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發布時間:2023-05-15 21:09:46

① up up 有抱抱的意思嗎求解!謝謝!貌似是某部電影裡面的台詞,有誰知道嗎


② 沉睡魔咒用英語介紹劇情

The story begins with the love and murder between human beings and elves. Human beings steal the wings of elves because of greed and become kings. Elves become black wizards. The Princess born by the king is a sleeping beauty.


Then the black wizard cursed the princess. The king let three wizards live with the princess and the remote place, but the wizard could not take care of the children.


The black wizard grew up taking care of the princess in the dark. Then he fell asleep at the age of 16. The prince's kiss did not wake up the princess. The black wizard's kiss awakened the princess.


Later, in the war, the black wizard took back the princess. Wings, let the princess become the queen of the elf world.











③ 沉睡魔咒中這句台詞在影片的大概哪個時間段,或是台詞的上下文是什麼


④ 沉睡魔咒山姆萊利(烏鴉)的台詞

不知道你要中文版的還是英文的 我只有英文版的台詞,Diaval的部分幫你剪出來了。
D:What have you done to my beautiful self?
M:Would you rather I let them beat you todeath?
D:I'm not certain.
M:Stop complaining.
Isaved your life.
D:Forgive me.
M:What do I call you?
Andin return for saving my life, I am your servant.
Whateveryou need.
Ineed you to be my wings.

M:He did this to me so he would be king.
D:Now what, Mistress?

D:Well, I saw nothing.
Butthere's been a...
King Stefan and the Queen have had a child.
There will be a christening.
They say it's to be a grand celebration.
M:A grand celebration for a baby.
How wonderful.

D:How could you do that to me?
M:You said anything I need.
D:Yeah, but not a dog.
M:It was a wolf, not a dog.
D:It's the same thing.
They're dirty, vicious, and they hunt birds.
M:Fine. Next time I'll turn you into amealy worm.
D:Well, I'll be a mealy worm, gladly.Anything but a filthy, stinking...
I wonder.

A:Pretty bird.
M:This is Diaval.
D:Hello, Aurora.
I have known you since you were a little one.

That boy's the answer.
M;No, Diaval. –
True love's kiss, remember? It can break the spell.
M;True love's kiss?
Have you not worked it out yet?
I cursed her that way because there is no such thing.
D:Well, that might be how you feel,
but what about Aurora?
That boy could be her only chance.
It's her fate, anyway.
Go ahead.
Turn me into whatever you want.
A bird, a worm.
I don't care anymore.

D:They pulled the guards. He's waiting foryou in there.
If we go inside those walls, we'll never come out alive.
M:Then don't come. It's not your fight.
D:Thank you very much.
I need you, Diaval. I can't do this without you, Diaval.
I can hear you.


No truer love.

⑤ 沉睡魔咒中詛咒的內容是什麼求原句有誰知道

Maleficent:Before the sun sets on her 16th birthday she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into like death!A sleep from which she will never awaken!The princess can be woken from her death sleep.But only by true love's kiss.This curse will last until the end of time!No power on earth can change it!

Maleficent:I cursed her that way,because there is no such thing.

⑥ 求《沉睡魔咒》英文原純一不中文的版,我的意思是要英文字幕的。如果實在沒有,請給我中英對照的台詞或者



⑦ 《沉睡魔咒》怎麼寫

《沉睡魔咒》是羅伯特·斯托姆伯格執導的一部電影,電影劇本由與蒂姆·波頓合作過《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的琳達·沃爾夫頓創作   。安吉麗娜·朱莉、沙爾托·科普雷、艾麗·范寧、薩姆·賴利、伊梅爾達·斯湯頓、朱諾·坦普爾、萊絲利·曼維爾、布蘭頓·思懷茲等主演。
電影改編自1959年迪士尼老牌動畫《睡美人》,電影以瑪琳菲森的視角重新詮釋這部純潔的童話故事,艾麗·范寧在片中飾演小公主愛洛(又譯奧羅拉)。影片於2014年5月30日在北美上映,6月20日在中國大陸以2D、3D、IMAX 3D和中國巨幕四種形式全國公映 。
中文名 沉睡魔咒
外文名 Maleficent
其它譯名瑪琳菲森,黑魔後,黑法魔女,睡美人外傳 出品時間 2014年 出品公司 Roth Pictures 發行公司 華特·迪士尼電影公司 製片地區 美國 製片成本 1.8億美元 導    演 羅伯特·斯托姆伯格 編    劇 保羅·丁尼、琳達·沃爾夫頓 製片人 喬·羅斯、唐·翰、安吉麗娜·朱莉 類    型 動作,親情,魔幻,奇幻

⑧ 電影沉睡魔咒英文簡介

Hollywood star Angelina Jolie has spoken about her leading role in the new Disney movie "Maleficent", ahead of the film's release at the end of the month. In the film, Jolie plays the cruel villain from the animated classic "Sleeping Beauty". In this new version, the tale shifts the focus away from Princess Aurora, and instead tells the untold story of Maleficent, who protects the forest kingdom over which she presides.

Angelina was sweet as can be as she met the French Press. But in her latest movie she really brings out her devilish side.

As the ruthless Maleficent, she places a curse on the king's newborn daughter Princess Aurora.

The film was proced by Joe Roth and directed by Robert Stromberg, with Jolie serving as one of the executive procers. She says that role has not changed the process of acting much.

Jolie and her fiancée Brad Pitt's five-year-old daughter has a role in the Disney movie, portraying a young version of Princess Aurora. Jolie says the decision to cast her in the film happened because other children were too frightened of the character Maleficent.

The older version of Princess Aurora is played by Elle Fanning, who co-starred with Eddie Murphy in 'Daddy Day Care', and in 2008 played the young Cate Blanchett in 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'.

Fanning says the opportunity is a childhood dream come true.

The movie will released in US theatres on May 28th.

⑨ 沉睡魔咒十句經典台詞英漢互譯

  1. 你可真丑,我都替你感到難過,Youcan be reallyugly,Ifeel sorry for you。

  2. 她的名字叫做瑪琳菲森而是被一個既是英雄又是暴君的人統一了,Her name isMalinludwigsbut isboth ahero anda tyrantwhounified

  3. 女巫:我出來你會害怕。公主說「我不害怕」Witch:I come outyou will be afraid of.The princesssaid,"I am not afraid

  4. 這個世界不是因為你能做什麼,而是你該做什麼。This world is not because you can do, but what you should do.

  5. 要不被事物的形體迷惑,這樣才能真正的認識敵人 。Orwasthe shape of thingsto confuse,so as to trulyknow the enemy

  6. 除了薇薇安之外,找不到另外一個孩子喜歡我,不害怕我的犄角、眼睛和爪子,所以只能是她了。In addition to Vivian,couldn't findanother boylikeme,not afraid ofmyeyes andhorns,claws,so can only beher.

  7. I revoke my curse, let it be no more! 我取消我的詛咒,讓它不再有!

  8. 小怪物The small monster

  9. 或者暴君統一The unityortyrant

  10. 瑪琳菲森:親愛的愛洛,你曾經掏空了我的心,然而我現在講永遠失去了你。
    Marlene Fassen:DearAurora,you haveemptiedmy heart,butI now speaknever lostyou.



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