宮),母親蘇非皇太後,來自巴伐利亞的威斯特巴赫家族,是巴伐利亞國王馬克西米利安的女兒。她的姐姐成了普魯士王後,雙胞胎妹妹是薩克森王後,還有一個妹妹嫁給了巴伐利亞的一名公爵,這就是片中茜茜的父母,善良樂觀的路德維卡公爵夫人和耿直、淡泊名利的巴伐利亞·馬克斯公爵。蘇非皇太後是一個聰明、堅定、志向遠大的人,她的丈夫弗蘭茨·卡爾,卻是個一無所長的庸才(片中那個耳朵不好的、皇帝的父親,總是說「太棒了」)。卡爾的哥哥,當時的奧地利皇帝斐迪南,純粹是個脾氣溫和的傻子,在傳位給他的侄子弗蘭茨之後,隱居在布拉格得以壽終。不幸的是,蘇非給予她的兒子的教育,是陳腐過時的,完全是中世紀的那套。她認為兒子的首要任務是保持哈布斯堡家族幾百年的高貴傳統,竭力維護這個苟延殘喘王朝的統治,然後再考慮治理奧地利,如果可能的話使它強大。由於從小就受這種枯燥的教育,弗蘭茨·約瑟夫皇帝智力一般個性平庸,拘泥於細節,而且優柔寡斷,經常是朝令夕改;但是,他的語言才能是驚人的,除了德語之外,他還會馬扎爾語(匈牙利)、捷克語、義大利語、拉丁語、希臘語,英語和法語。他最大的嗜好就是穿軍裝,因為他認為自己首先是一名光榮的帝國軍人,其次是一名高貴的德意志王子,而最後才是奧地利皇帝。 說起來,這位弗蘭茨·約瑟夫皇帝也真是夠倒霉。他在1848年革命期間登上了皇位,逃亡兩次。而且,他一生中都在列強的夾縫中掙扎,西面有強大的普魯士和法國,東面是虎視耽耽的俄國,國內還不得不面對復雜的民族矛盾,騷亂和資產階級革命。他在位期間從沒贏得一場戰爭,1859年在索爾費力諾被拿破崙三世打敗;1866年在科尼西格雷茨被俾斯麥打敗;在政治上又被匈牙利的馬扎爾貴族擊敗。而這位可憐的皇帝又接連痛失親人,1867年弗蘭茨的弟弟,墨西哥皇帝馬克西米利安被總統胡亞雷斯處死;弟媳比利時國王利奧波德的女兒夏洛特,因此成了瘋子;1889年,他和茜茜唯一的一個兒子,奧匈帝國王儲魯道夫在維也納郊外自殺;1898年,他一直深愛的茜茜在日內瓦湖邊,被名義大利無 *** 主義者刺死(巧的是羅密·施耐德茜茜公主的扮演者,1982年在巴黎的寓所中死去,好象是自殺,也有可能是被刺;而她和阿蘭·德隆生的兒子也是意外身亡)最後,皇帝的侄子王儲斐迪南在塞爾維亞被刺,心力交瘁的弗蘭茨眼睜睜的看著奧匈帝國綁在了德國的戰車上,滑向了第一次世界大戰的深淵。1916年弗蘭茨皇帝逝世,標志著多災多難的哈布斯堡王朝的徹底完蛋。 影片中羅密·施耐德扮演的茜茜公主是多麼的可愛呀!她雖然說不上是絕色,但是她是那麼的善良,仁慈、純真。褐色的長發披散在光潔的肩頭上,臉上總是帶著燦爛的笑容。電影畢竟是一種藝術,有可能誇張了一些。那麼,歷史上的茜茜公主是什麼樣的呢?據史料記載,茜茜公主大半生的時間是在淚水中度過的。可能是當時歐洲最引人注目,也是最具悲劇性的皇後了。正如影片中的那樣,茜茜的父親馬克斯公爵具有平民思想,她的母親路德維卡也是一樣。茜茜從小就無拘無束,整天騎馬、遛鳥,她與她的八個兄弟姐妹都不愛讀書,也沒有受過刻板的貴族教育。她的大哥路德維希,娶了一名女演員(片中叫「門德爾」),大姐巴伐利亞·海倫·馬克斯公主(內奈)倒是一個淑女,而這位巴伐利亞·伊麗莎白公主(茜茜)真是一個徹頭徹尾的野丫頭。 1848年,歐洲革命的風暴波及到維也納,當軍隊和革命者以及一些醉醺醺的暴徒在維也納街頭巷戰時,弗蘭茨和皇室成員,狼狽的出走,逃到了蒂羅爾省的首府——因斯布魯克。路德維卡公爵夫人(茜茜的母親)帶著她的孩子也來到了這里。在因斯布魯克弗蘭茨第一次見到茜茜(所以片中路德維卡姨媽對弗蘭茨說他和茜茜以前見過)但是18歲的弗蘭茨,對這位11歲的表妹沒什麼印象,倒是對15歲的大表妹內奈(海倫公主)這位清瘦、羞怯的少女有些好感。1849年革命過後,奧地利進入了新的專制時期。這時的梅特涅已經下台,年輕的皇帝大權獨攬。1853年,23歲的弗蘭茨皇帝准備娶一名皇後了,蘇非皇太後為他選中了表妹內奈(海倫公主)。弗蘭茨希望未來的皇後,擁有高超的騎術,所以可憐的內奈(海倫公主)整天忙著騎馬。八月份蘇非·路德維卡、普魯士王後、薩克森王後、還有一大堆的貴族來到了薩爾茨堡的伊舍爾牧場,以慶祝皇帝生日的名義進行相親。由於弗蘭茨和內奈對聚會的目的非常清楚,生性羞怯的內奈非常拘謹,以至於在眾目睽睽之下一直沉默不語,讓弗蘭茨非常失望。就在這時,冒冒失失的茜茜在正確的時間,正確的地點出現了。弗蘭茨馬上就被這個小他七歲的表妹迷住了。而此時,茜茜公主正和皇帝的小弟弟,卡爾·路德維希公爵(片中那個皇帝的弟弟)打的火熱。一貫勤於公務的皇帝幾乎完全忘了國事,以他少見的熱情和精力追逐著茜茜,蘇非皇太後不得不屈服於兒子,讓皇帝如願以償的娶了茜茜。
⑶ 麻煩誰知道電影茜茜公主第二部和第三部的英文版下載資源,或者有網盤
⑷ 茜茜公主 英文 名字
巴伐利亞公主,奧地利伊麗莎白皇後的本名為伊麗莎白·阿瑪莉亞·歐葉妮·馮·維特巴赫(Elisabeth Amalia Eugenia von Wittelsbach),昵稱茜茜(也有譯成希茜),關於這個「茜茜」,從她本人的簽名上看,應當是Sisi(不過也有人從她的筆跡上推測其實更有可能是Lisi)而Sissi似乎是從電影《茜茜三部曲》開始的,此後也多見於影視文學作品。
⑸ 茜茜公主 觀後感 英文的
Sissi was born as daughter of Duke Maximilian and Duchess Ludovika in Bavaria. In 1853 she got to know her cousin Emporer Franz Joseph, who was going to marry Sissi's sister Helene. Franz Joseph fell in love with Sissi immediately and decided to marry her instead of her sister. When Sissi arrived in Vienna, she soon found out, that her life at the court in Vienna would not be very easy.
The Viennese aristocracy was making fun of her and her mother in law Sophie took over the control of her life. Her children were taken from her and Sissi was barely allowed to see them, putting her in deep depression and illness. After two year of cure and lodging in Madeira, Korfu and Bavaria, Sissi returned with new confidence to Vienna. She decided to take control for political issues and soon took interest in Hungary, the very troubled neighbour of Austria. In 1867 she was crowned Queen of Hungary. Sissi was obsessed with her beauty and her perfect figure and taking care of her body, resulting in anorexia. Her very liberal ideas, her call for a republic structure and her effort for the poor and troublesome made her very popular with the Austrian people.
In 1870 she decided to withdraw from public life and tried to live the life of a private person. On the 10th of September, while she was walking through Geneva, she was assassinated by a young Italian anarchist。
I got moved by her story.
⑹ 《茜茜公主》電影 服裝賞析
茜茜生長在一個大家庭里,童年的生活自由愉快。父親是一個無憂無慮的的貴族,喜歡寫詩、彈琴、追逐女人,炫耀騎術,他甚至在院子里建起馬戲場,弄來一個小丑和一個滑稽可笑的士兵……這位公爵信奉共和主義,具有平民意識,尤其欣賞猶太人,人們稱為「奢華的無產者」。他既不愛自己的妻子,也不愛貴族政治。 茜茜母親盧多維卡是一位忠心耿耿的家庭主婦,當她意識到丈夫指望不上時,便把孩子們視為唯一財富,希望通過他們的婚姻解決一切問題。幸虧,家裡有一門好親戚:她姐姐蘇菲的兒子弗蘭茨·約瑟夫因其伯父斐迪南一世無嗣而成為奧地利的王位繼承人。1848年,因政治動盪,反叛四起,斐迪南一世遜位,弗蘭茨·約瑟夫登上了皇帝的寶座。老姐倆想親上加親,巴伐利亞公爵家的長女海倫妮公主成為皇後候選人。在相親的那一天,海倫妮公主被打扮得貞淑賢靜,誰知,冒冒失失的小茜茜闖了進來。她頭上扎著小辮子,身上套著極普通的連衣裙,母親根本就沒刻意打扮她,然而,弗蘭茨·約瑟夫的眼睛裡再看不見其他人了。這位年輕的奧地利皇帝將手中的一束鮮花遞給了茜茜公主…… 茜茜當時只有15歲,接過弗蘭茨·約瑟夫獻上的花,她甚至不懂這究竟意味著什麼。姨母和媽媽一個勁兒地催問她:你愛他嗎,茜茜?她竟天真地回答:「他,我又怎能不愛他呢?他要不是皇帝就好了?茜茜這時尚未長成,身高只有1米60,像個玩具娃娃。用未來婆婆嚴格的眼光評判,她迷人,可愛。
1、自由的宗教 2、對立的宗教信仰 3、浪漫主義 4、抵抗與反抗專制統治及戰勝專制統治 5、 自由運動的發展;同社會民主主義的最初沖突 6、自由—民族主義革命、社會—民主主義革命與反動 7、 革命的復興與歐洲自由民族的普遍調整 8、 德意志強國的統一與歐洲公共精神的變化 9、 自由時代 10、 國際政治、行動主義與世界戰爭
⑺ 茜茜公主中的好英文句子
1、 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
2、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won『t make you cry.
3、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can『t have them.
4、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
5、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
6、Don『t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn『t willing to waste their time on you.
7、Just because someone doesn『t love you the way you want them to, doesn『t mean they don『t love you with all they have.
8、Don『t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
9、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
10、When you feel sad and worried ,then come here to open your mind and look at the nature.From every tree, every flower, every living thing,you can see God is everywhere, you will get comfort and strength.
⑻ 茜茜公主電影有中英字幕,求百度雲!(英語的不要國語)急急急